09 | Newborn

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   "So, how has your work been going recently?" Sarah asked her husband, as a maid poured her tea into a fine porcelain cup. "You have bags under your eyes, Rudien. Have you been giving yourself enough rest?"

The duke kept his gaze low, his long lashes down-turned as he gracefully lifted the teacup to his lips. "I've been getting enough rest," he spoke nonchalantly, although he did look tired. "Irene's presence is enough to provide me rest even while I work."

Wait... so that's why he's been bringing me over?

Working with me in the room is not rest! And those short ten minute naps don't count either!

Sarah frowned slightly, and Irene could tell she was a little worried. Even though they had been obstinately bickering earlier, Irene's mother was still a caring wife toward her husband.

Meanwhile, Rayvis was still occupied by his cake. It seemed he really enjoyed desserts, which Irene adored about him.

It was then Rudien noticed that his son had made a mess of whipped cream and chocolate all over his face, and sighed. "How clumsy, hasn't your etiquette teacher been instructing you properly?" Rudien asked, as he took a handkerchief and cleaned his son's face.

Irene's watched him keenly. So he has some care towards his son, too. She thought, as Rayvis squirmed at Rudien's touch. It seemed he didn't like the duke very much, even when he demonstrated fatherly acts like these.

But from the look of surprise on Sarah's face, Irene could tell this kind of action was totally new. She wondered about how Rudien had changed over the last few months. Could it be because I brought out a caring side of him?

Much to her surprise, the couple proceeded to converse quite well. They talked about work, about their shared love for Irene, and how cute their daughter was. Especially her habit of biting people's cheeks as a way of showing affection.

Although it was rather embarrassing for her to hear, Irene was simply relieved her parents could actually get along now. Sarah appeared much happier, and although Rayvis was still uncomfortable by his father, he soon distracted himself by playing happily with Irene.

And Rudien's eyes followed his son whenever the two played together. Irene thought he was finally starting to gain interest in Rayvis, too. But instead, he was thinking - Why does Irene smile way more for Rayvis than me?

After this little tea break the family spent together, Sarah asked Rudien if he would be able to do the same thing again. Although he was swarmed with work, Rudien decided to agree for the sake of seeing Irene more often.

But at the same time, his wife's words did sound rather pleasant to hear. "You've been working too hard, Dear." She told him. "You've done well, so no one would blame you if you took a break."

And that was how, Rudien was finally convinced to start taking breaks and spending time with his family. Before, the idea of such a thing would only seem like a nuisance getting in the way of his work. But ever since he had grown attached to Irene, his inner caring side - the part of him he had locked away for years, was finally beginning to reappear.

Over the weeks, the Cherliann family grew gradually closer together. They would meet up on a regular basis to have tea breaks or even dinner collectively in the flower garden. Sarah was always patient with Rudien, who seemed to lack relaxed social skills sometimes. Meanwhile, the duke was finally starting to feel trust towards his wife, who became a source of relaxation for him.

And everyone was starting to notice it too. The duke wasn't as cold or frightening as before. He was gradually getting better in his field of work, and even looking healthier than before. The bags under his eyes had disappeared, and Rudien was seeing his wife alone a little more often, as well.

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