Chapter 31:

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The feeling was un imaginable, when people mention fireworks going off in their tummy, they aren't wrong because thats just how it feels like. If you haven't felt them yet, then don't worry, you haven't met the one yet, but you will and when you do, one simple kiss will get you much more happiness then you could in your entire lifetime.

My hands were resting on his cheeks, while his hands held mine in place. At first I was taken back by surprise but then reality sunk in. ASHTON WATERS JUST KISSED ME. The elephants had returned again, jumping and having a blast in my tummy, the kiss sent shivers down my spine and didn't stop until it reached my tippy toes. The place where is hand held mine was sizzling with electricity, this was the best I have felt in a life time, this is what I wanted almost forever and some. However I try to explain this kiss, it won't justify my real emotions. There was a spark between us.

The kiss wasn't long, or involved anything much, it was a simple short kiss which sent my mind into a frenzy. My heart leaped with joy.

It was beating so hard and so fast that the entire city could probably hear it.

It was nothing much, nothing less. Just a simple touch of his lips and mine. Held there for a few moments but enough to kill me with love.

The kiss held so much emotion, it held those words that can't be said, that don't want to be said or those who might never come out. It was as if he was trying to tell me something through that kiss, I don't know what. But it was something, and that something boosted up my hope a thousand times higher.

When he pulled back, his mouth curled up into a smile. Enough for me to sense it since our lips were so close, but when my eyes searched his face, it was empty. The smile wasn't there and reality had once again slapped me in the face.

"A-ashton? What just happened?" I whispered.

I wasn't gonna let this get all awkward between us. There was no way I would be stuck thinking about it all day even though thats exactly what ill be doing..

"I-I-I just, I don't-I don't know why I did it, it just felt..right?"

He was lying, of course I knew that.

"I-you, -you have a girlfriend, Ashton."

"I know I know, God, Diana, I'm so sorry! Its just I don't know how to explain myself. Shit."

"Do-do you regret it?" I asked, hoping for the answer to be no.

"I'm not gonna answer that." He mumbled.

And I let him be, because I knew what his answer was he just didn't wanna jeopardise our friendship and his relationship.

He scratched the back of his head, typical guy move when they are nervous.

"So..this is what happened last night? We kissed?" I was trying to keep pushing.

"Yeah..but in both of our defences, we were drunk."

Oh Ashton, you know what they say, A drunk mans actions are a sober mans thoughts.

"Yeah. Wha-why did you kiss me again?"

"Because I couldn't tell you what happened last night nor could i lie.." He explained himself.

I know where this is going, obviously.

"Hey, look, I know what you're thinking, this, it won't affect our friendship, you're still my annoying ass bestfriend, no matter what. You can call this whatever you want, if you want Ill forget it for you, we'll pretend like this never happened and you can go back to Mel and whatever, if you want to tell her, then I'll support you, you wanna name this as 'getting caught up in the moment' then fine, we'll name it that. Whatever you want, I'm okay with it."

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