6. Angry Cheng Cheng..

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"When are you going to stop being so impulsive, Xiao Zhan?", bellowed Zhuocheng and Zhan silently let the elder scold him. "I told you I will handle it but you just walked into Wang Yibo's domain like that. Are you crazy?", the volume kept increasing with every word and thanks to his sensitive hearing, Xiao Zhan felt his temples throb. "A-Cheng, enough", came his uncle's voice and even though Zhuocheng backed off, Zhan could see steam coming out of his ears. This was the reason why he didn't tell anyone, specially Zhuocheng. He wouldn't have allowed Zhan to reach out to Yibo and would have made a move himself. A face-off between Zhuocheng and Yibo would have been disastrous, doing more harm than good. "Zhan, you realize how wrong things might have gone, right?", he looked up at his uncle's voice but still refused to say anything. "Answer me, Zhan. This silent treatment won't work on me", his uncle said sharply and Zhan sighed. "I know I was reckless,Uncle. If you want me to apologize for hiding this from you then I am sorry but I won't apologize for going to Wang Yibo. This is my pack. I had to help. "  The steel in his voice brought a smile on Jian Min's face. Zhan might only be a part-Alpha but he was more hard-headed than most Alphas. Zhan had always been resilient and it was impossible to convince him to do something he didn't believe in. His brother had a lot of big plans for Zhan and Jian Min was proud of his nephew. "Fine. I will let you off this time. Do something like this again and I won't be so nice. Clear?", he warned and Xiao Zhan smiled. "Crystal."

"A-Cheng, you need to stop sulking. Which self-respecting man sulks like this? ", said an exasperated Zhan but Zhuocheng only scowled at him. An entire day had passed but Zhuocheng was still angry at Zhan. If not for the fact that all this anger came from a good place, Zhan wouldn't have bothered. He knew Zhuocheng was worried and that was why he was here with his hands joined, giving his best puppy look to Zhuocheng. "Cheng-Cheng, let it go. Please? ", he pouted. Since he got no reaction, he decided to use his ultimate weapon. "Fine. I will tell uncle you are being a brat. Let's see what that does to your tough-Alpha persona.", he threatened teasingly and Zhuocheng's brows hit his hairline. "You brat,come here. I will stop when I am done knocking some sense into you with my punches ",yelled Zhuocheng as he took Zhan in a headlock. "Cheng-Cheng, that hurts",whined Zhan when the arms got tighter but after a while they loosened. Zhan turned around and seeing the worry on Zhuocheng's face,he felt guilty. Zhuocheng was often overprotective at times but Zhan understood. It was in Cheng's nature to take the lead and his reckless move had made him agitated. The one thing Cheng didn't like were surprises. He looked as if he had aged a decade in a single day and Zhan hated that. He placed his hands on the elder's shoulders being serious. "Cheng-Cheng, I am sorry. I won't be so impulsive again." Maybe all that Cheng needed was a genuine apology and assurance because the next moment he was engulfed in a bear hug. "Zhan,you know we worry about you, right? We just don't want you hurt. Wang Yibo isn't a simple man."
Zhan pulled away and nodded at his brother's words. "I am ok, Cheng. I will let you and uncle handle the omega matter. I will leave this to you." His words were gentle and Zhuocheng gave him a relieved look. "We will let you know when we find something", assured Zhuocheng and Zhan agreed with a nod.

The next two days were pretty tedious for the Alpha family in Yunmeng pack. They hadn't been able to find a person who would agree to the conditions and they weren't surprised. Omegas were delicate and soft-hearted by nature and cherished their mates and family a lot. Having a mate was a big deal to all shifters and binding yourself to a person who wouldn't love you back no matter what was not something easy. It was a lost cause and no one deserved a fate like that. Xiao Zhan had been awake the entire night trying to track down the Omegas he could meet. He had already checked out the shelters where many Omegas stayed. The Omegas that had lost their mates, been rejected or maybe were on the run all stayed in such shelters. He had tried to talk to them but none were convinced. He cursed Wang Yibo for the hundredth time that day and Yubin shot him a worried look. Zhan was frustrated and had been snappier than usual. He had contacted all the nearby places but hadn't found anyone. The Omegas from their own pack were informed and knowing the conditions no one had come forward for help. It wasn't right to expect someone to sacrifice themselves for others. That took a lot of courage and regrettably no one was brave enough to take that step. "Zhan,you have been up all night, rest for a few hours", advised Yubin but the only response he got was a cold glare and a sarcastic comment.  "Yeah right, I should rest and let Wang Yibo take away his support so that we can die miserably." If not for the fact the Yubin adored and cared for Zhan more than anyone else, he would have left him alone.  He refused to see Zhan waste away before him like this. He walked over to Zhan, snatched the papers from his hands and before Zhan could give him an earful he stopped the man with a stern voice. "Listen Zhan, I am not telling you to stop trying. I know you are tensed and no one else knows that better than me. I am asking you to take a break because working this way won't give you results." Seeing the helplessness on Zhan's face hurt Yubin a lot. Zhan was a cheerful,confident and an optimistic man but Yubin could see how this problem had sucked the life out of him."Zhan, Xuan Lu's baby shower is around the corner. You said you wanted to buy her something special. On the way, we can also go to the place that Zhuocheng told us about. The Omegas there didn't shut us out. You said you wanted to try again."  His soft words did the job and Zhan nodded his head in agreement. "Let me change." At his words Yubin let out a relieved breath and after an hour they left Zhan's place and made a stop at the mall.

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