Chapter 62:

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 “Going where?” I asked, as he stirred me around the school campus, towards the parking.

“Where are we going?” I asked again when he didn’t respond to my questions.

I huffed, giving up. I knew he wasn’t going to tell me anything anytime soon anyways, so there was no point in asking him again and again.

“Gave up already? I was expecting a little more than that,” he said from behind me.

I stopped in my tracks suddenly, causing him to bump into me. I turned around then and glared at him, “I know you’re not going to tell me anything no matter how much I ask, so I gave up.” I told him.

“Aw, now you make me feel guilty”

I chuckled, “Sure, if only”

He turned me around after rolling his eyes, and pushed me forward until we reached his car. He opened the door for me, being the gentleman he rarely is. I felt my cheeks fire up, even though it was a small gesture, it made my heart flutter. I obediently sat in the seat beside him as he made his way around to get into the driver’s seat.

That reminded me, “Ash, I’m going to take driving lessons from Jer, he said it was high time I learnt how to drive. I told him I already knew how to, and I just didn’t feel like pursuing it after mom…but he refused and said I was making excuses. So he offered and I accepted”

Ashton turned his head to face me, “That’s great news Anns! It really is high time you get your license. You’re 17, you should have got one last year! And Jeremy is an amazing driver, so I don’t see any problem in that.”

“You’re okay with it?” I asked. I don’t know why I did.

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Since I didn’t ask you…” I offered

“Nah, I would have had to refuse you anyways. Between finals and soccer, I don’t think I’ll have time in my hands.” He said

I gave him a small smile, “I thought so too, which is why I let Jer”

He kissed my cheek, “You worry over nonsense things, really. Go ahead, but you’re taking me out on a drive first when you get your license.”

I nodded, “Of course baby”

He smiled at me, not the usual boyish smirk. Then, he turned the keys into ignition and we sped off to some place I didn’t know just yet.

We drove for another 40 minutes out of which I dozed off for like 20. We were now in the deep part of Chicago, I don’t know where exactly. The place seemed familiar; I think I came down here with mum once. Or I saw it in some picture? I wasn’t sure but I knew that I remembered this place from somewhere. I looked around and there were huge trees, all of different sizes and lengths around me. The flowers were barely seen, it was cold and I wondered why hadn’t it snowed yet?

Ashton parked outside a garden-like place.

The flooring was filled with finely cut grass; the ground looked pretty even to me. There was a canopy of flowers above the entrance gate. The gate was pretty old looking, but it was beautiful nonetheless. It was a typical olden times Iron Gate with 3 long vertical bars and 1 huge horizontal cutting through the vertical bars. The tops of the bars were pointed like the tops of arrows.

Then it hit me like a truck.

I had seen this entrance, I had seen this place. I had seen all of this because I had visited this place with my mum after dad passed away. It was long, long ago and we had come here only once but I couldn’t have ever forgotten this place. It’d be wrong to.

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