Chapter 58

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Emily's POV

I really did feel bad about JJ having to deal with Mara by herself, she texted me a little bit ago and told me she was running a fever and has been sleeping most of the day but when she was awake she was clingy and upset

It's a little before dinner time and we are just now boarding the jet to head home.

JJ said her and Mara would be at the office when we got back.

"You all good Prentiss?" Derek ask and I sigh

"Yea, it's just Mara is sick and JJ is having a rough time with that" I say

"Damn, good luck with that" he says and I nod

"Yea thanks" I chuckle

I told Mara I would be home before she woke up tomorrow and luckily we should be there before too late tonight

When we finally got back to the office JJ was pacing the floor around my desk with mara

I quickly walked over to them and dropped my bag at my desk

"Mommy" mara cries and reaches for me

"JJ... help. There's snot" I say trying to stop mara from wiping her face on my shirt and everyone around me laughs as JJ quickly wipes her nose with a tissue

Mara immediately returned to tryin to bury her head in my chest, not even noticing everyone around us

"Both of you go home, take care of her. The rest of you I need incident reports and then I don't want to see any of you until Monday" Hotch says and we all nod and JJ and I take Mara out to the car

I put Mara in her seat and she cried the entire time home

"Mommy" she sobs when we get home and I get her out of the seat and she clings to me

"When was the last time she had gotten medicine?" I ask JJ while we walk into the apartment

"She took a nap after lunch and I gave her some, but She got sick 10 minutes later and I didn't know if i could give her anymore" she says and I nod

"Let's check her temperature and get some more medicine in her" I say and she gives me the thermometer and goes to get the medicine out of the bathroom

"Mara, mommy's got to take your temperature," I say and gently run the thermometer across her head and JJ comes back out to me

"102.1" I say and she sighs and hands me the medicine in a dropper

"Here baby" I say and she turns her head Away from me.

"Momma will get your cup but I need you to drink this" I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes

"It's going to make you feel better" I say and she takes the medicine and quickly starts to drink whatever it was JJ had given her

"Don't drink so fast," JJ says and Mara stops and lays against me again

"Mommy... my tummy hurts" Mara says and I sigh and kiss her head

"I know baby... I'm sorry" I say

"Maybe a bath will help" JJ says and I nod and she walks back the hallways and I carry Mara back and follow her

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now