01 | Newborn

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   It was dark, but warm

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   It was dark, but warm. The muffled cacophony of a woman crying out in pain, could be heard echoing through the place she found herself in. Her eyes were screwed shut, her mind still hazy, but it didn't take long to awaken to the shocking, claustrophobic situation she was in.

All of a sudden, her life as Hanna flashed through her mind, and like the flip of a switch, she gained consciousness.

Huh...? Where am I? Did... I die?

Wait, what is this place??

Her body was being squeezed out of a dark and suffocating place. She wanted to scream, but her body wouldn't follow her. And the frantic voices who all seemed to be in a panic scared her even more.

"Please hang in there Milady!"

"The baby is almost out!"

Hanna could feel her heart racing uncomfortably, mind flurrying in a panic.

What's going on?!

Just as she internally screamed this, a sudden light invaded her vision, and she found herself being pushed out of the closed, grimy walls she was just inside. Hanna could hardly grasp what was happening, but the moment she was freed, her eyes opened wide, and the blurred colours of the world came to settle.

Everything seemed to be going through her mind at once, emotions, thoughts, and a whole lot of questions. But the one thing she felt most clearly — was utter confusion.

"The baby has been born!"

"She's a beautiful baby princess! Congratulations, your grace, it's just as you wished!"

A pair of large hands wrapped Hanna's body in a soft towel, and started smacking her back, causing her to cry out loudly.

It felt like she was drowning somehow, but the moment she screamed, Hanna could feel the air seeping into her body and calming her down. Tears streamed down her face as she let out a shrill cry.

I can breathe!

But didn't I just die?!

And why are all these people so big and blurry?!

The information just hit her all at once, and she couldn't make any sense of it. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. She could hardly control her limbs - her body was suddenly cleansed in warm water and something was cut at her belly, it was taking a lot for her to calm down.

But just as she was starting to panic, an exhausted yet gentle voice resounded through the room.

"L-Let me see my child..."

It was the woman who had been previously crying out in pain. And as the room fell into a somehow joyous silence, Hanna found herself being delivered into the arms of a lady who held her differently from the others.

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