Hours To Waste

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Chapter 17! Meaning the 17th day of writing everyday! My writing is supposed to be improving... But I feel like it dipped so low this chapter lmao. The sentences feel so choppy and I don't know how to change it!

Anyways enjoy, let me know if anything needs fixing <3


The rest of dinner was uneventful, the clinking of silverware was the only sound in the room. I just sat there in thought, staring out in space until everyone was done.

I wonder... Will I be going to night school? After all, it is a high school, and I'm only 7... If not, I need to try to convince them to bring me there... I don't want to miss any important event or change in the plot!

Besides, Karl should be working there, so I might get a chance to confront him- NO! Why do you want to meet him?! I need to stay as far as possible from that scheming psychopath.

But he has all the answers to my questions. The changes in the demon world, the butler, the diary, everything! Sigh- I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place; do I let the plot continue to run wild unpredictably, or do I go gather some information from Karl...

I weighed the pros and cons in my head with my head down. I'll avoid him for now, until I get a proper grasp on this world... Until then, I'll just take it one day at a time!

I was brought back to reality when a high pitch ring entered my ears.

Reiji stood up with a butter knife and empty glass in his hand, and struck them together, bringing everyone's attention onto him.

"Since everyone is finished, we will start introductions now." He plainly stated before pointing to the oldest brother.

"The oldest deadbeat, Shu." He said with agitation while pointing at the closed eyed vampire. Shu didn't bother responding or reacting, as if he hadn't heard him at all.

"Tch- I am the second oldest, Reiji." He slightly pushed up his glasses while introducing himself.

"Next, the three triplets; Laito, Kanato, and Ayato." He pointed at each of them. Laito whispered something into Yui's ears, that made her shiver. Kanato kept staring at his teddy bear, while Ayato gave out his signature scoff.

"Finally, the youngest, Subaru." The white haired vampire gave out a "tch" towards Yui before putting his attention onto Reiji.

"I'm leaving. I've wasted enough time here." He said before suddenly teleporting away.

Reiji looked displeased with his attitude, but didn't try to stop him. "Very well, I will only need Miss. Yui and Miss. Yuu to remain,"

Shu left without saying anything, and the triplets also left shortly after, of course, Laito had to make some more flirtatious comments before teleporting away.

Now that it was only Reiji, Yui, and I left in the dining room, the atmosphere got even more suffocating. Ah~ Don't tell me Reiji is going to lecture me on table manners.

"Please, follow me to a more suitable place to talk," he stated flatly, leading both of us to a mini living area, that was next to the dining room.

Once we were all situated in our couches, Reiji straightened up, like he was ready to talk business.

"Go and get the diary." Reiji commanded coldly. I thought he was talking to me, but the butler suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Yes sir." He nodded his head before disappearing.

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