Dinner (1)

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Chapter 15! Let me know if anything needs fixing, enjoy! 


Once again, the walk to the dinning room was silence. The butler led me through twists and turns until we made it to one of the staircases, the staircase where Subaru was introduced. 

Currently looking down, there was no one on the couches. I guess I'm the only late one... I thought worryingly, I don't want to suffer Reiji's wrath!

The silver haired man in front of me led me down the stairs, made a couple more turns and when we finally made it to the hallway leading to the dining room, the smell of freshly cooked food entered my nose

A "growl" was heard coming from my stomach, and I looked down embarrassingly while the butler slightly turned his head towards me. I can't help it! I haven't eaten anything since I arrived here! I thought while looking down at my hands, which were still holding up the oversized shorts. 

When we reached the end of the hallway, a long dining table was revealed, and there were 6 lounging vampires in the chairs. I looked around, noticing that there was someone missing... Where is Yui?! Don't tell me I have to eat with these psychopaths alone! Ahh, Yui, pick me up already! 

"Enjoy your dinner." The butler to my side said with a slight nod before disappearing, leaving me to deal with these vampires myself. Shit-

By now, all their stares were locked onto me, as their carefully scrutinized every inch of my face. This made me scrunch and grip onto my pants even harder, as I slowly walked to the table. 

"... Sorry for being late..." I quietly said, while walking up to the closest empty chair, which was between Ayato's and Kanato's. I tried to keep my voice steady, trying to hide the awkwardness and fear in my voice. This is just like public speaking... I hate this! 

"Cough- Don't be late next time, or else there will be consequences" Reiji stated out to me sternly, while carefully studying my face. I gave him a simple, stiff nod. A couple more steps and this walk of shame is over! I celebrated internally, trying to distract myself from reality.

When I was about to pull out the chair with one hand, Reiji continued. "Are the pants too big?" He asks while looking down at my other hand, which were holding up the pants. 

This makes all the brothers turn their attention from my face to my hands. All this unwanted attention made me even more flustered, as I embarrassingly give a nod. 

"Y-Yes... I need a belt," I respond with a whisper while concentrated on Reiji's face. Just ignore all the stares! It's okay, just breathe in and out. 

 "Very well, I will give you a belt after dinner. After all, I cannot let you dress this poorly." He responds with a nod. 

"Thank y-" The rest of my thanks was cut off by the ear piercing creak that came from my chair, as I clumsily dragged it out with one hand. This makes all the brothers, especially Shu, cringe their face up. 

Ah why does this happen to me?! I shut my eyes for a second, with my lips drawn to a line. The tips of my ears go red from embarrassment. 

I quickly slip into the chair, somehow feeling an odd sense of security from sitting on it. Breathe in, breathe out, and repeat. Don't show them your fear Yuu! I encourage myself while shuffling to find a comfortable position. 

I now put my attention to the food on my plate, while trying  to ignore the gazes from the brothers. The main centerpiece on the plate was a glistening, seasoned stake, on the side was rice with some steamed and stir-fried vegetables. Holy cow- This looks amazing! I thought, as another embarrassingly loud growl entered the ears of the vampires. 

Laito, which was across from me, stifled in a laugh. "Arara~ Looks like somebody is hungry~" He cooed out while looking at me, before continuing. "Who would've thought, underneath all that filth was such a delicate looking girl~ I guess my nickname doesn't fit, huh? Smelly-chan?~" 

He looks straight into my eyes, as he rested on one of his elbows with a playful smirk decorated on his face. I lift my gaze from the food and now looked directly at him. Although there was still a bit of awkwardness, I tried my hardest to hide it while looking into his eyes.

I shook my head, "No... You can call me Yuu." I said with a slight emphasis on my name, making sure he understood that I didn't want any nickname. 

Unfortunately, he either didn't catch on, or he purposefully decided to ignore my emphasis, he responded. "Ehh~! That wouldn't be too fun, it's too boring! How about Tiny-chan? Or maybe Delicate-chan... Oh, how about Shy-chan?!" 

He purposefully looked at my red ears when he suggested the last name, making sure that I knew, he knew, that I was just putting up a confident front to hide the awkwardness.  

After I knew that the act was up, I shifted uncomfortably in my chair while playing with the hem of my shirt. There was a slight pout on my face as I looked down, avoiding his eye contact. 

You don't need to call me out like that! Anyone would feel awkward in front of 6 new people they've just met! 

Laito had a proud look on his face, as if he was enjoying the embarrassed expression on my face. As he was about to continue his teasing, his strict older brother interrupted him. 

"That's enough Laito. Currently we are about to eat dinner, so please keep these comments to yourself." He says while glaring at his younger brother with a warning. Reiji then turned his attention back onto me, "Miss. Yuu, please enjoy the steak I have prepared." 

"Thank you," I said while grabbing my fork. But before I could even stab my fork into the juicy steak in front of me, a loud shout came from above. 

Instead of feeling fear or surprise, I felt relief instead. Thank god Yui! You've saved me again from this suffocating atmosphere. Now I can finally enjoy my steak thanks to you! 


Sorry for today's super short chapter! This dinner scene was supposed to be just one chapter, but I got lazy and jittery while typing this.... I want to go play some video games lmao. 

Anyways, see you tomorrow with a longer chapter o/ 

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