Chapter 4

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Emilys POV

After the detective came in and said that we had a lead Garcia searched and we got a name

"Landon Fletcher, 27. Positive ID from Mr.Lance. Address sent to your tablets" Garcia says over the phone

"Derek and Emily check it out and take deputies ss back up." Hotch says and Derek and I left the prescient and headed to the address given from Penelope

We arrived at the house and the both of us walked up to the front and knocked a few times with no answer and before I got to break the door down we were alerted through our coms that there was a man approaching the house

"Landon Fletcher?" I ask and he stops and looks at us

"Yes? Whose asking" he says

"Special Agent Emily Prentiss and special agent Derek Morgan with the FBI" I say and he shifts nervously Then runs

"Why do they always run" I groan and watch as Derek takes off after the man and grabs him by the neck of his shirt and throws him to the ground and I walk over to them and hand him a pair of handcuffs for Landon

"Thanks for the help" Derek says sarcastically

"You had it" I tell him and he rolls his eyes as he pushed Landon in the direction of the police cars

Landon was in the interagation room with Hotch and Rossi while the rest of us stayed on the other side of the glass

"Why am I here?" Landon ask

"You remember this man?" Hotch ask showing a picture of Mr.Lance

"Yea, he was at the park" he says

"Yea, and did you see his kid too? The same kid is now dead" Rossi says and the mans face drops

"Whoa whoa man, I didn't kill no kid" he says quickly

"Are you sure? Seems like you talked to Mr.Lance as a distraction so your partner could take Ryder" Rossi says again

"The man didn't say anything about no kid. He just said to distract the man and handed me a 1000 bucks in cash" he says smugly

"Whose the man?" Hotch ask

"I don't know! Man damn I keep telling you" Landon exclaims

"A little boys life is at stake! You already killed one" Hotch says slamming his hand down on the table

"I didn't kill no kid!" Landon yells back

"Then who the hell did you talk to!?" Rossi' yelled

"I don't know man! He approached me at the park gave me the money and told me to distract the guy so I did then left" Landon counters

"Do you know what he looks like? What did he look like?" Rossi asked and the guy began tellling them the characteristics of our unsub

As he was talking JJ stood next to me and leaned up against me


"Agents! We just got a call from the hospital, a little girl was just brought in looks about 4 ," an officer says

"Girl? Leo is a boy and there isn't any other victims" Derek says

"They said the little girl is hurt and since we had this on the news they called" he says again,

"I'll check it out" JJ

"I'll ride along. " Spencer says

"Let Hotch know?" JJ ask me and I nod


Reid and I were now on the way to the hospital, not sure how this girl fits in with this case, we have no reports of a missing child and it is not like our unsub to leave a victim alive.

"Are you okay?" Spencer ask and I nod

"I'm fine Spence, I promise. Emily has done asked her round of questions" I say and the both of us share a laugh

"She cares" he says and I smile

"She does" I say

The two of us got to the hospital and made it inside where we told the nurses we were called

"Agents?" A doctor ask and we turn around

"Yes, special agent Jennifer Jareua and Dr.Reid" I introduces us

"Chief Bailey," the doctor says and shakes our hand

"Follow me and I'll explain why I called on the way" she says and we follow her into the elevator

"Little girl came in on an aid car, she was very scared of males so you might want to stay out of the room if possible" she explains and I give a knowing look to Spence

"She came in with visible bruises on her body, her hair was all matted and she was visibly dirty, she hadn't had a bath in a good while, we can't do any other exams or an iv, because she hasn't let my doctors near her and my chief of PEDS should actually be on her way up after getting out of surgery" she explains

"Why did you call us?" I ask

"I seen the news reports, and thought maybe it was connected" she says and I nod as we step off the elevator and walk down to a room where we could hear small cries inside,

"She has been doing this off and on and won't let anyone near her, not even me" she explains and I give Spencer  a small frown and walked inside

When I walked into the room and shut the door the girl looked up at me and started to cry harder and hide into the bed

"Hi, I'm JJ" I smile and walk toward her slowly

"Can you tell me your name?" I ask and she is still crying but shakes her head

"Okay, okay you don't need to tell me" I say and walk closer to her

"Can I sit?" I ask motioning to the bed and she doesn't move so I sit down and she flinches a little then relaxes

"Sweetie, can you take deep breaths for me?" I ask noticing her struggling and she shakes her head

"Can I help?" I ask and she nods

Carefully I reach out and pick the small girl up and place her in my lap, her while body tensed and stays stiff, carefully I put a hand on her head and brought her head down to my chest so she could hear my heart beat and focus on my breathing patterns

"Can you copy me?" I ask and take a deep breath of which she does, 2 minutes passed and she was no longer crying, only a few hiccups here and there and the door opens and a new doctor walks in and the small girl hides herself into me

"Hi, I'm Dr.Robbins." She introduces herself

"Agent Jareau" I say

"Hi little one," Dr.Robbins says

"Can you lay her on the bed?" She ask me and I nod, as I go to lay her down she clings to my shirt

"Sweetie I need to lay you down okay? I can hold your hand" I say and she starts silently crying but let's me lay her on the bed,

Now seeing her laying down she looks so beaten up, her hair seems to be brown or it could just be the dirt and mud , bruises on the side of her face, torn shirt and you could see the girls ribs, dried blood on her shirt and pants,

"I know you are very scared right now, but can you tell us your name?" The doctor ask her and she stayed silent

This is going to be one long night

Till next time❤️


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