Getting Settled In

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Chapter 13! And we are back to late updates! But this one's the longest one I've written yet, I promise! Anyways, enjoy and let me know if anything needs fixing :) 


Although I got teleported without warning again, this time I was a lot less dizzy than the first time. 

After steadying myself on my feet, I felt the grasp on my shoulder  disappear. I looked to my left, the original place where the blond vampire was supposed to be, but he was nowhere in sight. 

Perfect, I needed some time to myself anyways, I've been overwhelmed by all the changes ever since I arrived here. I need some time to go over everything and the changes in the plot... Should I write it somewhere? I thought while scanning the current room I was in. 

The walls were the normal beige color, and the soft carpet rubbed against my toes as I wiggled them around. At the center of the room, a large, white queen size bed was seen decorated with a neck roll, and a mound of fluffy pillows. 

There was a nightstand to the right of the bed, the side closest to the bathroom. To the left, there was a standard sized wooden desk, with a wooden chair that looked like it would kill my back. 

On top of the desk was my black backpack that had my belongings. I started to walk towards the desk, and noticed my previous, soaking backpack was now clean and dry. Thanks Mr. Unexpected Butler! 

I also noticed I had a little balcony behind the curtains near the desk. There was just enough room, so 2 people could fit comfortably on it, but it was still better than nothing. 

I didn't expect such a plain room in this mansion, but then again, they didn't expect my arrival.  It's like I stepped into a 5-star hotel... If you ignored the other blood sucking, murdering inhabitants. Although it's currently very lifeless, I can add life to this place later on. I thought while looking up at the bright moon in the sky. 

My hair blew with the gentle night breeze, bringing a wave of emotions I've been trying to put down ever since I woke up in the taxi. Sigh- It seems like I'm really in this world, huh? 

I currently had a range of mixed emotions about this world, fear, curiosity, and helplessness being the main ones. Although I had a tiny bit of homesickness, life in my original world was very plain and routine, so I didn't miss it too much. Maybe this is the exciting adventure I've always wanted, the interruption that unorganized my orderly life. 

After looking up at the moon for a couple more seconds, I snapped out of my thoughts after I put my attention back on my stiff, uncomfortable clothes. Ah- Let's go get cleaned up first... Besides, I'm curious to see what this cutie looks like, under all this filth~ I thought excitingly, bring my hands up to my face. 

I brought my black backpack to my bed, pulling out all the contents. Unfortunately, the only thing I pulled out was a large, stuffed bunny that was as large as my arm. It was stuffed in the backpack so tight that it didn't leave any room for anything else, meaning I didn't have any necessities. 

God dammit Seiji, you could've at least checked the poor girl's bag before sending her off to a mansion full of monsters! I thought while clutching one of the bunny's ears, before abruptly letting go. 

Sigh- I can't take my anger out on this poor thing. Based on my memories, this was the first and last gift given to her by Seiji. It must've been very important to her... You'll be in my care now. I'll call you... Bunny- I know, very creative. I thought as a small, genuine smile appeared on my lips while looking at the soft, gray stuffy. 

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