12. Zhan doesn't like it..

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"How could you say no, Zhan? I need this chance. Tell En Jie I will do it for free and send me the list of everything she hates. I will make this the most memorable moment of her life." The familiar voice at the other end made Zhan smile. "That's what I thought", he said laughing. "I would have done this to have fun but knowing your Aunt if I mess this up, she will put the entire blame on you." Zhan hummed his agreement at Chun Hua's words and enquired about her new projects to distract her but her tone got serious. "Zhan you know you can come work with me, right? You don't have to put up with all this. You can't walk on eggshells around them forever",Chun Hua took a deep breath and Zhan knew another lecture was coming so he cut her next words off. "Not the lecture, Hua. I love this place. My mom and dad...this is the only place that is left with any trace of them. I can't lose that. Anyway, make sure no one from your side coordinates with my aunt. Tell them you are abroad and your schedule is packed." "I...Fine. Do whatever you like. I can't change your mind,anyway. Talk soon, Zhan-Zhan. Take care." "You too." With those words, Chun Hua hung up the call and Zhan let out a relieved sigh. Now all that was left was to talk to En Jie. Zhan knew if he didn't say no to her directly she would loop in Aunt Luo to force Zhan into this. That wasn't going to happen.

Zhan walked into the cafe looking around for En Jie. Yubin was with him and Zhan suggested him to buy them breakfast while he talked to En Jie. He glanced at his watch and decided he would make this short. He climbed the stairs and he easily found En Jie who was sitting across someone. It didn't take long for her to see Zhan and the smile she shot his way was surprising. Zhan walked to her and then saw who she was sitting with. Of course, it was Wang Yibo and from the looks of it Zhan had crashed their date. A mental punch wasn't enough so Zhan made sure he kicked himself in the nuts mentally. He should have known she was with Yibo. The little jealousy budding in him at the sight was scary and Zhan squashed the feeling down as soon as it rose. "Zhan, I wasn't expecting you here", En Jie said surprised and Zhan gave her a polite smile while cold dark eyes turned his way. " Lu-Jie..Mr. Wang ," he greeted politely. "Sorry for disturbing. I did not know you guys were together. I won't take long, Lu-Jie could I talk to you for a second?" Zhan didn't care what they thought of him anymore. He just wanted to get things done with so that he could leave. En Jie smiled sheepishly at him and Zhan almost guessed her next words. "Zhan, take a seat. You can say anything you want with Yibo present. There are no secrets between mates."

The dark feeling in him raised his head again and Zhan hid it with a fake smile.  Taking a seat, he finally glanced at Yibo and like always those dark eyes pulled him into a trance but today those dark eyes were filled with indifference. No matter how cold the words were, Zhan had never seen those dark eyes so empty. The spark of desire he always saw in Yibo's eyes was missing today and Zhan didn't like that one bit. He knew he was being irrational. He had tried so hard to cut ties off with this man and now when it happened, he wanted to beg for that familiar connection again. He had never wanted someone this much before and it was becoming harder to suppress what he felt. The dark eyes looked through Zhan as if he wasn't even there and Zhan woke up from his fantasy. It was better this way. Zhan turned his focus to En Jie who was on her best behavior. That angelic look on her face could fool others but fortunately Zhan wasn't one of them. "Jie, Chun Hua isn't free to plan the event. I asked her but her schedule is packed", Zhan made sure to keep his tone calm. The last thing he wanted was a tantrum from En Jie saying either he was mocking her or not being sympathetic. As expected, En Jie's face changed after she heard those words. On her face there wasn't disappointment but anger. She didn't want Chun Hua to plan her mating party because she liked her work, this was a power move and Zhan knew that well. "I think I told you we would pay her double. You are her friend,why can't she make an exception for you?", she said icily but Zhan kept his face neutral. Wang Yibo was glancing between them without a flick of interest and Zhan was thankful for that. Maybe heavens were on his side because Yibo's phone rang all of a sudden and he had to excuse himself to attend the call. Seeing Yibo wasn't around En Jie put down her pretense, glaring at Zhan. "You told her not to take this project. I know you don't like me Zhan but do you really have to be this way and ruin the most important day of my life?" Zhan rolled his eyes at the dramatic performance, not at all impressed. "I don't control Hua, En Jie. This is her decision and I am just relaying the message. If you really want a good party planner, here, contact these people." Zhan slid the card to her and got up from his chair when he saw Wang Yibo returning. "I have made things clear to you.I hope you can understand. Let's not make things difficult for each other." "You-", she was about to say something but by then Yibo joined them again. " Is everything ok, En Jie?",asked Yibo and Zhan bristled at the concern. Thinking staying any longer would only drive him over the edge he said his goodbyes. "I will take my leave. Please enjoy your date." Zhan walked away without another word ignoring the anger and hurt that he felt.

