Chapter 65:

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It has been 4 months since prom; Andrew was all moved in and settled. Everything was in place. My finals were finally over and done with. I couldn’t believe that the year was coming to an end now. Yearbooks were printed, and it was safe to say my yearbook was signed and filled till every single page.

Memories, oh so many memories…

My finals were amazing, since I got a GPA of 3.65!

However, I hadn’t seen much of my friends or my boyfriend except Andrew in those 4 months. And there are two reasons for so:

One: I was generally always studying, and so were the others.

And two: Andrew was capable of barging into rooms whenever he felt like. (The reason I didn’t spend much time with Ashton)

“Anns, I’m leaving, I have to go pick Maddison up for the ceremony, and I’ll meet you out there directly. Ashton has to make a quick run to Lils office, something important, so Mason is coming to pick you up. He’ll be here in about 25 minutes, so I suggest you get ready quick because he isn’t going to wait. Also, I made you waffles, just remove them from the waffle maker and heat them in the microwave, do not touch anything else! Bye, I love you” Andrew yelled from downstairs as I showered and stepped into my room.

I walked till my door and yelled back so he could hear me, “Alright, thanks bro, I love you too! Oh and ask Madds to give me a call, I need to ask her what to do with my hair or she’ll start messing around with it during the ceremony!”

“I will!” he said, and then I heard the door shut behind him.

I then rushed into my closet and looked for the dress mum had worn for her graduation ceremony. I had looked for it inside her closet all day yesterday, finally having luck with it.

It was a faded blue, mid thigh, full sleeved dress. It wasn’t anything extraordinary; in fact it was quite ordinary.

I admired it for a moment, and then quickly put it on.

My phone buzzed, and it was Maddison, I swiped the screen and answered her call. Before I could say hello, she began babbling, “So sorry honey, I couldn’t make it to your place. My dress wasn’t ready and coming to your house would take twice as long, anyway, Andrew called, he said you had hair-doubts. Well, you’re wearing Mums blue dress right? Don’t do anything to your hair then, just make two braids on each side and pin it up behind your head and you’re good to go.”

I sighed, “Thank you love, what would I ever do without you?”

She chuckled on the phone, “Yeah love you too, now go, Andrew is coming to pick me up in like 10, and I am not completely ready!” she squealed and cut the phone without saying goodbye.

After another 10 minutes of struggling, I finally was able to make two cute little braids on either side, but I had no way to see how they looked from the back, so I just let them be and went ahead to finish off with my makeup.

I applied a bit of mascara, eye liner and a light pink lipstick, only to bring a little color to my not so pink lips.

“Anns, I’m home, let’s go” Mason’s voice came from downstairs.

“Mase, come on up here, I need your help!” I called out.

“Oh, with zipping you up, gladly!” he said while entering my room.

I slapped him on his stomach, to which he winced and said sorry.

“I need your help with my hair! I have to join these two-” I said holding up my two braided strands of hair, “-with a clip at the back of my head”

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