Chapter 41: Usual Suspects

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Chapter 41: Usual Suspects

Tokyo, Japan; 23:04 GMT+9: 

Kitsu was cursing at the these wannabe Yakuza as she hid behind a dumpster. She was running very, very late. She was on her way to the Hall of Justice when she picked up a radio call of a territorial shoot out. Some of the straggling Yakuza that she hadn't captured during the initial raid with Roy had tried to snatch up some unclaimed territory while the chain of command was up for grabs. 

They must have already started the ceremony, and she was missing it! All thanks to these boneheads who thought they had the balls to takeover the criminal world. 

She has yet to make her presence known. She may be fast, but to get stuck in a cross fire of bullets was down right stupid. There were about twenty thugs total. An even split to each side. The police were on site, but she had informed them to hold their positions until she has deescalated the situation. It would be more troublesome if they got involved. 

Kitsu took a moment to draw onto her senses and visualized the layout of the narrow alleyway where each person was positioned. Visualizing the scene from an aerial view, she synthesized a plan. Taking out a handful of kunais and a single shuriken. 

Aiming to each particular spot, she threw with skilled accuracy as they landed just where she wanted them. Just above the heads of the ignorant thugs or just out of sight near their feet. Their vision tunneled from their own greed for power; for pride of their ego. The last spot was at a very steep angle, not one she could throw directly too. 

With a steady breath, she threw the shuriken and the kunai at the same time before she waited for the right moment. As the Kunai ricocheted off the shuriken, the clanging of metal caught the attention of everyone in the alley as they momentarily ceased fire. When the last kunai sunk into the final spot and the shuriken landed between the two rival gangs, they knew it was too late. 

"She's here!"

"Fuck! It's Kitsu!"


"Where is she?!"

"We're so screwed!"

Kitsu, gone from her spot, reappeared as she dropped onto the horde of yakuzas and began to take them down. Before they could even have a chance to reel their guns around to point at her, she had already sliced the barrel off the weapon before knocking them out as well. Only seconds go by as she takes out the first surge and prepares to moves on to the next; not before collecting her kunai. 

She reappears rushes them from the front. Being more prepared than the first group, they began firing bullets at the incoming target. But she already produced a chakra shield while channeling more chakra into her legs as she steam rolls into them. Effectively bulldozing them down as they went sprawling backwards. The impact was so great that she had knocked them out in one go. 

She tore through each group, like a maelstorm of unchained fury. Swift like the wind and as fast as lightning, her skills undeniable as she took down these fools with no wasted movement. 

As the last group witnessed Kitsu doing a single handed shove to their comrade, knocking him out from the impact of the wall with such little movement, she disappeared once more. They had their backs to each other, covering each others' flanks as they searched wildly for the ninja. 

One had bumped into something with his foot and looked down to see the last kunai stuck by his feet. 

"That's mine."

When he looked up, he was met with a gloved fist.

Hall of Justice, Washington, D.C.; 09:16 EST:

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