Diary (2)

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Chapter 12!~ See look, I can update earlier! Enjoy, let me know if anything needs fixing :) 


The sound of my rapidly beating heart was the only thing that could be heard in the now, stiff hallway. 

Instead of giving a concrete answer that they wished for, my answer opened up even more questions. They all looked at me with puzzled eyes, but there was also a faint touch of killing intent in the triplets'. 

"What do you mean by that, Miss. Yuu?" Reiji asks out with wariness while pushing up his glasses.

Ah, I didn't think of a reason before this- fuck! What to say? What do I reply with? There was a brief moment of silence as I was trying to think of the least suspicious answer. I'll just give them the truth then...

"Seij- Our father had told us we needed to find something of his... And it was an important message for Yui. He said the room it was located in was going to be a very protected and forbidden place, so I wanted to take a look inside..." - well technically a half-truth, half bullshit.

My voice trailed off by the end of my answer, realizing how outlandish and unreasonable my story was. I looked up at their reactions, and as expected, they all didn't buy it. They still had the same narrowed and suspicious eyes locked onto me. 

Fuck! I'm not a good liar. But it's too late to go back, I need my hands on that diary. If I'm going to tell a lie I need to sell it to them, so it becomes the truth! I thought as my eyes revealed more confidence than earlier. 

"It's true. He said that it would change her outlook on life, and it would be the first turning point of her life. Besides, I will only take a quick look inside. I'll come back out in less than a minute, and if it's not in there like my father thought, I'll come back out even quicker." I said trying to sound convincing, while looking into their eyes. This has to work, besides, it's not like it will do them any harm if I go in. 

Although there was still suspicion in their eyes, their gaze wavered, as they weighed the cause and effect. Unexpectedly, Reiji wasn't the first to answer, nor Shu, it was the flirty womanizer instead. 

"Ehh?~ That's a nice little story Smelly-chan~" Laito mocks out teasingly, clearly not buying it, but then he adds on, "Though~ I'm a bit interested in what your father left behind in this room. Aren't the rest of you also interested too?~" he looks at everyone.

"Hah, you're telling me that you want to let that kid into her room, based on her obvious lie!?" Ayato asks in disbelief, but there was also a faint sense of curiosity heard in his voice. 

"NO! I'm not letting a mere human dirty her room with their presence!" Kanato yells out in panic, as if that room was the purest place to him in the whole universe. 

"Sigh~ Smelly-chan won't be touching anything but her father's possession, right?" He tries to comfort Kanato while glaring at me with a threatening look. 

"Y-yes! I won't be touching anything else," I said while nodding rapidly. 

"NO! You-" Before Kanato could continue with his opposition, Reiji interrupts him.

"Stop it Kanato. I have already decided, I will let Miss. Yuu enter the room but on two conditions, I will go in the room with you, and you will not touch anything other than what your father has left behind. Is that clear?" he says sternly, as if he was giving an order.

A chill ran up my back and I quickly nodded my head. 

"Very well, as for the rest of you, you can decide to waste your time outside, or go in with me." He says with his back faced towards them, preparing the open the door. 

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