Chapter 29

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Emily's POV

We are heading home tomorrow. I am honestly pretty glad to be heading home. I go back to work the day after. JJ will be fine with mara though. The two of them already have an incredible bond.

I just don't know what to do sometimes. I don't have any memories of my mom being there with me directly. It was always a nanny while we traveled the world

I was sitting at the table in the hotel room with my laptop as I responded to some emails and the team asking when I was coming back and when they could meet Mara

I really don't think that's going to happen for a while, meeting the team anyhow. She freaks out at the sight of a man. Maybe Spencer. He does have more of a softer approach and all.

As was answering some emails and looking over the current case the team were on JJ was on the bed with reading Mara a book "I ain't going to Paint no more"

We picked it up at the store the other day because the cover looked fun and JJ has already read to it to Mara 3 times

It really gets a reaction out of her. She laughs almost the entire way through

I really love this side of JJ. The happy motherly type.

Once they finished the book JJ waved me over and I was a little hesitant seeing as Mara was in a good mood and I didn't want to ruin that

She frowned and leaned down and whispered something in Maras ear

"Emmy come sit!" Mara giggles and I smile, I closed the laptop and I got up and walked over sitting next to JJ on the bed

"Hi" she smiles shyly

"Hi" I smile back

"We go see that big thing?" She ask

"I think we can make that happen" I tell her and she smiles,

"JJ" Mara says and looks up at her


"Yes baby?" I ask Mara, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear

"Where's my mommy?" She ask me and I look to Emily for help

"Mara" I sigh and hold her close to me

"Baby.... Something happened one night and your mom passed away" I say honestly, I researched best ways to speak to your child about death and one of the main things was to be honest with them

"What's that?" She ask innocently

"Do you know what heaven is mara?" I ask

"No" she says quietly

"Well.... Heaven is the place where people go when they die" I say, guaranteed that may not be what everyone believes but I think it's the easiest to explain to her

"My mommy is in heaven?" She asked and I sigh but nod

"Yea.... You're mommy is in heaven" I say and she looks down then back up to me

"She died?" She ask and I hold her tightly once again

"She did." I say and watched for her reaction

"Do I go with my daddy?" She ask

"You don't baby, you stay with Emmy and I" I explain and she nods and leans back into me before turning herself around so her face is in my chest and her legs are on either side of me

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now