Chapter 25:

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"Are you serious?" I groaned. "Why do we have classes man? Why can't we bunk 'em for dance practice or something?"

"Because, you know the routines perfectly well and if you don't attend your classes, you're gonna be called by the princi!"

"Fine man, I hate you!"

"Yeah yeah, I know you do"

"Madds!" I whined.

"Diana, shut the fuck up and move your ass or ill bury you alive!"

"Thats better than sitting in Mr Browns class!"

"Diana Summers, move."

"K" I pouted, leaving the dance room; finally.


"Diana Summers?"

"Present" I mumbled.

"Hi" Ashton said, taking the empty seat beside me.

"Uh, not you again." I smiled.

"Fuck off"

"Haha, I love you"

"I know" he grinned.

"Why exactly are you sitting next to me, again? Don't you have anyone else to annoy?"

"Umm,lets see. Madds has a free lecture, Jeremy has gone to hog on food because he let you cook breakfast today, Andrew is fast asleep two desks behind you and Mel is bunking today. So, that leaves me with the last and most annoying choice: you."

"Ha ha, you're so funny." Note the sarcasm

"Yeah I know."

"That was sarcasm my dear friend."

"So, I heard that your first day of school sucked, like after the camp and moms.."

"I know," I sighed. "I let them get to me, I don't know why? Its always been there, when we all were popular and stuff, I always got stuff like that and I totally bitched them out, but when they spoke about mom and me being spoilt I just completely lost it. They think I'm lucky that my mom died! Such immatures!"

"Easy there, look, I don't know why I wasn't there for you either, I was a jerk. I'm sorry Anns, I'm always here for you. And, nothing has changed, they were jealous of you then, they are jealous of you now. It doesn't matter, you are Diana Summers. You can be the biggest bitch in town, show them that and lets see who cries at the end of the day. I can bet my life on you. Don't let those creeps get to you, they are stupid and jealous idiots, nothing more."

At times like this I remember why I fell in love with this guy, its him who has always been there and said the most inspiring words. When he says something I end up doing it. No matter how big of a jerk he can be sometimes but he'll always be that Ashton Waters who I fell in love with.

"I love you, you know that right?" I flashed him a smile.

"Now don't get all cheesy on me! Oh and I heard you've been called to the court. What ya gonna do? I mean I know about your grandparents and others but they no longer are in touch with you, so??" Ashtons voice was filled with concern

"I thought about it too, I don't want them to send me anywhere. I have a family and I'll be 16 and can start working! But I can't live all by myself until I'm 18. Thats where the big problem is."

"Exactly, so now what?"

"After school I'm gonna go along with Andrew and Mason to Andrews. Ill speak to Alana. Im sure she'll know something that I can do. She has all my legal documents anyways, so she is my best hope. And, I'm sure my mom has assigned a guardian, which mostly is Lily. Doesn't really take a genius to figure that part out."

He chuckled, "good, you're not a genius anyways."

"But wait, if Lily is your guardian, that means you're my sister!?"

Fuck no. Thats what I don't want!

"I hope not," I muttered.

"What-what did you say?"

I flashed him a convincing fake smile, "yay?"

Ding ding ding.

"Ah! The bell rang, ill catch you later? I need food! I burnt all the freaking pancakes today.."

He cracked up, "I heard."

"You coming?"

"Nope, got a lot of catching up to do, I'll see ya later!"

"K bye!"

"Aloha!" Mason greeted.

"And what the hell was that?"

He smirked. "Its catchy,"

I just rolled my eyes.

I picked up a cheese sandwich, a bottle of juice and a chocolate bar. The canteen food wasn't that great, and I hate fruits so this was my only option. Ill pig something out from the vending machine later.

"Hey!" Andrew greeted. Maddison was next to him, Jer and Lisa were opposite. I took a seat next to Lisa followed by Mason.

"Bro, you just bunked class to get food, why the hell are you in the canteen, again?"

"Yes, I'm a guy and a guy needs his food! Just because you burnt all of it!" He half yelled.

"Gods Jer, who asked you to let me cook?"

"Ill kill you. You threatened to slash my tyres if I wouldn't let you cook!" He was shocked.

Everyone started laughing.

"Yeah so? No one ever lets me cook," I whined.

"Yes because you don't know how to!"

"That is an understatement" Mason pointed out.

"If you ever wanna make babies again, you'll shut your mouth" I warned.

"All zipped." Mason replied. Pressing his lips together.

"SEE!" Jeremy shrieked and pointed out.

Maddison leaned over and gave me a hi-five, Lisa was laughing uncontrollably.

