Chapter 64

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It's finally Christmas Eve, the three of us are spending the day together and then going to Rossi's for dinner tomorrow

Mara has accepted the idea of Christmas a lot more is the past 3 weeks, she is super excited,

While we planned to take her and Jack to the mall to see Santa, she was okay with it until we got there and refused to get anywhere near the guy with the white beard

Which of course brought up her panic of thinking the strange man would be inside our house

Emily was close to just telling her Santa wasn't real, which I protested pretty quickly. And eventually we came to a mutual agreement that we would try and keep Mara believing as long as possible

The apartment is decorated throughout, we even put a small tree up in maras room and she decorated all by herself and was so happy to be able to.

Since this is her first Christmas with us we might have went a little over board, she isn't one to ask for much, even when we do end up going somewhere if she sees something she wants she won't flat out ask for it, so in return we had to do a lot of guessing for idea for gifts

Also, Amy had arrived a few days ago and she is staying at the closest hotel. One of the only things she asked for when she signed over her rights was to come during Christmas.

She has been over every day since she arrived. It is honestly pretty great. Mara isn't as shy around her anymore. She will invite Amy to play and talks her ear off  the entire time

Last night, Amy stayed later here and Emily and I were able to go out for a little.

Of course we wanted to make sure it was okay with Mara and she was all for it.

Mara is currently asleep in her room, while she still does regularly take naps there are some days where she just isn't tired and won't so instead she just has some quiet time, wether that includes watching a movie or drawing at her table. I don't know how long she is going to continue with her naps

"Hey baby" Emily smiles, coming up and wrapping her arms around my waist

"Why don't you go get in the bath while Mara sleeps? And I will deal with her if she wakes up" she says and I smile

"And wine?" I ask and she chuckles

"Sure my love, I'll bring it back to you" she says and I smile and kiss her before turning around and walking back to our room

A bath really does sound nice, I turned the hot water on and added a bath bomb before slipping out of my clothes and tying my hair up before getting in the bath

Emily came in a few seconds later with a glass of wine and handed it to me before sitting on the edge of the tub

"Is Amy coming over?" She ask and I nod

"Yes for a little and she is going back to Seattle tomorrow" I say and she nods

She slipped her hand into the bath and trailed it up and down my leg,

"What are you doing?" I smirk and she shrugs

"Me? Nothing" she replies and moves her hand higher up my thigh and I smile and sigh

Before she can do anything else Mara comes banging on the door and I groan

"I'll make it up to you later" she smiles and kisses me before leaving me alone in the tub to relax once again

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now