Chapter 12

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I am so relieved that a Emily agreed to actually sit down and look over things we would need to do to foster Mara.

Right now we realized that we would definitely need to get her a pediatrician that would also refer us to a child therapist. Emily also suggested a pre-school but I feel it's too early for that and after everything she has been though. It's not a good idea

We would also need to go shopping, get her some things for the room, let her pick some toys and clothes out.  And eventually a babysitter while we go on cases

I told her I am prepared to take a month off work for now to see how she settles and if she really needs more time I will hold off on going back to work.

We talked some about maybe Penelope watching her while we were both away when I went back to work and we would talk to Penelope about it.

Hotch is giving us the next few days off so we can get to Seattle and back home and still get Mara settled. I can not wait to help this little girl, I contacted the social worker and she said Mara was in a foster family now but I of course had Penelope find a way to fix that.

When we arrive in Seattle we are meeting with the social worker and she is supposed to take us to Mara,

It's 7am now and the plane leaves at 8 so we're just waiting for the time being, Emily's hand in my own,

"Thank you" I tell her honestly and press a wick kiss against her lips and she smiles

"I love you Jayje" she smiles

The plane ride was quick and different than when we take the jet, I have forgotten what it was like to be in a plane with other people that we don't know,

As soon as we landed in Seattle we went to the hotel and checked in and went to meet The social worker,

We were meeting her at a park and then following her to the house where Mara is staying

"Hi" I smile warmly when we see the social worker standing near some picnic tables

"Good you're here" she says bluntly

"Just so you know Mara is in a good home, and you want to take that from her?" She ask and I look up at Emily,

Out of everything we looked into i didn't think of the possibility of her having a good family, what if I'm taking the one stable thing this child has for my own use

"We would still like to see her, if in the end Mara does not want to come with us then that's okay too" Emily says taking my hand and Amani rolls her eyes

"Well follow me" she says and gets into her car and we get into ours and follow her down a Main Street and on to a smaller one,

Maras POV

I tried to run away so I could see JJ again. She was nice. But then she left me. Maybe I was bad. If I'm bad I don't get things, or I don't get things anyway.

Amani is mean too, she made me go to a new family. They already have a kid and Lucas, the dad is very mean.

He hits me a lot, I don't even be bad and he hits me, I try to act like it doesn't hurt but it does. I just really wish JJ would come back and I could see her.

It was past lunch time now, around 2 I think. I can't read the clock on the wall but I noticed it's when Lucas and Renee make lunch,

I don't eat though, I'm not hungry and they get angry when I don't eat. And one time they forced me too but it made me sick. I have been here forever it feels like, I think it's only been a few days but every meal time I get scared because they hurt me

"Mara! Get down here and eat" I hear Lucas yell so I go down stairs and their other kid was at the table eating and I just sat on the chair staring at the food. I'm not sure why I'm not hungry, I haven't ate in days but it's just my appetite is gone.

"Eat the god damn food" he says and I look down at my hands, I feel really sick when I eat it, I can't,

I want to cry, I feel sad and sick and I just want to cry but I can't in front of people, I was surprised when I did in front off JJ

When I didn't move Lucas came over and pulled my chin so that I was looking at him and used his other hand to slap me across the face and the immediate stinging sensation just made me want to cry even more but I didn't and before he said anything else the doorbell rang and he scoffed and walked away

I pulled my hand up to my cheek to calm the burning but it didn't work, I heard Lucas open the door and recognized one of the voices as Amani and thought she was coming back to move me so I walked towards the door I stood back in the hallways so no one could see me,

Amani moved to the right a little and I seen her. It was JJ, she came for me!

I thought about how I could get to her without getting in Lucas' way,

The adults were still talking and I took this as my opportunity to go, I made it behind the couch and JJ saw me and smiled but didn't make it obvious, she used her hands and subtly made a gesture telling me to come to her so I did, I took off running to her and she picked me up and wrapped her arms around me


When we arrived at the house and the guy came out he had an angry expression on his face, he ignored us and began to talk to Amani, she was telling him how we want to take her from a good home and I stopped listening,

Then I seen her, Mara was hiding behind the couch, and I silently told her to come to me and she ran up to me and I picked her up holding her close to me, the look on Amani and Lucas' face were even angrier than before

I pulled back from Mara and there was a red hand print on her face, recent too.

"Mara what happend" I ask softly

"She fell" Lucas says

"It's a hand print," I roll my eyes and look back at Mara and she had looked at Lucas and back to me

"I fell" she says and I sigh, knowing not too push it anymore

"Can we go?" I ask

"That's not how it works, she has a good home here" Lucas smirks and I crouch and out Mara down where she was standing

"Mara, do you want to stay with Lucas?" I ask and her eyes go wide With fear

"Do you want to come home with me?" I ask and she nods and puts her arms up for me to pick her up so I did and rested her on my hip

"I'll see you at the station" I tell Amani coldly and Emily and I go back to our car,

We needed to go to the station to sign some papers and make it legal,

"We don't have a car seat" I tell Emily,

"Just sit in the back with her and I'll drive slow" she tells me and I give her a quick kiss and did as she said,

Mara was still upset, although she wasn't crying she was clinging very tightly to me

"Hey, you're safe now I promise" I tell her and move her hair behind her ear

She's safe now, and I will do everything in my power to protect her

Till next time ❤️

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