Chapter 18: Sovereignty

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Chapter 18: Sovereignty

The moment Kitsu exited the the zeta tubes, she barely had time to process the recent events before she felt a familiar tugging sensation once again and was teleported away.

When she landed, she assumed that the League had used their emergency scroll to try and call her back, not helping with her mood. As she wielded around, she realized she was in an unfamiliar place.

It was some sort of place of operation. But what finally landed in her field of vision was a slumped over crimson archer, barely conscious on the couch. His side was bleeding while he held the scroll in his hand.

Kitsu immediately rushed to his side and began to assess his wound. "Kami, what happened to you?" She questioned as she started pulling out some supplies to clean out the wound.

"Lead went south," Red Arrow slurred before he hissed in pain as Kitsu cleaned out the wound.

"Obviously," she scoffed as she finished cleaning it and began to heal it over with her medic jutsu. "What was the lead?"

Roy scoffed, "None of your business. Don't need your team or the League's help. I can take care of it."

Kitsu slightly frowned under the visor as she grabbed her salve and rubbed the ex-wound with it. "Must you always be so hostile?"

Roy rolled his eyes and peeled off his mask before discarding it to the side. "I don't need their involvement, it'll only disprove the point I want to make."

Kitsu began to wrap the gauze around his side. "Then what about just mine? No one else has to be involved."

Roy immediately gave her a glare. "No way. They'll make you report back to them and I don't need that either."

Red Arrow then finally noticed the slight defeated demeanor the ninja was carrying as he watched her finish wrapping his wound. She remained quiet.

"What's up with you?" He questioned.

She looked at him for a moment before she went to address his other minor wounds. "I'm not with them anymore," she said softly.

Red Arrow straightened up. "What do you mean?"

She gave a soft sigh before she recounted what happened at the mountain. "Once they found out that I knew about the possibility of a mole being on the team, there was a rift amongst our trust because of my own decision. To not compromise their teamwork, it was best for me to leave in addition to this bigger target painted upon my back. For the safety of both the team and the League, it is best from now on that I stay away from them."

Roy stared at her for a moment as she seemed to go into deep thought. He sighed, not knowing what to do. "Well, at least you are free to roam to your will now," he tried to comment offhandedly, but he knew that would do very little to help.

Unlike him, Kitsu didn't feel the need to prove herself like he did. It was never about that for her. It was always for a bigger cause. But he also assumed it was also to fill a void, to fill the void of loneliness that she has let herself become a prisoner to.

"What's this lead that you were chasing down?" She tried to change the subject.

Not seeing a problem with her knowing now, he told her. "There's been a lot of activity with oversea relations in the criminal underworld. Something went down recently and now there seems to be an uproar. Something about a bounty."

Kitsu pursed her lips, the situation sounding familiar.

"The lead I was chasing tonight was a weapons deal for an overseas group. They're gearing up for something. The buyer is of an Asian origin. They mentioned something about an ambush," Roy continued. "Apparently, there's also three other groups also targeting whoever this target is. They already took out one of their rivals when they were doing a deal with one of Gotham's villains, Scarecrow."

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