Chapter 20

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I don't know what to do, I really don't. I don't know how to contact first. My mother or Maya. It's all so surreal

Mara was in her room playing while emily and i sat in the kitchen

I'm glad she is able to be by herself for a while, she had only been in there ten minutes and im sure she is going to make her way out here pretty soon.

With all this information I don't even think I want my mom meeting Mara. I think keeping our circle small is the best. Just us and the team. Maybe Maya once we figure everything out but then again they are in Seattle and we are in DC. Completely different parts of the country.

"What do you think?" I ask Emily. I may be mad at her but she is the one that always knows what to do

"You don't have to do anything right yet" she tells me

"I know but I just want to get it over with"'I say and she nods

"Well in that case I would call your mom. Or we can go visit her." She starts and I cut her off

"I don't want Mara around her" I explain

"I understand that. Maybe Penelope will come with us. I mean Mara is going to have to get used to her once you go back to work" she says and I sigh

"That's true" I say

"So we wasn't to go to Pennsylvania with Penelope and then us go talk to My mom? Then what? Fly back out to Seattle to talk to Maya?" I ask and she shrugs

"I mean that's really the only thing we can do" she says and I nod thinking that of course she is right

"Yea, but what about work? You are supposed to go back in two days" I say, we have been out of work for s few days now, after taking off to go to Seattle and get Mara settled

"I'll just take some more time off, The team will be okay, we will just have to make sure Penelope can work from the hotel" she says and I nod

"Well we better start packing" I sighs and she nods

"I will let you do Mara and I will go ahead and start packing ours, I say let's drive to Pennsylvania and we can fly to Seattle" she says and I nod and stand up from the table

"That's fine with me" I say and she nods and walks back the hallways while I go into Maras room, she had the blue and purple sloth on the ground with her and the barbies. I don't want to scare her by packing. Making her feel like we are sending her away again. This girl just needs stability and obviously Emily and I can't even give that to her. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just making her life worse by fostering her

I walked into her room and she smiled up at me and put her toys down and ran over to give me a hug and I picked her up resting her on my hip

"You want to play?" She ask and I smile and sit down on the bed with her

"Actually I have something to tell you" I say and she sighs in my lap and lays her head on my chest, then there are moments like this that make me think what I am doing it right and that I am helping her. The amount of trust she much have to let her guard down around me is tremendous

"We are going on a road trip" I smile and she looks up at me confused

"We are going to drive up to Pennsylvania. Do you know where that is?" I ask and she shakes her head

"It's not too far from here, a few hours" I tell her and she nods

"Why we going there?" She ask

"Well that's where I grew up and I am going to see my mom so I can ask her some questions" I smile and love the hair out of her face

"And Emmy?" She ask

"Yep, Emmy is coming too" I smile

"And one of our friends who is very excited to meet you, she is the one who picked our everything for your room and got you so many toys" I chuckle and she smiles, we haven't called her yet but I'm sure she is not going to decline an invitation to meet Mara

"She is nice?" She ask and I nod

"She is very nice, and fun and will definitely spoil you" I say and she giggles

"Why don't you help me with your bag?" I ask and she shrugs and just scoots back on the bed

"I don't want to" she says And I nod. It's not that big of a deal. All I need to do is pack clothes for a few days and extras and then I'll let her bring a few toys in a smaller bag

I got her everything she would need put, a few t-shirts, some pants since it's wasn't chilly but definitely wasn't summer, I also decided on the jacket Penelope bought, it never hurts to be prepared, she also had in her bag pajamas and underwear. Once that bag was packed I looked for a smaller one so that she could pack some toys

"Mara here, can you go and get some toys you want to bring with us?" I ask and she nods and takes the bag from me immediately going towards the barbies and putting a bunch in there and coming back to me with her bag in one hand with poppy in the other

"All done" she smiles and I chuckle and lead her out to the kitchen where emily had already put a smaller bag and we walked with her back to our room

She had two bags on the bed and each of our clothes next to them

"I didn't want to pack yours in case you wanted something in particular" she says and I nod and scan over everything she had out and smiled. I put everything she picked out into my bag and went into the bathroom to pack a toiletry bag

"I already did that" she says and I nod

"Did you pack the tampons too?" I ask knowing I would need them soon

"Yes I already got it all" she tells me and I nod and go into Maras bathroom to pack her toothbrush and tooth paste to add to our bag

" I called Penelope" Emily tells me and I nod

"That was quick" I say sitting on the bed and I pick Mara up putting her on the bed next to me

"Well I figure it be better to have everything sorted out first" she says and I nod

"We're picking her up on the way" she says

"Perfect! Let's go get this over with"

Till next time ❤️

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