Chapter 21

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Emily's POV

I got all of our bags loaded and JJ was helping mara get her shoes on when I walked back into the house,

JJ took Maras hand we walked out to the car and I got in so I could get it started while JJ put Mara in

"No, I don't like it" Mara pouts

"Well you need to sit in it" I say and she shakes her head

"Mara yes. It's to keep you safe" JJ says and Mara sticks out her bottom lip

"Mara Hunny, get into the seat and let me buckle you" JJ tries

"Mara, seat or no toys" I say and JJ glares at me and I shrug, I mean it's not like what she was doing is working

"It hurts" she says starting to cry

"No baby it won't hurt anymore. We fixed it remember?" JJ says

"Let's try it okay?" JJ says and helps Mara climb into the car and into the seat while she buckles her up

"Does it hurt?" JJ ask

"No" Mara whispers

"Good. Now do you need anything before we start driving?" She ask

"Blankie?" Mara ask and JJ pulls the blanket out of the front seat for her and Mara smiles

It's a white blanket that has blue, lime, purple and dark pink stripes on it

"Thank you" she yawns and I see JJ kiss her head and get into the passenger seat with me and looked out the window

What a great way to start a road trip

Penelope lived about 15 minutes from us so the entire ride there JJ just stared out the window while Mara did the same and gently swayed her legs

We pulled up outside of Pens and JJ got out and Penelope came running out of the car


I can already tell this is going to be one very long
Road trip.

When we got to Penelopes I got out of the car so I could get into the back with Mara seeing as she might do as good with a stranger

"Ahh where is she!?" Penelope squeals coming out of her building and down to the car

"Pen" I chuckle and she smiles

"Easy, she might not react the way you want her too" i say and she nods and we walk over to Maras door and I open it and she leans away from us

"Mara, this is Penelope, the one who decorated your room" I smile and she comes back closer to us a little more

"Can you say hi? Penelope has been very excited to meet you" I chuckle

"Hi" she whispers

"You're so adorable! I got you something!" She says and reached into her bag and pulls out a brand new IPad

"Penelope" I say

"What? It's my job to spoil her" she says

"What is it?" Mara ask

"It's an iPad love bug, you can play games and watch movies" she tells her

"Thank you" Mara smiles

"Mara, would you be okay with Penelope sitting back here with you or would you rather I?" I ask her, wanting her to have a choice And she points to me

"Sorry" she whispers to Penelope and tries to give the iPad back

"It's okay sugar, and that's yours" she smiles and puts her bag in the back of the car and gets in the front with Emily while I sit in the back with Mara

I got in kissed her head and she smiled

"Can I play?" She ask and points to the iPad

"Let's save that until we get to the hotel so we can set it up or maybe Penelope will help you," I tell her and she nods and yawns

"Emily let's stop for lunch soon. I want Mara to eat before she falls asleep" I say and she nods,

Half an hour later we are pulling up to a. Diner and all got out

I ended up carrying Mara in since she got a little nervous about all the people coming in and out

We got a little booth towards the back and once again Penelope sat with Emily while I was with Mara

I was still angry at Emily, but more so now about her comment to Mara earlier

During lunch Penelope was able to start conversation with Mara and they talked like they had known each other for years and it continued until the food came out and I knew it was going to be hard for Mara so I just got her Apple sauce and some French fries, I figured something is better than nothing

"Not Hungry" she says to me and I sigh

"Mara baby I need you to eat a little please" I say and she shakes her head

"You want me to hold you while you try?" I ask and she looks around but then nods, smiling I took the small girl into my lap and handed her a fry

"How much?" She ask

"As much as you can" I say and she nods and starts nibbling on the fry

Penelope gave me concerned look but I just waved it off and we continued to eat our lunch, when I noticed Mara ate the fry I gave her, I handed her another one and she sighed but started to eat that one

Once we were done Mara ate 6 fries and took s bite of the apple sauce which i am openly proud of her for doing

"You did so good love" I tell her and we walk out of the diner

"Penny?" She says quietly and Penelope smiles and looks down at her

"Yea sugar plum?" She ask

"You can help me with the iPad?" She ask hiding behind me once we reach the car, this is such a big step for her

"Of course I will! Do you want me to sit with you?" She ask and Mara nodded And Penelope all but squealed

This time Mara let me buckle her In The car seat without a problem but was yawning and rubbing her eyes, I'm sure she will fall asleep once Emily starts driving

Once we were all settled in the car and Emily started driving Pen was trying to explain to Mara the iPad but she ended up falling asleep

"She likes you," I tell her once Mara was asleep

"She's adorable" she comments and I nod in agreement

"She is" I smile and Penelope gets on her laptop and I look out the window again

"You need to be nicer to her" I say towards Emily

"What?" Emily ask

"The whole no toys things? Really Emily?" I ask

"Well what you were doing wasn't working" she says

"You need to be patient, she is not a normal 4 year old. You can't just go and threaten the toys" I scold and she sighs

"I don't know what I'm doing Jayje, I told you I wasn't cut out to be a mother" she says and I sigh and take her hand

"You just can't snap on her like that," I tell her

"I didn't mean to, I didn't. " she says putting her hand back on the steering wheel and using the other one to wipe her eyes and looking back in the rear view mirror Penelope had her headphones in

"I just keep messing everything up" she says, it's very rarely Emily shows emotion

"I'm sorry"" she says and I put my hand on hers again

"Emily it's okay, it was a mistake, and you know it. I love you, you know? Always and forever" I tell her she smiles

"Always and forever"

Till next time ❤️

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