Chapter 45:

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He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. Wow. And here I said yes for one dance thinking he felt like a loner since bitch Mel wasn’t with him. I don’t want to get between them again, I was just trying to be a good friend. Gods!

“Al? Really? You don’t even know him!”

“Ashton, really? I have come here to enjoy and Al seems like a nice guy, so yeah AL!”


“What now?”

“Oh I’m sorry, was I interrupting you?”

“Yes, actually you were!”


“I just-”

“You just what Ashton? You just what?”

“Can I please have one dance with you? Just one, I promise”

“Alright, one dance and you’re out of here.”

“What!?” he made this very weird expression as if he were traumatized by what I just said.

“I’m not asking you to donate your lungs. Stop being so dramatic” I retorted.

“Alright whatever”

“Um, why don’t you call Mel over? I don’t mind her coming to the beach house, as long as you’re happy. Plus, I think she hates me already, and doesn’t trust me after-uh-you know, so, yeah.”

“Diana, stop it.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop being awkward around me”

“I am not!” I protested, but who am I kidding. Of course I was.

“I-hey, isn’t that your favorite song?” he asked suddenly.

“What-OH MY GODS YES YES IT IS!” I squealed. They were playing ‘For the first time’ by the script. I have a lot of favorites, and this is one of them. I love this song so much, I can’t explain in words. It’s not slow, nor too fast, it is absolutely perfect. The lyrics are beyond amazing.

I forgot about everything we were talking about- Ashton and I.

He spun me around in circles a few times, laughing and smiling. Enjoying the music and the others company. Wrapping my arms around him, once again, the two of us swayed in the very clichéd way of left to right.

His presence completed me.

This wasn’t an extraordinary day; as a matter of fact it was very ordinary. Fighting and jealousy, it was common now, but I can’t deny that things have changed. So much has happened in my life, which I feel as if I have left the real world and dived into a drama-filled novel. After all, I do love books. Maybe my life is a novel, maybe not.

I’m tired of waiting, however I cannot possibly ignore the fact that I am madly in love with my bestfriend and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Even if I can, it won’t do me any good. When you have loved someone for 9 years and still counting, you know it isn’t just a crush or just infatuation. You know it’s real and you know what real pain is like. No doubt, there are millions of other girls and boys who are going through much worse, but in that huge number, I am one of them. No one is asking for self pity. No one says what is wrong. The one’s who really suffer are silent about it, the ones who aren’t: we see their story on the front page. Over dramatic people who want nothing but attention. Attention sucking leeches.

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