33. Trouble in paradise...

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"He has been this way ever since he arrived this morning, Zhan. He isn't talking and has refused to eat or drink anything. The only word he said was your name when he came here." Zhan's uncle said the words while staring at Song Jiyang and Zhan could see why his uncle sounded so worried. Song Jiyang was lively, he couldn't sit in one place for too long and that megawatt smile of his never left his face for too long. The man before them was not the Jiyang they knew. The figure before them was a shell, he appeared as if a single word would break him and Zhan knew there was only one person in the world who could put Jiyang in this state. "Yubin, find out where Haoxuan is." Yubin gave him a nod and Zhan approached Jiyang as one would approach a wild animal and Jiyang did look like one. Scared and lost. "Jiyang?", he said softly and the man looked his way, the glistening tears shining in Jiyang's eyes. Zhan's uncle was right. Jiyang was in a bad shape. His eyes were red and puffy clearly due to the continuous crying, he looked sleep deprived and his lips were chapped because he hadn't had a drink in hours. Zhan sat beside Jiyang and gathered him into his arms offering the Omega a shoulder to cry on. "Let it all out, A-Yang. I will hold you through it all. When you are ready to talk, I will listen." Jiyang broke into ugly sobs as he fisted Zhan's shirt, his body shaking under the violent sobs. Zhan had never seen Jiyang this way but all he could do was rub the Omega's back and tell him that he was there. They stayed that way for almost half an hour and Jiyang had cried until his throat was hoarse. His eyes were swollen and Yubin offered Jiyang a glass of water that the Omega took with shaking hands. Yubin saw Jiyang gulp the water down and he sent a look to Zhan telling him silently that things weren't good. Haoxuan had fucked up.

"Jiyang, tell me what happened",urged Zhan and Jiyang wiped at his face and stared at his hands as if unable to meet Zhan's gaze.  "X-Xuan..he lied to m-me." Jiyang's voice was barely above a whisper and he cleared his throat wiping another tear escaping his eye. "Bowen called Xuan this morning." "Li Bowen?", asked Zhan and Jiyang nodded his head miserably. Bowen had gone to college with Zhan and Jiyang and they had known the guy ever since. The guy was good looking and charming but also a grade one creep. He had followed Jiyang everywhere from classes to cafeteria, always just staring at him. It wasn't until their last year that Bowen had made a move on Jiyang. He was obviously rejected. Jiyang had been scared of the guy's creepy attitude and wanted nothing to do with him and Zhan had made sure Bowen got the message loud and clear. Zhan didn't get what the man did to make Jiyang and Xuan fight now. "Xuan knows him?",was what Zhan asked and Jiyang gave him hollow laugh before breaking into tears again. "Bowen and X-Xuan are friends, Zhan. I didn't know and I wouldn't have made the connection my entire life if I hadn't read their texts and seen pictures of them together." "They are together?", blurted Zhan and the words felt completely wrong. Zhan felt stupid even suggesting something like it. Xuan could never betray Jiyang this way, Zhan could bet his life on it. "I wish it was this easy. They wanted to make a fool of me, Xiao Zhan. Xuan didn't meet me in the club accidentally, they had it all planned. I found the texts...two years old. Bowen wanted Xuan to break my heart because according to him, I was a stuck-up bitch that needed to be taught a lesson. Xuan agreed, Zhan. He agreed to it and that fucker met me at the club, literally charmed me off my feet, all for his own fucking entertainment. He...It was all a lie." Zhan understood that Jiyang was hurt and for someone as sensitive as Jiyang this was a big matter but Zhan didn't really understand why something like this shook Jiyang this much.

