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First story, first chapter, let me know if stuff needs fixing. Hope you enjoy! 

Italics = thoughts 💭

The sound of crickets echoed throughout the empty ally. The only other sound that could be heard was light slow footsteps that were exaggerated by the stillness of the night. 

Fuck me, it's cold. I thought to myself, as I looked down at my shaking hands, holding the phone. 

It was supposed to be like any other night. I walk home from my tedious job-being a cashier at a 7/11 wasn't the path in life I predicted myself going in.

Every night on the way home, I pull out my phone and read fanfics on Wattpad, and tonight I decided to succumb to my guilty pleasure, Diabolik Lovers fan fics-sorry, not sorry. 

As I was walking down the "empty" ally, my footsteps drag slowly, as I'm concentrating on my phone screen. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the hooded figure 40 feet in front of me. 

Man I'm done with this shit, why is everyone so one dimensional? Yeah I get it, Yui's a bitch, but does that mean you have no guilty conscience at all?  I thought to myself, as I sighed, frustrated.

"Finally, you're here, made me wait long enough. Do you have the money?" A tired annoyed voice said in front of me. Followed by a heavy long sigh. 

I heard the rustling of fabric, as the unknown man tried to dig his hands further into his pocket, attempting to stay warm.  

What the fuck, there's someone here?  And he's trying to sell me drugs, fuck me man, I just wanna get home. 

I put my phone into my pockets, putting my focus on the man in front of me. "Nah man, you got the wrong guy." I said, as my teeth chattered between the words. 

"Shit, you serious? My bad dude" He mutters out, leaning on the wall, hands in his pockets, and repeatedly looked at his phone. 

Someone's irritated. I continue walking, taking my phone out again and planning to continue indulging on my guilty pleasures. 

Oh great, where was I? Oh right, when Shu gets in her bathtub...

Not even a minute later, a group of people could be heard coming closer. Their ragged breathing could be heard, as puffs of white condensation came out with every breath. They're all holding a metal pipe-suspicious. 

Oh hell no. I quicken my pace, keeping my head down, focusing on the lazy vampire's picture as if I was dissecting every part of his face. 

Ba-dum ba-dum. I can feel my heart racing out of my chest. 

Nope nope nope. I don't know who they are. I don't know what they're planning to do. Yeah dude, they're totally normal man. Just ignore the metal pipes in their hands. Keep your head down. Yep, I don't know shit. I don't exist in this scene, yep, just keep looking at the vampire. You're doing fine Audrey! You're almost past th-

Then I see someone's arm sticking out in front of me, blocking my way. Ahh shit. 

"Where do you think you're going little missy? You aren't going to leave your partner behind are you?" A man says in a teasing manner, as he looks over at the drug dealer. 

"I don't know t-that man, I don't know you people, please let me pass-" I rush out my words, cringing at my stutter. As I attempt to look at the man, I feel my heart quickening, I feel like I'm about to explode. 

Another hooded man interrupts me, "I don't give a fuck, don't think about leaving" he says in a gruff voice, pointing at "my partner," expecting me to go back to the drug dealer. Hey hey! Don't lump me together with him, I don't know him dude!

 "Tch, no wonder you all took so long, I'm supplying your gang with drugs and you all go against me like this?!" The drug dealer scowled out, as he pulls out a knife from his waistband. 

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why am I teaming up with an irritated, knife wielding drug dealer as he goes against a gang of 5 druggies. 

At this moment, I get shoved backwards by the hooded man, towards the drug dealer. Coincidentally, I also trip on a pebble, stumbling backwards right onto the knife. 

What the fuck!!! Why? How? How does a pebble suddenly appear out of thin air and trip me?? Don't tell me I will lose to a rock. I didn't even get to finish reading this fanfic for fucks sake. 

I look up and I see the drug dealer's shock face as my vision slowly goes black. "So much... for being my partner..." I mumble out. 

No shot I die in one knife stab right? I mean people have lived through multiple gun wounds. Yep Audrey keep telling yourself that! You'll definitely wake up in the hospital tom-  


Oh great, now I'm definitely dead, getting a shot to the head? I mean why be so extra. 

The last thing I saw before death was Shu's body sitting in a bathtub. 

Oh you smexy son of a-

And I took my final breath.


Audrey: Wtf dude? I actually die in such a outlandish way. You could've made it more realistic you know... 

Me: What? You want to die to garbage-truck-san instead? Like another reincarnation fanfic? And here I thought dying to a pebble was more interesting for you. 



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