24. The enemy...

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"It all started when Zhang Yong was killed by me years ago. His brother, Zhang Wei has been after me ever since. Time and time again he came after me and my pack but the Lans thwarted all of his attempts to cause harm. The vampire firstborns that attacked me years ago did it on Zhang Wei's orders. He was an influential figure in the coven and used his resources to corner me. My pack attacked one of the hideouts the vampires had as payback and it was a hard on both sides. Due to the incident, Zhang Wei had a fallout with the coven and soon he disappeared. The vampires don't want to risk another fight with us. The reason why he attacked the Yunmeng pack now could be because he found out about the recent events. He might be acting alone because the others won't help him. As of what the Wens want, you people know better." Yibo's words were blunt and it was Jian Min that spoke next with understanding in his tone. "This was the reason why you wanted the ceremony to be a small affair. Even then Zhang Wei found out. An attack on us was to provoke you." Yibo nodded at his words and Zhan clenched his hands into fists in anger. "They have gone too far. They killed the Omegas to taunt Yibo and the Wens assisted him out of hatred. The sick bastards." Yibo squeezed Zhan's hand to calm him despite of the fact that he was raging himself. Yibo was livid. The bloodsuckers had come to Yunmeng just for the sake of aggravating him. Zhang Wei had been a problem for years but now that he had pulled his Zhan's family into this, it was important to finish him off. Zhang Wei was a threat to everything that was important to Yibo so he had to die.

The dark aura surrounding Yibo was scary and Zhan could only guess how pissed Yibo was. "What do you plan on doing,Yibo?", he asked but his uncle spoke before Yibo could answer. "You need to act fast. He is getting desperate, Wang Yibo", said Jian Min and Yibo raised an eyebrow at the Alpha's words. "Bringing another pack into the equation was a desperate move. He is putting the vampires that don't want to fight us in a tight spot. A stunt like this could risk a bloodbath among us and the vamps. He knew the consequences and still made a reckless move. He is clearly challenging you." Yibo's nostrils flared at the explanation and his jaw clenched hard. "Then it is a challenge he shall get", said Yibo menacingly and Zhan watched Yibo's eyes turn from cold to bloodthirsty as he continued. "I need to find out who helped Zhang Wei. He isn't someone who would play teams with wolves. He hates our kind. I will leave the Wens to you. En Jie and He Peng need to be stopped, do what you deem fit." The look on Yibo's face was frightening and everyone in the room saw the murderous glint in his eyes. Zhang Wei was going to die. Zhan could see Yibo plotting Zhang Wei's death in his head. Yibo was going to end the bastard and Zhan was going to cheer Yibo while he did the deed.

The entire Yunmeng pack was shaken due to last night's events but it was Omegas who were hit the hardest. They were scared out of their minds. Zhan approached them with a soft smile and as soon as some of them saw him, they broke down. It had taken a while to calm them down. Zhan was talking with the Omegas and Yibo was watching him work his magic. The Omegas relaxed at Zhan's words and some even had determined looks on their faces that made Yibo wonder what his firecracker had said to them. Zhan was smiling at the children while patting the heads of the little ones as they clung to his lean legs. Yibo's eyes were focused on his mate and he only realised he wasn't alone when he heard the deep voice beside him. "He's amazing. Isn't he?", said Jian Min but Yibo stood silent. Jian Min saw the tender look in the young Alpha's eyes as he stared at his nephew. "We were trying to calm them down since yesterday but nothing worked. A few words from him and they are better already. Zhan has always had this quality in him. People lose all their worries around him. With the way you look at him, you have felt it too." Jian Min turned to Yibo and all the love and warmth leached away from his voice when he spoke again. "The attack yesterday....you and me both know Zhang Wei will up his game and Zhan will be his next target. So tell me Yibo, will you protect him with everything you have?" As the Alpha turned to him, Jian Min saw his blazing golden eyes, the conviction in them and he had his answer. The Alpha would protect Zhan, no questions asked. Jian Min gave him an approving nod and with a pat on his shoulder walked towards Zhan. Yibo heard the man inviting Zhan for a talk outside and Zhan glanced back at Yibo with a look that said 'I will be right back'. Yibo gave him a nod and watched as the uncle and nephew left the room.

