68 | White Aster

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   "There isn't much time left."

Perched against the edge of an open window, Snow's voice echoed through the tower with clarity. Inside, a bespectacled man with velvety hair as dark as the midnight sky - turned to face the Phoenix with a clinical gaze.

The two stared silently at one another, before the man robed in black turned away. His ink-black eyes fixed to a broad map pinned to the wall. It displayed the location of a vast region - stretched over mountains and dappled with thick forestry. An area brimming with danger.

"How bad is her condition?" River questioned, staring at a single spot marked with red on the map.

Snow lowered his beak. A film of frustration in those beady golden eyes. "I was able to keep it under control, but it's becoming out of hand even for me," the spirit's voice wavered. "Her mother's condition has been heightening the levels of stress. With the way things are going-"

"I'll speak to the duke today. I needed to visit the Cherliann estate, anyway," River sighed. "It's about time we informed them about this secret endeavour of ours."

Snow blinked. "Does that mean I'll have to reveal myself to her family?"

River's footsteps echoed through the room as he moved closer to the map. "Yes. After all," He turned, gaze flickering toward Snow.

   "I've finally located that spirit stone."

   The gentle, mellifluous sound of a lullaby pervaded Sarah Cherliann's room, as she laid upright in her bed with a melancholic smile. Her lips pressed together as she hummed softly; a song without words. Her right hand draped over her stomach, she could feel the tiny prickle of her baby's presence.

It hadn't been very long, but she knew her body's state was deteriorating little by little with every passing day. The worried faces of her children, her husband, and everyone within the duchy — played through her mind like a film as she sighed softly. Sarah was well aware of her condition. Still, she remained determined to live.

My little child... She would smile, closing her eyes. I will do my best to bring you safely into this world, so please...

Please grow up healthy...

The sound of a knock resounded from her bedroom door, and as Sarah glanced up - her eyes widened ever so slightly at the mess of a man who entered.

Dark bags hung beneath those crimson irises. Silver strands of hair all messily strewn over his head. And that handsome face was wracked with every bad emotion one could name. Sarah stared in bewilderment at the state of her husband. How could he have gone from a regal, composed and icy duke - to a drunkard overnight?

She was still cross with him, but could not resist the urge to laugh when she laid eyes upon Rudien. A smile played at her lips as she stifled her amusement. "Well, you look terrible-"

The duke sighed softly, closing the door behind him. He remained silent for a moment, and Sarah observed him as he searched for the right words. Rudien awkwardly opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

Seeing him like this was enough to prove he regretted proposing they abandon the baby in her womb, in order to ensure Sarah's safety. Though the thought of losing his child filled Rudien with a dread he could not fathom, he knew he would be completely ruined by the loss of his wife.

The duchess only smiled at him softly.

"I'm not going to give up on this child, Rudien." She told him, her gaze falling to her stomach. Even if it meant she placed risk on herself in the process, Sarah's resolve was strong. The steely look in her crystal-blue eyes glinted under the light, and the duke could only see that her mind had been made.

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