Chapter 9: Schooled

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Chapter 9: Schooled

Watchtower: August 5th, 12:38 EDT:

3rd pov:

Kitsu was patching up some of the Leaguers from a battle that took place earlier. She was just enjoying her meal when the league had called her in for some emergency medical attention.

Red Tornado and Superman assisted in getting the League to the infirmary when she arrived. It wasn't anything too serious except maybe for some third-degree burns and some broken bones. It was luckily not like last time and her chakra levels were at full capacity this time.

"Are you sure you are fine handling all of us at once? Won't you pass out again?" Oliver asked one of the shadow clones that was helping him, the others were attending to the other injured leaguers. This was the first time he was seeing them without being doped up on anesthetics. It was still one of the weirdest experiences he has ever had.

"Unlike last time, I was not at my full capacity and I don't have as many injuries to treat. Plus these injuries are far less complicated and fewer than last time, Mr. Queen," the clone concludes.

"Man, I told you to stop calling me that. Oliver is fine. You're making me feel old," he huffs out and slightly winces when Kitsu cleans a particular part of his burns.

"Yes, Mr. Queen." She couldn't do it even if she wanted to. Her mother would revive herself, break through the dimension barriers, and strangle her alive. She shivered at the thought.

"I swear, even for a ninja you're too formal," he teases.

"I will continue to do so until you stop breaking your ribs every other week," she bluntly jabs back. He grumbles a bit but keeps his mouth shut.



Kitsu beamed into the watchtower after the mission. She finds Batman at the computer and walks up behind him. Without even turning around, he spoke.

"What exactly did you do to the cobra members to mimic a death-like state?"

"... There is a particular spot on the neck that when struck correctly it can momentarily incapacitate the nerve flow of the nervous system. Very small, but very efficient," she answers.

"Was there a chance that they would have died?" Batman presses.

Kitsu debated for a moment whether to tell him or not, but she decided to tell him the truth.

"If left in for too long, which was not my intention to do so. I do not care for killing my enemies no matter the circumstances."

"Your skills, they seem very lethal," he pressed. She waits for him to continue. "What did you do before we had found you other than traveling?"

Kitsu debates whether or not to tell him the truth. They would become more suspicious about her abilities and will not stop till they find out.

"I was a former ninja. I was brought up in the ways of my clan. That is all I will reveal."

This confirms Batman's suspicions of her. With that, they ended the topic.


Since the first mission, it was like when she met the League all over again. Once she told Batman that she was a former ninja, she was in the League's attention again. They only ever seen her do medical ninjutsu, some other jutsus like teleporting and cloning for the sake of medical purposes, as well as they are aware of her crime-fighting activities at night. But in both previous interactions involving the team have forced her other abilities to come into the spotlight. However, it didn't just catch the League's attention.

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