40 | Mirrored Blades

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   "It's finally over, My Lord," the buoyant voice of a female knight echoed through the wintry air, as the monster of the battlefield - Rudien Alpheus Cherliann, clutched the reins of his steed while gazing down at the world from the mountaintops

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   "It's finally over, My Lord," the buoyant voice of a female knight echoed through the wintry air, as the monster of the battlefield - Rudien Alpheus Cherliann, clutched the reins of his steed while gazing down at the world from the mountaintops. "Soon, we will be able to return home and celebrate our victory."

Silver strands of hair that swayed over a handsomely proportioned face, his ruby eyes surveying the forestry surrounding them. The snow which blanketed the world reminding him of his daughter's pale hair.

"It was a guaranteed win from the start," Rudien sighed, tilting his head upwards to face a white sky. "What a nuisance Izadel was... Keeping me from seeing my family for three years."

The female knight held back a laugh upon hearing his aloof response. He thinks of Izadel as a nuisance, not even an enemy in war... This Duke is such a monster, it's almost funny.

The war between Izadel and Laydel had finally reached its end, with a brutal loss for the kingdom who initiated the war. Led by Duke Cherliann — the famed "Silver Reaper" of the battlefield — the army of Laydel seized victory in every battle, while even keeping casualties to a minimum.

Of course, many men had lost their lives. But as if protected by a guardian angel who sided with those of the empire, the knights of Laydel were spared many unnecessary losses and survived gory battles. They suffered no major casualties, while Izadel was scourged severely at their mercy.

Although they put up a good fight, Izadel was no match for the army raised by the infamous beast of Cherliann.

The war ended with the king of the enemy nation being slaughtered by Rudien's own sword, as well as his heirs. The only member of the royal family left alive, was a young illegitimate princess who the Duke left alive. All the same, after losing their rulers with the exception of a mere child they once ostracised, Izadel departed with their will to fight - and so they surrendered with great contrition.

"Nasriel," Rudien called out, turning back to face the crimson-haired female knight standing behind him, who had ridden her horse over to his. "How are the knights doing?"

"They're all in good spirits!" she smiled, trying her best to look cheerful in the cold. "A lot of them are still recovering from the final battle, but everyone is in a good mood. I think they're expecting a long rest once we're all home."

"Good, in that case," the lips of the duke curled upwards slightly, his ruby eyes gazing into the distance. "Tell the captain I'll be leaving my post early, and returning to Laydel."

Nasriel's eyes widened in awe, as she gazed at her superior in shock. "Right now?! But My Lord, aren't we supposed to head back all together in three months, after all the soldiers have recovered and Izadel has been secured?"

Rudien remained silent, his silver bangs brushing against sharp eyes. It was then he turned his head back to her, and shot her a baleful glare through his blood-red irises. "...Are you questioning my order?"

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