Chapter 32: Date

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Chapter 32: Date

Star City; 10:37 EST;
3rd POV

"Ugh," Akira groaned as she watched the video for the tenth time in the last hour. She was laying in her overwhelmingly big bed in the Queen's estate.

Dropping her phone onto the sheets of her bed, the sounds of waltzing music played in the background as she contemplated her life choices right now. Why oh why did she let herself get into this?

Her whole M.O. was staying out of sight and mind. Not only will she have to dress up in formal attire and hold a presence at the event, but dancing too?

She can fight villains. Train days on end with little sleep or rest. Even hold the freaking sky if she had to. But to dance is a whole other story.

Akira was expected to and there was no other way of getting out of it. She even tried to use patrol as an excuse, but was assured that the League has it covered.

She covered her face and let out an exasperated groan, utterly dreading the event that is yet to come.

There was a knock at her door to which caught her off guard. She was so busy with her own misery that she hadn't sensed another presence in her radius. Expanding her senses, she let out a sigh of relief before answering. "Come in, Roy." She didn't bother to move from her spot.

Said red headed man peeked his head around the door and frowned. He walked over to her bed and loomed over her. "How do you always know?"

Akira raised a brow. "The answer is always going to be the same: with my senses."

Roy entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Where's Dinah and the Oliver?"

"Dinah-San had League duty and Oliver-San is finalizing the Gala details."

He grunted in understanding before the phone caught his attention as it laid out in the open. He picked it up before analyzing the screen. "I see the lessons have begun," he noted.

"I did not sign up for this," she grumbled as she smothered a pillow over her face. "Is it too late to hide in the shadows again?" She asked under the muffled pillow.

"Sucks to suck," he shrugged before tossing the phone back onto the bed. He then proceeded to flop on to the bed himself. "If I had to go through it, so do you."

"What are you doing here?" She asked, removing the pillow. "I thought you didn't live here anymore?"

"I don't," he answered as he laid his hands behind his head. "But thought I would come to check on my "sister" and see how she's doing."

Akira turned to face him, a questioning look on her face. "When did they tell you about the adoption?"

"During the whole crisis thing," he huffed. "Surprise, surprise, of course I'm the last one to know."

Eyes widening, she sat up. "I'm sorry, I thought they would have talked to you about it before asking me," she apologized. "I never wanted to overstep boundaries."

Waving her off, he stayed at his spot. "You're practically family already; way before we even made it official." He sat up, before getting her head into an armlock and noogieing her head. "Besides, someones gotta watch out for you now that the little fox is seeing a certain birdie," he teased.

She grunted in in annoyance and swatted at his arms in a playful manner. "Why does everyone know this? How do you know it?"

He let her go and gave her a mischievous smirk. "Wally likes to talk."

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