Chapter 26: Failsafe

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Chapter 26: Failsafe

3rd POV:

The team watch non-reactively as the last of the Leaguers fell to the hands of the aliens from the new's feed within the mountain.

"We are Earth's heroes now," Kaldur stated strongly.

"So what are we waiting for? A theme song?" Superboy broods. (That already happened, get with the program Conner.)

"A strategy," Kaldur says as he turns to face the team. "Earth's weapons are ineffective and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed." Kaldur looks over to the youngest member. "At least, to what we know."

Robin stepped in. "That should be the last resort," he stated strongly. "We can't play our best card before we had tried anything else."

Kitsu nodded her head in agreement. "He's right. Fighting fire with fire may do more damage than good. Let's try to find a less destructive solution before we expend all our options."

"Agreed," Kaldur nodded his head before looking at Robin, hoping.

Boy wonder taps his hologlove. "Checking satellite imagery." He pulls an image in front of the whole team. "Here's where the aliens are now."

"This one get lost?" Connor asks gesturing to the one near the North Pole.

"It's Superman's fortress of Solitude," Robin realizes.

The kryptonian looks miffed. "Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?"

"Its power source must have attracted the aliens' attention. At least enough to send a scout ship to investigate," Robin justifies.

"Must be some fortress," he growls.

"Conner," M'ghann tries to comfort him.

"No," Connor stops her. "It's okay. I guess there's a lot about Superman I'll never know. Uh, you know now."

"We will target this lone ship," Kaldur decides.

"Yeah. Break it down. Build more. Hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo." KF states as he punches his fist into his hand. Artemis elbows him. "OW!"

"Martian and Kryptonian in the house," she reminds him.

The two looks at him flatly. "Uh," he laughs awkwardly. "Not that all aliens are automatically ugly."

Shortly afterwards they landed near the Fortress of Solitude as the Arctic winds howled.

They all took their positions. Kitsu crouched down behind a boulder as her white cloak whipped around her, peeking around the corner to get a better view of the alien ship.

When Batman had remade her gear, he had also made an arctic version along with the rest of the team. Much like her other uniform, this one was white with built in thermals and it used to have a faux fur lining edging the outside of the hood to which she promptly sliced out. It would just get in the way.

Miss Martian attacked the alien ship as she flew overhead camouflaged and telekinetically ripped off a chunk. It then falls to the ground.

'Communication and propulsion is disabled,' she informs the team.

Coming out of her hiding spot, Artemis take aim with her bow and releases it. It hits the ship, releasing a substance for only the ship to power up and shoot a laser back at her before she dove out of the way. 'And ET's are still inside.'

Aqualad burst from under the ice and lands on top of the ship with his tattoos glowing. But the laser immediately turns to his direction. He braces for impact, but it never came as Superboy and Wolf redirect the line of fire to a place where no one could get shot.

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