83 | Time Limit

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  With tender care, Daniel returned to the rest of his group, cradling the child he had rescued from the depths of the forest. As he shared the details of their encounter with the confused knights, the gravity of the situation unfolded. Yet, it was the mere appearance of little Roan that spoke volumes, a living testament to the enigmatic world that lay hidden beyond Pelto's formidable walls.

"So that's why this village is so closed off..." As the weight of realisation settled upon him, Rayvis Cherliann nodded sagely, his eyes fixed in an unwavering gaze upon the young boy standing before him. In turn, Roan's curious eyes gazed back, taking note of the young man's familiar appearance.

Both figures possessed an ethereal beauty, their silvery-white tresses shimmering with an otherworldly sheen under the gentle caress of sunlight. The shared hue of their hair whispered tales of kinship, weaving a delicate connection between their souls. In that moment, Rayvis comprehended the profound significance of their bloodline.

Despite lacking direct familial ties, Rayvis and the child shared a profound ancestral connection. After all, the child's similar pure and radiant white features were a testament to their shared ancestry, belonging only to the descendants of the revered First Saintess.

This fact alone made it clear that their destination was no ordinary little town. It was a village inhabited exclusively by individuals who shared the Cherlianns' sacred bloodline. A lineage untainted and autonomously existing in isolation from the outside world.

Their blood flowed with purity, safeguarding the village from any intrusion by outsiders, who were unequivocally barred from entering its hallowed grounds. Protectors of a divine spirit stone, existing in hiding. Since it was common for people of the silver lineage to live and exist in hiding - with the Cherlianns being an exception - Rayvis wasn't too surprised about this outcome.

It was logical— who could be better suited to protect the spirit of the First Saintess than her own descendants? However, what perplexed Rayvis was the realisation that this village, belonging to his own people, had remained unknown to him until now. A sense of bewilderment enveloped him as he pondered whether Rudien was aware of this hidden community.

I'd better let him know when we head back.

As the knights concluded their midday meal at the makeshift camp, Roan's emerald eyes attentively tracked their every move. He found himself captivated by their peculiar appearances. Daniel's dark hair and skin particularly astounded him, since he had never seen such deeply coloured features on a human before.

Even among the other soldiers, Roan's gaze fell upon countenances that stretched the boundaries of what he believed to be humanly possible, with an array of features he had never known to exist.

"So, Roan was it?"

Rayvis' voice drew the excitable child's attention, and as Roan gazed up at him, he nodded his head amiably.


"This might be a lot to ask... But can you help us big brothers out with a mission?"

Those wide, green eyes glistened with glee at those words. "A mission?!"

Suppressing the urge to chuckle, Rayvis maintained a composed demeanour as he nodded affirmatively, a natural smile gracing his lips. "You see, we are knights on a noble quest to save a beautiful princess, who has fallen gravely ill," he explained earnestly.

"The only medicine capable of reviving her, is hidden inside your village. We have journeyed far and wide in search of it, but entering the village seems to be difficult. Since you're so brave and kind, do you think you could lend us a hand in this mission?" Rayvis fixed his gaze imploringly upon the young Roan, seeking a profound connection through those wide, verdant eyes.

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