Chapter 27: Trepidation

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Chapter 27: Trepidation
(Warning: mild blood and self harm)

3rd POV:

No one had heard or seen of Akira in days. Immediately after the fiasco, they had sent both Leaguers and the team in search for the girl. The team had looked in her usual spots and even revisited the falls.

The Leaguers used every means to try and track her down, to which they had come up empty handed. They had forgotten how difficult it is to track down the ninja in the first place. But they were hoping in her unstable state, they would have more luck if she were to slip up in her techniques. But they had no such luck.

Well, not all of them at least.

Which brings us to a darkened room of an apartment where a lump under the blanket laid ever so still. There was a knock on the door.

"Akira? It's noon, are you awake?" The voice called. But there was no response. "I'm coming in!"

The door cracked open to reveal a young adult red haired male with a tray in hand. He eyes the lump in the dark room. His eyes softened at the figure. "I brought some soup, it's from a place down the street."

The blanket lifted just enough to show a dull lavender eye before retreating back into the covers. "That's okay," the lump said as they shifted under the covers. "Thank you."

Roy sighed as he placed the tray on the nightstand and sat on the edge of the bed. He could only look at the girl in worry of her gloomy state for he never had thought she could act in such a way. It was still a shock to him when he had found her a few days ago.


Returning from patrol, he was ready to collapse into his bed from the exhaustion of the day.

It had rained earlier which had made his day even more strenuous with the chills of the incoming autumn. So not only was he tired, but also soaked to the bone and starving. Guy's gotta eat.

Though the moment he entered his apartment through the fire escape, he spotted the slightest movement on the coach of his dark living room.

Quickly and quietly drawing his bow, he tiptoed to the sleeping intruder. He was sure that he had the place secured when he had left, and his security system would have notified him of the break in. The intruder had their hood drawn up, hiding their features. When he approached, he was able to get a full sight of the figure.

It was a young girl with black hair and pale skin. But her face was stained with dried tears as her eyes were puffed red and her nose rubbed raw. He narrowed his eyes at the intruder.

"Hey, kid?" He nudged the tip of his arrow to the stranger's shoulder, trying to wake her up. Her eyes start to bleary blink open. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

Though it took her a moment to overcome her disorientation, she was finally aware of who was in front of her. With violet eyes, she stared blearily at the young man.


He stiffened before his brows furrowed deeper and his grip tightened around the weapon. "How do you know my name?" He growled.

The girl reached for her hood and slid it off her head, releasing the trapped raven locks to get a full view of her whiskered tear-face. Whiskers?

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