Chapter 20:

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"Please? With like a 1000 cherries on top!"

"Fine okay. Fine. Ill do it!"

"Yay!" I shrieked.

"Awwwwwwww, damn girl. Please. Keep your volume low. And by the way, thanks for breaking my ear drum." Jeremy glared.

"Sorry?" I asked, still laughing.

i then did my little happy dance.

Jeremy finally agreed to dance with me, and I was supposedly the lead dancer, and Jeremy and I have to do the romantic scene..

"Looks like someone wants to get intimate with me" Jeremy winks, and walks away, swaying his butt. Oh well, trying too.

I cracked up and went back to the rehearsal hall.

Steven, Mason and Jer, all of them agreed. However I don't know how did Lana get Steven to agree? There was only an hour left before the final bell rings. I thought of skipping last class which was Chemistry but turns out we were called for dance again, now I couldn't miss that, so Ashton would have to wait.

"Hiiii. Are we starting practice today?" I asked walking in.

"Yep, where is your partner?" Chloe replied.

Oh shoot. I forgot to tell Jer.

"I forgot to-"

"I'm here. Thankyou Diana, for not telling me about this at all." He said, smiling.

I blushed.

"Alright, lets get to work." Maddison said clapping her hands.

"Are you sure you can handle this?" Jeremy whispered into my ear.

I nodded. How was he so damn caring?

"Okay, roll in, rise, cross step, cross step, shuffle, flip, bridge and up." I instructed the girls. The routine wasn't really tough, I was trying my best, but if I put in a lot of energy I would get dizzy and fall down. I don't know what was happening to me. Sometimes all of a sudden I couldn't see properly and start falling down. Its happened so many times in these past weeks.

"Okay again, 5, 6, 7, 8..go!"

As decided, I was teaching Taniya, Chloe, Nora, and Marcie. While Lana and Maddison were preparing the steps for couple dancing. They took the boys along with them, and Jer would come over and teach them to me later.

I finished practicing and teaching the girls their solo's, I left biding everyone goodbye. Jer was keen on dropping me to the hospital so I let him.

"Are you okay with me being your partner?" Asked a very concerned Jeremy.

"Jer, I asked you to be my partner, of course I am alright, I'm so very happy!"

"No..its just that, I know you have always danced with..Ashton, and it kinda seems wrong and weird since..since he can't..and I don't know, I'm sorry." Jeremy stuttered.

"Jer, its-its alright. Yes, Ashton and I always danced together, but so what? It won't kill to have a new partner, besides, you're an amazing dancer and our school needs to see talents like you. And just so we're clear, I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled.

He flashed me a charming smile too.

He pulled up to the hospitals parking lot, and we went up to visit Ashton. My palms were all sticky and sweaty, I was nervous. I don't know why, but I was. I had this weird kinda hope that Ashton would finally wake up today, I had a feeling like today was the day I had been waiting for. For Ashton to wake up. I was sure and sometimes instincts are true. Shaking this weird feeling I felt, I made my way past the receptionist and into Ashton's room

Jer was outside, getting me a cup of coffee. Caffeine would really do wonders right now.

I took a deep breath and placed myself on the stool next to Ashton's bed.

It had become kind of an routine for me, taking a deep breath, making conversation, him responding, nurses coming in, relief washing over my face, hope of him getting up. Then poof. He would go back to square one. The suspense was killing me now. Okay maybe suspense isn't the right terminology but heck, whatever.

"Ashton Waters. Seriously? How long are you gonna keep us hanging? Just wake up already! Don't you see? We need you, Ashton, I need you. Moms gone, Dads gone, and my only bestfriend who knows me in and out is gone too! You know, I know you can hear me, and if you were you..responding, then you would have slapped the frown out of my face and held onto me tight until I stopped crying and whining. I know you would do that, you always do. Do it again Ashton, just this once, last time. I swear I'll stop bugging you for the rest of our lives," I chuckled, "fine fine, I'll try. No promises though." I said lifting my hands up.

"You know, I have missed you. There has been so much going on, like so much! You are missing out on some great stuff buddy, its time to wake up. How long are you gonna do this? A month is almost up. Its enough. I get it, you're the best, amazing, wonderful, charming or whatever you would want me to tell you. At this point, I wouldn't care less about how I'm doing wonders to your already oversized ego. Just please Ashton, come back, come back to me. You promised Ashton! You promised you would! Please, baby. Come back! I need you. I don't care if you're with Mel or any other chick, just I need you alive and breathing and teasing and annoying.

"I want my Ashton Waters back. Give that to me, and the world will be alright."

I couldn't continue. I had started crying half way through, and now the tears would just not stop. I love you, Ashton. I love you. Please come back. I said in my mind. Saying them aloud would do me no good, it would do no one any good. Mel needs Ashton, Ashton loves Mel, its best for me to stay out of their way.

Who am I to come in between anyways?

Its not like Ashton loves me or anything. He doesn't. Diana, he doesn't. Get that in your little head. He doesn't love you. He never will. Stop trying, stop hoping, stop it.

I wiped my tears and put on a happy face.

No one would buy it, whats the point I thought.

I gripped Ashton's hand tightly. "I love you Ashton, you're the bestfriend I could ever have. Don't leave me now. Not like this. You have to wake up, for me. If you are gone too, I'll break, I'll fall, and I'll keep falling and falling and falling. Into a mindless pit of sorrow. You are all that I have left of my past. This may sound cheesy, but without you I have nothing else left in this world. Can't you see it?"

Bloody hell, I had turned into freaking Niagra Falls.

I clutched his hand with both of mine and pressed them to my lips, still sobbing.

The beeping monitor thingy had gone bonkers by now. It was beeping like it never had before. What the hell? What did that even mean? Just hope its something good.

All of a sudden it stopped.

Confusion washed over my face, I hope he is fine. I wiped away my tears and was ready to leave out, I couldn't face him anymore so I sat there looking at the door and said my good bye. For now.

"I need you to wake up Ashton, for me," I whispered at last, and got up from my chair.

I was almost up when a something stopped me. It took me more then a moment for everything to settle in. A hand was griping me. Ashton's hand.

My eyes flew open.


This is just like the movies!

Diana, now is not the time.

I turned around taking in, hoping it was reality and no dream.

"For you." He said finally, almost a whisper but loud enough for me to hear. A tear ran down his cheeks to.

His words rang in my ears.

For you.


How was it!? Huehuehuehue. I love this suspense thing.


thankyou for your amazing shipping names! I shortlisted a few, tell me what you think and comment the one you like the most below!

For Ashton and Diana-
Adiana. i LOVE this name, its beautiful! Whadya think?

For Jeremy and Diana-
Jerenna or Jana or Jiana. I can't decide :|

Little help pwease?

Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!

Is it just me or do you think I put Ashton in coma for too long? I'm a bitch :O

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