Chapter 26

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Emily's POV

Once again JJ and I woke up before Mara and quietly got out of bed so we could get ready for the day.

I knew JJ was nervous about today as she was pretty quiet this morning. I know she is nervous about seeing Maya and telling her everything

I'm pretty sure she is also going to call and have Sandy released from holding.  I don't exactly know her thinking on that one. If it were up to me I would have her arrested. She still has about 24 hours to decide what to do for sure about her mother

"Hey I'm going to shower, can you just listen for her?" She ask me

"I got her, take your time" I smile and she walks into the bathroom and I stay out, and ordered us room service for breakfast

5 minutes after JJ disappeared into the bathroom Mara started to roll over and wake up

"JJ" she says looking around and seeing that she is alone in the bed

"Good morning Hunny" I smile

"I want JJ" she cries and I walk over to her

"No, no hurt. I want JJ" she cries even more

"Em!?" JJ yells from the bathroom

"I got her Jayje" I yell back

"Mara come here" I say and she shakes her head

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. I just want to help" I plead

"Po-poppy?" She ask and in nod going in to JJs bag to pull out Maras blue and purple sloth and handed it to her and she quickly held it to her face and JJ walked out wrapped in a towel

"JJ!" Mara exclaims

"Mara baby you're okay, Emmy is not going to hurt you" she says and Mara crawls over to her and puts her arms up to be picked up

JJ complied and started to comfort her

"Mara, I'm here okay? I didn't leave. I just went to shower. Now stay with Emmy so I can change, I promise she won't hurt you" JJ says and walks over to me so she could hand me Mara

"Come here love, JJ will quick" I say and she looks hesitantly before letting herself be transferred into my arms and JJ disappears into the bathroom once again

"You want to see something really cool?" I ask Mara and she nods and I walk over to the balcony and step outside

We are on the top floor making the view amazing, and the perfect spot looking at the space needle

"Look how cool that is" I say tickling her stomach a little causing her to laugh

" can we go there?" She whispers

"I'm sure we can" I tell her and she smiles

"We show JJ?" She ask me

"We can show JJ when she gets ready" I say and Mara nods and JJ steps onto the balcony with us

Mara Immediately reached for JJ and got settled into her arms

"You see?" Mara ask her excitedly

"I do, it's really big isn't it?" She ask and Mara nods

"Let's go get you ready so we can head out" JJ says to Mara and gives me a kiss as she walks inside with Mara


I got Mara ready and the three of us are now on the way to the fire station. I don't know what I'm expecting here. Im really nervous though.

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