Chapter 15: Targets

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Chapter 15: Targets

Watchtower: 19:48 EDT:

"You can't be serious?" Hal voiced.

The League had gathered for a meeting. They were currently discussing some upcoming arrangements.

"It is important that we have a representative there at the Peace Summit to not only act as a representative for the League, but to also to protect the parties from any foreign hostile attacks that may occur during the event," Batman stated. "He has demonstrated time and again that he is very well skilled is able to handle high stressful situations. His skills will be greatly utilized on this mission to help him stay out of sight and to use force when necessary."

"His skills are not what we question. It is why you believe that we should send him to the summit?" Wonderwoman pointed out.

Batman pulled up some articles from Japan, all variance of Kitsu's hero work written in all of them.

"Ever since Giganta's attack, Kitsu has been getting a lot of publicity. Before he would stick as much to the shadows as he could to avoid the public eye, but ever since he's been forced into the public's eye he has been more public with his rescues."

Batman pulls up a video of a man giving a speech.

"In light of recent events, it is in my greatest honor to recognize Kitsu as a hero of Japan. His selfless bravery that has saved many lives including my own. We are honored to have such a ninja, warrior, hero to call our own."

"Recently, there was an assassination attempt on an ambassador's life. Luckily, Kitsu was able to prevent and apprehend the perpetrators," said Batman.

Batman pulls up a several clips from Japan showing people wearing Kitsu-like merchandise and weapons that Kitsu used.

"Kitsu's ninja persona runs deeply into Japan's cultural history, making him more appealing to the citizens of Japan due to the cultural representation. Though he is more public now, he has still not given any sort of interview to the public eye, making him even more targeted by social networks."

"He's getting a lot of recognition lately," John Stewart whistled.

"He is the most suited to do the job. Though Robin or Aqualad would be our first choice, he will do well to stay hidden and to come out when it is necessary of him. He is not one to react irrationally nor sporadically. But having his presence there will give him the opportunity to solidify his presence to the world. As well as a chance to show that the League does not just operate with just aliens and heroes from the same country."

Understanding came to a few of the Leaguers in the room. "You're using this as an oppurtunity to show them that the Justice League has other allies from other parts of the world," Wonder Woman realizes. Batman stays silent.

"But he is still a kid!" Hal said skeptically.

"I think that we can all agree that he is more than just a kid," Flash pointed out.

"Be that as that may, he is still young," Superman countered. "Despite what we have seen of his skills, is it wise to send him to the peace summit? They may not recognize him to be a hero like the rest of us do. Couldn't this cause some uproar for sending a child to be a representative in the peace summit?"

"If Japan is able to recognize Kitsu to be their hero, then the summit should be no different," Batman ensured.

"I agree with you Superman, but Batman has a point," Canary voices. "Kitsu is the best option to send in terms of heroes. Sending anyone else could cause tension either way due to the fact that all the heroes are of the same culture and/or heritage. Kitsu, however, can be proven to be a more effective representative. He is not only not from the states, but he also shares a same asian heritage as both parties, making his presence more understanding and welcoming. Secondly, his ninja background also indicates that he must have some form of experience in being a bodyguard. But those are not the only reasons."

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