"See, thats why its wise to keep your mouth shut." Andrew stated.

Both Jeremy and Mason glared at him.

Aww, I love this little family of mine.

"Hey guys, I'll catch you later, I gotta go pick up some books from the library. Guess what? I'm doing greek mythology!" I said, pumping my fist in the air.

"Aww man, that means I won't get that topic." Jer replied, clearly unhappy.

"You don't have what it takes to convince teachers," I said, simply.

"Just go already."

I grinned.

"Ill pick you up from the front gate at 5, okay?" Andrew said.

"K, ill try to be on time."

"Which is never," Mason poked his nose in my business, again!

"Mason Walker. Why exactly are you coming to Andrew's?"

"Diana Summers, because Andrew is my bro!"

I raised my eyebrow.

"You can't do that." Mason said,


"He's just coming over because his mom threw him out. Apparently he left his brother outside all day since he forgot that his brother was standing outside." Andrew said.

"That doesn't make sense, please elaborate?"

"We went to the super market to get canned food because mom wasn't coming over till late, so when we came back, Ashton called, and I went in and forgot Carmen was behind me, I left him on the porch with the supplies and locked the door behind me, then, I started playing music on full. So i couldn't hear him banging the door." Mason sighed,

"YOU WHAT?!" I cracked up.

"Yeah yeah, now go. You're late!"

"Ya ya, bye!"

"Oh look, orphan coming through." A blonde bimbo pointed.

"Oh look, fucking plastic coming through." I retorted.

Like seriously, don't these people have anything called as common sense? I guess not. Bloody fools.

"What did you say?" Bimbo asked.

I smirked, "You wouldn't know now would you? I mean I don't think sound waves would be able to travel through all this make up of yours."

"Whatever" she huffed and left.

"Hello Dorothea, can I spend the next 3 hours here? I know its not allowed but please?" I asked Dorothea. She works on the main desk. Since I love reading, I spend most of my free time here, and over the years she's gotten to know me really well. She isn't just another lady who sits on the desk for me.

"Okay fine, but not more okay? I already take so many risks for you, sweetheart." She replied.

"Thanks Dorothea, you're the best!"

I walked away to the history section. I pulled out my macbook, sticky notes and a few sharpies. Okay, time to do work.


"Hello!" Jeremy chirped.

"Hi" I mumbled.

I was so engrossed in my project, or rather the book. Before sitting down I collected all the percy jackson books from the kids fiction section and sat down to start marking everything I know about the greek gods.

"Seriously? You started reading percy jackson?"

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'

"Come sit, help me. Write whatever you know about the greek gods or legends or whatever you've learnt. I wrote about Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Athena, Dionysus, Ares and Aphrodite. You do Hecate, Demeter, Hermes, Apollo and Artemis." I directed Jeremy.

"Woah, I came here to tell you that I am free but not so free!"

"Jer pleaseeeeee!" I said showing him my puppy dog face.

"Diana!" He whined.

"Aww, I love you too. Now sit."

"Bullying is a crime" he stated.

"And what makes you think anyone will believe you when you say I'm bullying you?"

"Dude, the whole school knows about your threats and bullying!"

"But not the princi."

"Good point."

"I know, now shutup and help me, you're free."

"I don't know why I even agreed to be your friend." He muttered.

"Oh shutup, you love me."

"So, what do I do? Just write points about them?" He asked

"Yeah, and their qualities. And if you know their likes and dislikes.."

"Alright, Apollo is the sun god, and the creator of prophesies, and is the twin of Artemis who-"

"Everyone's working here Jer! Can you speak in your mind?" I scolded.

"Done!" Jer pumped his fist in the air.

"Alright, move it,"

Finally I had all the points and stuff for my project now I can parrtaaayy. Although, I need to figure out what to do about my court meeting. Dammit! Whats the time?

I checked my phone 5:21pm


Andrew is gonna kill me.

I dumped everything in my bag and ran outside.

"Jeremy! Stop. What if someone sees us?!" A very very familiar voice squeaked.

Wait, woah? Jeremy? My Bestfriend Jeremy?

Curiosity killed the rat, Diana.

Oh shutup, its my bestfriend we're talking about here.

How does one shut themselves up?

Seriously. I hate you. Piss off!

But I am you..

GRR. I groaned.

I followed the voice.

And what I saw was something I will never ever ever ever forget.

There, Jeremy was making out.

With Lisa.



Helloooo, So, whadya think ;)

So bad news:
I won't be updating for the next 10 days, I'm on vacation! Please let me have these 10 days.

I'll try and update on 26th but don't keep your hopes high.


Sorry team Jerenna :(

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