33 | Icicle Eyes

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   A week quickly passed by like a breeze, since the day Mikael had entered House Cherliann. He didn't bother anyone, keeping up a silent and invisible presence whenever he traversed the manor's walls.

But much to his annoyance, no matter how hard he tried, Irene Cherliann still wouldn't give up on pestering him to become friends. It seemed she was intent on achieving this goal no matter what. Although he found her to be a nuisance, Mikael could feel that the stares he received from passing servants, had become less domineering.

Perhaps it was because Irene's obvious favour toward the boy, that others began to see him as a person rather than a bastard prince. While walking past, he would often hear them whisper.

"The young lady seems to favour the second prince... Do you think that will change his position in the future?"

"Well... If Miss Irene does grow closer to him, Master Rudien will likely stand by her decision."

All the whispers and rumours among the servants were of course, just their own speculations. Mikael knew he could also use Irene as an opportunity to improve his image amongst the nobility - in order to live.

But survival wasn't something he felt strongly about. And nothing would disgust him more than trying to cosy up to the people who made his life hell.

Plus... Being around her is exhausting. Mikael thought, sighing softly as he laid on his new, giant and plush bed. I have to stay away from her... Or Ms Cather will get mad.

And so, Mikael decided to stay cooped up in his room for the next several days, instead of wandering around where Irene could catch him. That and, the old woman who proclaimed herself as his guardian, was beginning to get increasingly agitated by something for some reason.

"That wench of a head maid... How dare she give me work to do!" Mikael heard her muttering, as he changed out of his night clothes that morning. "And she had the audacity to question my methods and tell me to assign more servants to that bastard... Just who does she think she is?!"

Mikael pretended not to head a word of her rant and instead headed into the conjoined bathroom, to wash up for the day. He had grown used to taking care of himself, since Sophia Cather was never going to allow other servants to tend to him. Especially on days where his bruises and cuts were visible.

Meanwhile, Irene found herself in search of Mikael - a routine she adopted every day, after breakfast. As she called out for Snow, her phoenix spirit manifested at her side, using his keen senses to identify the prince's location.

"He's in his room," Snow told her, perching on her shoulder. "It seems he hasn't left since this morning. Maybe he's ill?"

Irene frowned, nodding her head. "In that case, maybe I'll leave him alone for a while." Although she did want to visit Mikael, barging into his room felt like an invasion of privacy, so she decided to leave him to coming out on his own.

But before long - a day, two days, then three days had passed. And Mikael hadn't left his room for a single moment after that.

His meals were delivered to his door everyday, and the only one entering or leaving the room was Ms Cather. Whenever Irene would go and knock on his door, he would ignore her, or tell her to go away.

Irene heaved a sigh. I'm starting to think he's doing this to avoid me... She thought. But then, her expression became fiercely determined. Just you wait, Mikael! I'll show you just how serious I am.

"Irene," a familiar voice suddenly called out to her, as she was about to head back to her room from outside the prince's door. "What are you doing here?"

As she turned her head, she noticed Rayvis approaching her. His silver hair reached his shoulders, and those blue eyes were seemingly filled with concern. He was dressed in a loose white shirt and black trousers, the clothes he sported whenever having his daily sword practise.

Irene offered him a smile. "Ah, Brother Ray! Did you finish your training?"

He nodded his head, but there was no smile on his face. In fact, Rayvis' eyes sharpened coldly when he glanced at the door to Mikael's room. As though fully aware that the prince was inside it and within hearing range, he spoke loudly.

"Why are you loitering around in a place like this?" He asked her. "You should stay clear of this area. Who knows what kind of rat might crawl out and hurt you."

Mikael heard this, but didn't flinch. He simply ignored the insult and continued to read his book from his bed.

Irene's eyes widened slightly upon hearing those words. A part of her became hurt in Mikael's stead, and she couldn't help but feel a little mad at her brother for it.

She balled her hands into fists. Although she was upset upon hearing those words, she couldn't blame Rayvis for saying them. He had been on edge ever since the prince arrived, most likely because of all the rumours that surrounded him. And for any normal twelve-year-old, hearing the same things about a person from multiple people, would probably make them believe it.

Wait... No, that isn't right.

Rayvis may be a kid, but he's not an idiot who will believe what other people say...

She told herself. Rather, the eldest son of House Cherliann was incredibly perceptive and cautious. Even though Mikael was still a boy, he was already on the path to becoming a villain. Rayvis must have picked up on this, and that's why he's got his guard up... She realised.

"Rayvis, there are no rats in our pristine home," Irene reminded him. "And I'm waiting around because the prince hasn't come out of his room for three days now. I was worried about his health, so I've been stopping by."

Rayvis gazed at his sister for a moment, before sighing softly. "You should be careful," he warned her, before leaning in to whisper in her ear. "That prince may seem meek, but he has a dangerous look in his eyes at times. I know father asked us both to welcome him, but I'm sure he'd want you to be safe before anything else."

Irene smiled, nodding her head. He's just worried about me... I can't believe I mistook him for an idiot kid just now. "Don't worry, Brother. I know what I'm doing." She told him.

   Although he wasn't entirely convinced, the trust Rayvis had in his sister was strong. He knew she was capable of handling herself, and so, he didn't argue. In the end, he ruffled her hair gently, before taking his leave.

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