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  "...You'll see."

As Theodore spoke those words, Irene surveyed him keenly. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his face — a turbulent sea of regret, uncertainty, and fear. Despite the faint smile on his lips, an undeniable tremor still lingered.

He seems anxious...

Theodore's youthful past-self dashed out of the bar with a peculiar sense of urgency. As the two watched the memory unfold, Irene noticed something strange.

This memory isn't shifting on its own... Should I follow him?

Determined not to lose sight of the King's past self, she hurriedly followed after him. It seemed like the 'real' Theodore wasn't planning on joining her rewatch this moment of his life, and as she cast back a fleeting glance, she noticed him staring into the window of the tavern with an indecipherable gaze.

Irene contemplated stopping to ask him if something was wrong, but Theodore's past reflection moved quickly into the dimly-lit alleys. If she stopped now, she would lose sight of him.

I need to catch up to him!

Hurrying through the desolate streets and dimly-lit spaces between old, bricked buildings, his path led her to a strange shop. Irene observed with anticipation as Theodore finally slowed to a stop, approached the entrance and knocked on the door, curious about what awaited inside.

In a matter of moments, the door swung open, revealing a captivating young woman kissed by the moonlight. Irene's eyes widened ever so slightly, in awe of the lady who stepped into her vision.

She possessed an allure akin to that of a rose, her features radiating a mesmerising beauty. Orange-golden hair cascaded down to her waist like flames, and those emerald eyes, akin to the depths of lush forests, held a reticent - almost omniscient glint.

What's he doing, leaving the tavern and coming to see this woman so late at night...?

As Irene's thoughts swirled with questions about the dubious connection between this woman and Theodore, she was quickly broken out of her trance.

"Oh, good evening, Your Majesty," The woman greeted with a voice as melodious as a songbird's serenade, but with a somewhat formal and deferential tone. "Might you be here to collect the merchandise you purchased?"

Theodore's younger self remained seemingly unfazed by this blinding beauty, responding with a nod and a warm smile, his eyes briefly glancing back toward the direction of the tavern. "Yes, is the gift prepared?"

Irene almost heaved a sigh in relief. Oh, so he's just picking up something he bought.

A sweet chuckle escaped the woman's lips as she gracefully stepped aside, gesturing for him to enter. "Please, do come in. I shall prepare it immediately, so you may present it to your beloved."

So it's a gift for Empress Yestala...

Just as Theodore slipped in through the door, Irene froze in bewilderment.

There was a fleeting glint in the woman's eyes. Those verdant irises seemed shadowed with a darkness reminiscent of an impenetrable forest, where light struggled to pierce through the dense canopy of trees.

It was as though the colour of her irises had darkened slightly. Irene knew she had seen something like this happen before.

Wait a minute...

Don't tell me she's-...

Theodore's past self promptly entered the shop at the woman's gracious invitation, and Irene deftly slipped inside, following closely behind him. As she stepped further into the store, she found herself in the midst of what appeared to be a jewellery shop.

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