His features hardened as soon as his mate was out of sight and Yibo walked to his enforcers with a serious look on his face. "Xuan...You and Yubin do a perimeter check with some of the Jiang wolves. Make sure there is no one lurking around. You find anyone suspicious...you know what to do." With a "yes" Haoxuan and Yubin walked out. Yibo was about to make a call when he heard Zhuocheng's voice behind him.
"You heard my father. Our Zhan is in danger. Leave Zhan in Yunmeng Jiang and we will keep him safe." Yibo turned and glowered at the conceited man he was coming to hate with every fibre of his being. Yibo didn't want to breathe the same air as this man let alone talk but the anger he felt at the man's words, it blinded him. "Standing here with broken legs, a wounded ego and you claim that you can protect him?" His words were drenched in sarcasm and the sneer Zhuocheng gave him made a smug smile crawl on Yibo's lips. The young Alpha really had a short fuse. "At least, I have the will to protect Zhan. Everyone knows you are more of a danger to him than Zhang Wei. Do the right thing, Wang Yibo. Leave Zhan here", advised Zhuocheng glaring at Yibo. Just like that the smug look on Yibo's face was replaced by something very dark. Wang Yibo walked slowly to the Alpha, invading his personal space with a scowl on his face. Wang Yibo had never been more tempted to rip a man apart. With a growl, he spoke the callous words. "Don't test me, Zhuocheng. Get the thoughts of Zhan out of your mind. He doesn't need you. Zhan is my mate and he is fully capable of protecting himself from danger. You think I will believe that all this bullshit you spew out is because you care for him? I see what you truly are Luo Zhuocheng." As Zhuocheng turned red with rage Yibo smirked at him baring his claws. "All these years you have told Zhan to rely on you. Made him feel that his elder brother is nothing but protective and caring. The truth is...you are a scheming bastard. You made Zhan feel that you were protective of him while all this time you made sure everyone viewed him as weaker than you. A latent Alpha that depended on his gege. You just couldn't have him challenging you for the pack. The best way to do that was to keep him away from the pack matters under the guise of protection." Yibo shook his head clicking his tongue. "Mother and son are so alike. The Apple really didn't fall far from the tree." His words had Zhuocheng's blood boiling and with a snarl the Alpha bunched Yibo's shirt in his hands. Zhuocheng's eyes burned with anger and Yibo should have hurt the man before him. God knew he wanted to but he didn't. His firecracker cared about the scheming loser and Yibo didn't want his Zhan to get hurt or worse, hate him. With the patience he didn't know he possessed, Yibo removed the veined hands from his collar saying, "Don't get all flustered, Zhuocheng. Let's not give my Zhan a headache with your petty tantrums. We can always let off steam and exchange a few blows when the opportunity arises. Right now, we need to work together to handle Zhang Wei." His words had the desired effect and Zhuocheng let him go even though he detested him more than anything in the world. Pulling his shirt into place Yibo glowered at the man before him, his tone grim. "He is mine, Zhuocheng. Never again suggest that he is yours and needs your protection. I assure you I am all he needs. Any fucker that tries to even breathe in his direction with malicious intent, I , Wang Yibo will kill him." With those words and leaving a seething Zhuocheng behind, Wang Yibo stormed out of the room.

Yibo needed to see Xiao Zhan. He needed his mate. Needed to touch him, to feel him. Needed to smell that heady scent and calm down the burning wrath in him. His frantic gaze landed on his firecracker and Yibo could finally breathe easy. Zhan was his. No one was going to take him away. Whether it be Zhang Wei, Zhuocheng or even the entire world at stake, Yibo was never going to let his firecracker go. The warmth he felt around Zhan... Yibo couldn't lose it. The dark haired boy held Yibo's sanity in his palms. No chance in hell Yibo would lose him. He was going to protect Zhan with his life. Everything that posed a threat to Xiao Zhan would be eliminated. Zhang Wei had made the last mistake of his life. He had made Zhan cry. He had thoughts of hurting his Zhan. For that alone, Yibo was going to wipe his existence off this earth.

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