03 | Newborn

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   Irene wondered about how to protect her mother without end. From the day she was born the woman had been yearning to see her daughter all the time, and would gaze at her lovingly with the eyes of a true mother. In her previous life, Hanna could hardly remember her mother - other than how busy she always was. It made her want to save this woman even more.

It would be nice to experience a life with parents.

A while later, Irene was left to take a nap alone in her nursery. The silence was comforting, compared to the hustle of the maids and constant rush to complete their tasks. Nothing but the subdued, mellifluous chime of the music box could be heard. This relaxing ambience was one she never thought she would experience.

Irene could feel the exhaustion in her tiny newborn body, and decided to sleep. It was the only thing she felt like she could do these days, since babies had rather mundane lives without control of their limbs and too little energy.

Just as she closed her eyes, the faint sound of the door clicking open suddenly resounded from the room, capturing her attention. Who could that be? I'm sure all the maids will be leaving me alone for a while...

The sound of the door pressed gently shut, and a few light footsteps seemed to approach her little bed. However, due to the walls of her cot, Irene couldn't see the person that was coming nearer.

"Blahh!" She called out, in attempt to say "who's there?" But there was no response.

At least, until with a small clamour and rustle, a little boy suddenly peeped his head over the wall of the cot. A boy who's eyes were a gentle blue, like her mother's, and hair was silver - like her father's.

Could this be... Irene's eyes widened as the little boy examined her keenly. His large, round eyes watched her with curiosity, as she stared back in awe. That's Rayvis!

Rayvis Arvel Cherliann. Irene's elder brother by four years. He was a character in the story who greatly resembled his father in silent and imposing demeanour. But right now, he was a tiny child no older than five.

He's so cute! Irene couldn't help but smile, which elicited a slight look of surprise from the young boy. She could tell that he was curious about his new little sister, who he was only meeting for the first time today.

Irene giggled and babbled in attempt to talk to him, but of course, he didn't understand a thing. The young boy smiled back, reaching an arm out toward her. And Irene soon wrapped her entire hand around his little finger, as he tried to poke her cheek.

"You're so tiny," he whispered to her. "Are you really my sister?"

"Bah!" Irene exclaimed, which caused him to giggle softly.

"You're so wrinkly, like an alien." He laughed.

Did he just call me an alien??

This kid!!

Irene attempted to bite the boy's finger with her gums to reprimand him, but he only laughed further. "I'm not food, you know," he smiled. "You can't eat your big brother."

Seeing such a cute child laughing like this made Irene's day. She remembered writing somewhere that Rayvis used to be a shy and timid child, but around his mother, he was always open and able to smile freely. It was only after her death, he had lost that part of himself, turning into a man who lacked feelings.

Meanwhile, Irene never remembered her mother. She was far too young to understand what had happened, but grew up without the love of her brother or father. Perhaps it was understandable why she ended up the way she did - a woman who became obsessed and hungry for the love of prince Daniel. Even though she had written the story herself, Irene could only guess that if her mother had lived, she might have had a better relationship with her brother as well.

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