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   With little to no mention of their silent suspicions, Daniel and Rayvis continued to lead the small group of soldiers as usual. Skilled at concealing their newfound doubt towards a potential mole, the boys took in Rudien's advice and decided to suppress their conjectures and push forward.

After all, there wasn't long left until they'd reach their destination.

Pelto. A small village centred at the foot of Mount Terone, and the protectors of Leojura's shrine. It was a mysterious little landmark, seldomly disturbed by outside guests and remaining uninvolved from political ties with other countries. Flanked by the surrounding forests and infamously known for many mysterious urban legends, little was known about the people of this village.

The intel Rayvis had received regarding this place, was scarce and difficult to prove reliable. But as he and the rest of his mounted soldiers finally stood at the entrance to the village - they immediately realised one thing.

Pelto wasn't just an antisocial little village who avoided contact with others. They completely enclosed themselves behind a tall, cobblestone palisade. A towering wall stretched upwards towards the sky like an iron fortress - dappled with moss and vines of ivy - cordoned the village off entirely.

The only entrance, was one giant bolted gate which appeared to be made of steel.

"How peculiar..." Rayvis murmured under his breath, his eyes marvelling at the wall in front of him. "This wall is so carefully put in place, yet I don't see a single guard patrolling the entrance."

Though they didn't respond, the others silently agreed. It wasn't unusual for villages or towns to protect themselves like this from outsiders. But it was strange they had the urgency to build something so strong and not have the same sense of alertness to guard its only entrance.

Snow, who had just returned from scanning the expansive walls from above, had confirmed there wasn't any other way into the village except this gate. Or if they somehow climbed in. But doing such a thing would be trespassing, and they had already established their peaceful presence would be maintained throughout.

Rayvis had no plans on infiltrating disrespectfully. The people of Pelto were the ones who they needed a favour from, after all.

"If there's no one guarding the gate, how can we get inside?" Mikael sighed impatiently, before Snow spoke up.

"I can try speaking to them. They protect Leojura, right? I'm sure they'll recognise me as a spirit."

Rayvis nodded in approval. "Then, let's go with that. We're counting on you, Snow."

"Right! I'll be back as soon as possible!"

With a flourish of his wings, Snow swept himself airborne and disappeared past the wall within the same breath. For a moment, the others were unsure of what to do in the meantime, before Rayvis suggested they set up a small camp not too far from the entrance. It was already noon, after all - and some stomachs were growling with hunger.

Once they secured their horses with nearby trees, they found a small glade to start a fire and prepare lunch. One of the knights deftly handled the pot of food, but his eyes furrowed at the lack of fuel.

"We need more sticks!" He called out, capturing Daniel's attention.

"I'll go and find some."

The knight stumbled back into the grass, bewildered. "E-Eh?! Your Highness, you really don't have to handle such a menial task-"

"No. I'll go."

Unable to refute Daniel's laconic insistence, the knight pursed his lips and nodded, staring at the young prince's back as he disappeared into the forestry.

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