Chapter 5

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The little girl was holding on tight to my shirt every time The doctor tried to get near her

"What do you need to do?" I ask

"I need to draw blood, and put an iv in for starters." She says and I nod

"Hunny can I hold you?" I ask the girl and she looks at me hesitantly but nods, I picked her up and put her in my lap so that she was facing me

"Dr.Robbins needs to get some blood so we can make you feel better" I say and she starts violently shaking her head and her breathing picks up

"We might have to give her a light sedative," the doctor suggest

"Doesn't that need an iv?" I ask

"Yes, but I also have an option it's just a shot. It goes in her arm. It'll sting for a few second but then it should relax her" she says

"That's probably what you need to do" I say, the girl still crying in my lap and the doctor nods and walks out.

I need to get ahold of the team but my phone is on the table near the door and I don't want to move. I hope Spencer was able to get something to them. Not that he actually knows what's going on.

A few moments later Dr.Robbins walks back into the room with a small cart,

"I have the shot, I don't know how she is going to react" she tells me

"Hunny, Dr.Robbins has to give you a shot, you think you can let her do that?" I ask and she looks up at me confused,

"I'll hold her as best as I can" I tell the doctor, dismissing the look of confusion the little girls tear stained cheeks

I held the girl a little tighter than I was before, her head on my chest and facing away from the doctor as she got everything she needed

After she was ready she looked at me for confirmation and I nod, letting her know that I had the girl

As soon as she  wiped her arm down with alcohol she tensed and tried to get away. When the doctor gave her the shot she cried out and and kept trying to push me away but I kept her on my lap and started to bounce my leg slightly to calm her

"It will probably take around 15 minutes for it to take full affect" she tells me and I nod, still trying to comfort the crying child

Emily's POV

It's getting late now and we have been going over everything we had trying to get a good look at where our unsub might be holding Leo.

With the description that Landon gave us about the unsub we were able to have someone draw up a rough scratch of what our unsub looks like, Garcia said it still wasn't enough to get an ID, but we have it out on all news net working sites and the police department is looking for someone who matched the description

"Has anyone heard from JJ or Reid?" Derek ask

"I haven't heard anything from JJ but Spencer said they are trying with a little girl," I explain

"Alright. She will get back with us as soon as she can" Hotch says and we all nod

"Let's head back to the hotel, we can't find Leo if we are all sleep deprived" he tells us and we all gather up our things so we could head out

When we got for the hotel we all headed to our rooms, I went alone since JJ wasn't here. When I got back to the hotel I I sent JJ a message. Wanting to wait up to hear from her before I went to bed,

Change of Perspective (Jemily)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें