49 | Mirrored Blades

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   Within the space of only three days following the incident — almost the entire aristocracy had heard of Prince Mikael's great feat, in protecting the treasured daughter of Duke Cherliann. As well as his sudden affinity for strong magic, the news spread like embers pullulating rapidly into a forest fire. And all it took, was three measly days.

Many of the mouths that scrutinised the bastard prince, were quelled into silence due to the spotlight finally landing on Mikael in a positive way. And out of fear of Duke Cherliann's wrath — not a single man could dare to insult someone supported by him.

Irene hadn't left the boy's presence once in the last few days. The whole time, she waited for Mikael to wake up, whilst also observing the phenomena of the awakenings up close. Thankfully, Mikael's injuries were treated and healing well due to all the medicinal magic that had been used on his body. All that was left was for him to finish adjusting to the newly-unlocked magic, but it was taking him longer than she thought to regain consciousness.

Albeit worried, Irene felt reassured when Sir River came to regularly check in on the prince's condition, to oversee his awakening and recovery.

Rayvis too, came by to visit in between his arduous studies. Although he got along rather well with Mikael now, seeing him in an unconscious, tormented state didn't seem to provoke the heir of Cherliann that much. Irene wondered if this was because he simply believed in Mikael's strength, or because he didn't care much at all.

The days they spent after Ms Cather's death felt long and went by in a blurry haze. Irene couldn't tell what was happening around her most of the time — her mind preoccupied with cogitations, worries, and a series of visceral memories. Everyone, especially Snow, could tell Irene was mostly affected by everything that had happened, and understandably so.

Moonlight shone with a warm and milky glow amid the starlight, painting the dark-blue hues of the sky in faint luminosity. By now, a week passed since Mikael had fallen unconscious — and it seemed his body was still in the state of its awakening. Usually, this process only lasted a day or two in humans. But because it was clear Mikael's affinity for magic was abundant, it made sense for him to be out cold for this long.

Irene stirred in her sleep, laid across the edge of the prince's bed. She had been waiting by his side, every day for him to wake up. And each moment longer filled her with worry. As the moon's dappled figure watched the sleeping children, it's light shine through the arched windows, and kissed Mikael's face.

In that moment, the prince's body stirred slightly. His healing injuries and the little bursts of pain throughout his body caused his eyes to flutter open. And just like that — he was brought out of his deep slumber.

It took the boy a moment to grasp his surroundings. Mikael's mind remained blank for a moment — but the memories of what happened before he lost consciousness, quickly came back to him. The old woman who tormented him, Irene who came and tried to save him, and the sudden burst of power which overtook his body. The fragmented memories came filtering back like raindrops returning to the sea.

A wave of relief flooded through his body, when he remembered that Ms Cather was dead.

She's gone...

Inhaling sharply, Mikael held the breath in for a long moment. As he tilted his head toward the window, his eyes glowed like sapphire crystals under the moonshine.

I'm finally free... He thought, breathing out at last.

Sensations of prickly pain gnawed at his body, and Mikael flinched slightly as his nerves began to return to his limbs. He could feel the bandages wrapped securely around his fractured leg and right hand - which had been stabbed. But the wound was closed and almost completely healed - thanks to the doctors and mages using strong magic to help his recovery.

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