"Jiyang...you said it yourself. It happened two years ago. I mean I understand you are hurt but people do stupid things. Moreover, your first meeting might have been a lie but you guys are mated now. This is real. He worships the ground you walk on A-Yang." "You think I am overreacting but...", Jiyang stopped talking and Zhan's frown deepened. "Tell me, Jiyang. There is more, isn't there? Tell me what else did he do Jiyang." Zhan didn't realise his voice had gone hard and when Jiyang flinched, Zhan cursed himself. "Sorry. Please tell me what happened, A-Yang." Taking a deep breath, Jiyang calmed himself and told Zhan the rest. "I read their texts. Initially, Bowen asked Xuan about his progress with me and Xuan boasted to him about how he had me wrapped around his finger. I told you before how Xuan sometimes cancelled our dates when we were first going out together. Turns out it was to keep me hanging. T-The things they said Zhan." Tears fell down freely from Jiyang's face but this time he made no effort to stop them. "They joked about how I was not Xuan's type. Not beautiful. Not confident. Xuan used to tell me that he found my shyness adorable but he was annoyed by it in reality. H-He told Bowen that I was an inexperienced dummy and he wouldn't have touched me with a ten-foot pole if it wasn't for Bowen's plan." Another hollow laugh escaped Jiyang and Zhan was visibly stunned. If it hadn't been Jiyang, Zhan wouldn't have believed a word of what was just said but he knew now why his friend was in so much pain. "The one man who was fated to be mine is stuck with me, Xiao Zhan. If not for this fucking true mate crap..he wouldn't have even touched me with ten foot pole. He has never wanted me. He just wanted the bond. He made me believe that it was me he wanted but in reality, I could have been anyone and Xuan would've been the same way. If I found out tomorrow that we weren't true mates...I would have stayed with him because it's Wang Haoxuan I love but he doesn't feel the same, Zhan. I thought he was pushing us to get mated so that he could be with me, I thought he loved me...he never even liked me. In the end, he is stuck with an inexperienced dummy who can't even walk without bumping into a wall. Do you see, Zhan? How am I supposed to live with the fact that the one man I love with all my heart thinks so lowly of me and would have left me long ago if I hadn't been his mate?" Jiyang buried his face into his arms and the heart wrenching cry that left him broke Zhan. Jiyang didn't deserve this. Zhan was sure something was amiss because he couldn't believe Xuan could hurt Jiyang this way. He knew that Jiyang and Xuan were poles apart but it was also true that Jiyang had changed Xuan for the better, just like Xuan had done for Jiyang. While Jiyang had anchored Xuan, the Alpha had pulled Jiyang out of his shell and turned him into someone better.

Pulling the man to him again, Zhan let Jiyang cry and when the cries subsided to occasional sniffles he spoke gently. "I am not sure how much of my words will make sense to you now, Jiyang. Maybe you won't believe anything but you need to hear this. Haoxuan loves you. I have seen that man fight people at restaurants because they put too much salt into your food. I have seen him staying up all night because you had a high fever. You say he just wanted the bond but that man waited for an entire year to mark you because you said so. I have seen how your happiness makes him happy and your sadness makes him miserable. When I see you guys together, I see two people who love each other hopelessly. He isn't a good man Jiyang but he tries to be a better man everyday to be worthy of you. You were made for him. There is no one else that can take your place in Xuan's life, Jiyang. You once told me you would die without him. Don't give up so easily, Jiyang. Talk to him." "I don't even want to look at his face, Zhan. I..I just need some time alone. I just want to stay here with you today. Just for tonight. Please." Zhan patted Jiyang's head relieved that the man wasn't crying anymore. "Alright. But eat something first. Yubin has been worried sick for you. He made you some sandwiches." Jiyang gave Yubin a small smile and said "thank you" before taking a few bites. The sandwiches were gone and Zhan led Jiyang to the guest room hoping that a little rest would be good for the Omega. He saw he had a text from Yibo asking what had happened and he decided he would call Yibo later.

Walking back to the kitchen he saw Yubin staring at the wall and let out a deep sigh. "Are you worried for Jiyang? He will be fine once he and Xuan talk, Yubin." His words were sure and Yubin nodded at his words but continued staring at Zhan thoughtfully. "What?", Zhan asked and Yubin gestured for him to sit down. "Why are you acting so strange, Bin?" "Do you think that Yibo won't want you because of Xinyan? Is that the reason you are holding yourself back, Zhan-Zhan?" Zhan froze at the abrupt question and a denial was on his lips but lying to Yubin wouldn't do him any good. Yubin would still see through his lies. He decided to be honest to his friend and himself. "Would there be anyone in this world who could take A-Qing's place in your heart, Yubin?"  "No. No one could but unlike me Yibo never knew his mate. Zhan you shouldn't-" "Let's not talk about it now, Yubin. I want to stay with Yibo. I won't lie, I really do but Yibo might not want the same. No matter how young he was, he knows what having a true mate means. I can't be a replacement anymore, Yubin. I was never wanted in Yunmeng...I can't go through the same thing in the Lan pack. I hold myself back because I have everything at stake here. My heart, my sanity.. everything. I know you want the best for me but please let me make this decision for myself." Zhan drank a glass of water and was about to call Yibo when Yubin spoke. "Just like you told Jiyang a few things right now, I want to do the same with you. You can choose to not believe me, you just need to hear it. The cold, cruel Wang Yibo everyone fears adores you, Xiao Zhan. He treats you with the respect that an Alpha deserves and care that an Omega needs. He has marked you as his and has done everything he said he wouldn't because you changed him. Think over what has happened over these last two months and you will find out that it isn't you who is taking a chance here. Wang Yibo already took that chance on you, Zhan-Zhan. He has given you everything he could and hasn't asked for anything in return. This kind of change in a person doesn't happen overnight. Tell him how you feel, Xiao Zhan. You won't be disappointed."

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