"Zhan, let's go to Aura tonight", Zhuocheng called opening the door to Zhan's room only to find Zhan standing in a towel. Zhan had just come out of a shower and was in the process of drying his hair when Zhuocheng came. "Aura?", repeated Zhan and Zhuocheng jumped on Zhan's bed.  "Let's get drunk tonight", came Zhuocheng's voice and Zhan eyed him carefully. "Why do you want to get drunk all of a sudden?" Zhuocheng let out an exasperated sigh and Zhan frowned at him."Why do you ask so many questions? Do men need a reason to get hammered? Change into something,we are going out tonight." Zhan smiled and called Yubin to let him know about their plans. Zhan and Zhuocheng left his house minutes later and found Li Teng, Zhuocheng's protector and Yubin waiting for them. The four of them entered Aura thirty minutes later, all of them excited for the night. They were dressed casual enough but heads turned when they walked in. The men and women started to check them out but Zhan and Zhuocheng weren't here for that kind of fun. It was rare that they got chance to let loose and they were going to enjoy the night, drowning in alcohol. They headed to the bar and drank some shots while Yubin and Li Teng watched over them. Both of them knew that their alphas were a bit hard to handle when drunk so they stayed sober and around to keep them out of trouble. Zhuocheng had a tendency to get into fights while Zhan supported his brother like a devoted cheerleader. It was once that Zhan had spilled drink over a big guy and had ended up in a bar brawl. When Zhuocheng had heard of it, he had lost all his marbles and beat everyone in the club. The ones who had hit his brother along with those who hadn't. Zhan had been standing on the bar countertop screaming encouragements at the top of his lungs. They couldn't enter the club now because of it as the owner had made it clear he would shoot them on sight if they stepped in the club again. The brothers had no intention to fight today though, so they behaved themselves and focused on getting drunk.

Zhan had a little buzz going on but Zhuocheng was still standing straight. Zhan got drunk a little early but he assured Zhuocheng that he would accompany him until both of them lost their minds. Zhan motioned to Yubin that he was going to the urinals and even though he was swaying a little he got there without much difficulty. After splashing his face with cold water and feeling a little better Zhan stepped out of the bathroom only to walk into someone. Fingers curled around his arms as the man supported him and concern laced the words when the man spoke. "Baby, you shouldn't drink like this. What if you fall sick?", the admonishing tone  came from above and Zhan stared at the familiar face. "Aiyo!Why are you here too, Chuyue?",whined Zhan hoping the man before him would vanish. All Zhan wanted was one night to have fun but the gods wouldn't even give him that. He jerked away from Peng Chuyue and tried to walk away only to get pulled back. Chuyue took his arm and dragged him to a less crowded area while Zhan tried to recover fast from the haze that surrounded his drunk mind. He was about to say something but the next instant his warm lips were covered by Chuyue's cold ones. Zhan kept his lips sealed while Chuyue's tongue probed trying to enter his mouth. He fought Chuyue off and when he had managed to push the man away, landed a punch on that face. "Asshole. You touch me again and I am going to kill you." The menace in his words made no difference to Chuyue who grabbed at him again. The cold lips travelled to his throat and Zhan snarled and kicked the man away. His throat was littered in marks and Chuyue broke out in laughter. Zhan stared at the lunatic who after laughing to his heart's content pinned Zhan with a hard gaze. "Now you can go home to that Wang Yibo and tell him you want me. I know he is getting mated to En Jie, Zhan. You will be nothing more than a dirty secret. Come back to me and I will treat you good. I promise." The words made bile rise in Zhan's throat because he finally realised Chuyue had gone crazy. Chuyue stood up and with a laugh mocked,"I wonder if this will be the reason you guys break up. Covered in my marks,do you think Yibo will want used goods, Zhan Zhan?" Zhan growled at the insult and was about to tear the man to pieces when an arm snaked around his waist effectively holding him back.

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