Chapter 36: Image

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Chapter 36: Image

Mount Justice, Happy Harbour, 08:04 EST:

Akira stepped out of the zeta tube and was greeted by Dinah and Conner sparing on the platform. They were so enwrapped in their own world that they didn't notice the new presence.

I don't remember Dinah-san training with Conner today. Akira thought to herself as she watched them exchange blows.

Dinah swept the feet of the clone and he landed on the ground with a thud. She propped her hand onto her hip. "Almost had me that time, Conner," she complimented as she offered the part-Kryptonian a hand.

This confused Akira. Something about the vibes were off. Checking her senses, she huffed in understanding. Just M'ghann. But why is she transformed into Dinah? Conner doesn't exactly need her to be able to spar against M'ghann. Or maybe he didn't want to spar his girlfriend so this was their compromise.

But then, fake Dinah helped Conner get to his feet and they were very intimately close. "You deserve a reward." Her hand coming up his hair and her other around his shoulder. Then they closed the distance and kissed.

Akira's heart dropped to her stomach as she went pale.

She had her duffle in hand, but opted to drop it and slammed her hands over her eyes. "WHAT THE HELL!?" She screamed in panic.

"AH! A-akira!" M'ghann stuttered as she quickly morphed back into her form. Her face a crimson red despite having green skin.

There were many things she had prepared for: Nuclear attacks, her identity being revealed, biological warfare, even a contingency plan if all the heroes were to flip on her. But never would had ever been prepared for her teammate and parental figure making out.

"I-It's not what you think," Conner fumbled over his own words, equally flushed.

"I sure hope not!" Akira yelled at the two as she kept her eyes covered. "Why the hell are you cosplaying and making out as my mom!"

The two visibility flinched embarrassingly having never seen Akira lash out in such a way. They had seen her angry and even in her lowest points, but she always appointed them with a calm mostly civil manner. This was very out of character of her. At least for them.

"We were just sparing and-" Conner began to explain, but Akira cut them off as she pointed at them with one hand and kept the other over her eyes.

"I don't want to hear whatever kinky ass bullshit you have going on, but that is my mom for Kami's sake! It may seem harmless to you guys, but that's very harmful and dangerous for her and the others! You are defaming her image and making her out to be a predator! What if someone saw this without context?!" She yelled as her hair began to whip around her.

Conner and M'ghann took a slight step away from each other. Conner was rubbing his arm and M'ghann had tears misting in her eyes. "I'm sorry. We were just playing a game," the Martian sniffled.

"It may be a game to you, but what we do is not. We make decisions of our actions everyday, and actions have consequences," Akira peeked through her fingers. No longer seeing the disguise, she dropped her hand in relief. Her hair following in example. "You guys have to think about how your actions can affect not just yours, but the others around you. Especially if you want to keep up this hero path. The public won't stand for those who can't lead by examples, even to our fellow heroes."

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