Chapter 5: Awaken

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Chapter 5: Awaken


3rd POV

Akira did not wake up quickly. In fact, it's been two days since the incident and she showed no signs of soon waking up. The League was starting to become concerned.

Throughout the day, members would drop by to see how she was doing. They would drop by with flowers, gifts, and cards of thanks for saving their lives or healing them. But they were afraid that she may never wake up.

Surprisingly, no one had removed her cloak, hood, or visor. Since she had respected the privacy of their identities and their medical information (mostly due to doctor-to-patient confidentiality), they gave the same respect for hers. After the incident, they had gained much respect and admiration for the actions she took when handling the situation. They would have suffered much worse if it wasn't for her.

It was on the second day where they started to really worry. It was understandable if it were an injury-exhausted coma, but that did not quite fit the bill.

Batman took a blood sample to check for any anomalies, but to his surprise, it came back completely normal. The sample was as normal and human as it can get. Though much to many of the members' dismay, he also ran her blood through the database for any match, also surprisingly came up empty.

"Come on Batman, that was pretty low. He wants to keep his private life private, he's unconscious too," Hal spoke up after Batman checked the blood sample he collected.

"I was looking for any data on him to see if there was any information on him that we can use to help him while analyzing his blood for any problems. But not only was I not able to find anything on him, but he also doesn't even exist. The mysterious thing about him is that his blood work came back normal. He's definitely human though."

This intrigued the members and their minds went off to the young shinobi.

"Then why is he still sleeping? If he has human physiology, he should be awake by now. Is he in a comatose state?" Captain Atom asked.

"I checked earlier, he is very much indeed still asleep. But his state of sleep is so deep, I nearly fell in with him. It's nothing I have ever experienced before. It's as if all the energy was drained from him and being asleep is recharging his state," the Martian summarized.

"What exactly are his abilities for it to drain so much out of him?" Superman wondered out loud.

Batman pulls up many display screens showing news reports, footage from the infirmary a few days ago, and all the info he has gathered so far.

"When we first discovered him, the only abilities we were aware of were his ability and knowledge to heal others as well as teleport to places by using specially marked kunai as a beacon. Then we came to learn that he is greatly skilled in stealth as he was able to hide from all of our awareness even though he was in the same room. Few days ago, he showed new abilities that we have not seen displayed from him such as being able to clone himself."

"In the footage from the infirmary, the clones all worked as if they were all focused on their own task, and yet they all still share the same mind. I theorized that he has high levels of intelligence to be able to perform a hive-mind-like task. In the last month alone, he was able to learn the English language almost fluently, thus showing evidence of possessing a high intelligence. Therefore, he was doing nine separate tasks simultaneously."

The Leaguers realizing his words were befuddled at the skills of the young individual. They never realized just how difficult it was for her to do such a feat. They couldn't blame her for passing out for a few days.

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