36. You have me...

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Zhan ran his fingers over Yibo's shoulders giggling when the man let out a satisfied growl. Everything had happened so fast, Zhan was having trouble wrapping his head around it. He had marked Yibo. Fuck. The gravity of the words had his heart thundering and Yibo raised his head from Zhan's chest, gazing at him intently. "What are you thinking about?", he said softly and Zhan smiled thumbing Yibo's hair off his head. "I was thinking that it's all happening very fast. " Yibo sat up pulling him along and soon they settled with Zhan's head on Yibo's chest. "It's not fast if you ask me. I have waited twenty eight years for you." Zhan was a person who spoke his mind and he held Yibo's hand while saying, "You had Xinyue." Yibo was about to say something but Zhan placed a finger on Yibo's lips and pulling back. "I am not jealous or saying this out of spite. I have had time to deal with the fact that you had a mate. I won't ask you to give me her place..I just want you to promise me that you won't look at me as her replacement." There. He had said the words he had to and Yibo removed his finger from his mouth and kissed Zhan's fingers. "You will never be her replacement, Xiao Zhan. I couldn't have loved her the way I love you. True mate or not, I would have never mated with her." The words had Zhan's brows furrowing and seeing the adorable frown on his mate's face, Yibo told him what he should have a long time ago. "I never wanted to find my true mate. My father met my mother at a wedding and fell in love. My father loved her too much and it was a shock that after five years of being together, she tried to kill my father. She was an Alpha. She felt trapped. The Wangs can get obsessive when in love and she felt caged with my father. She hurt my older brother and held him at knifepoint, telling my father to let her go or she would kill Haikuan-ge. My father was devastated but he chose to let her go. Even when it killed him, he let his true mate go because it was easier to handle the separation than the burning hate in her eyes. My uncle found his true mate too late. She was already with someone else and didn't want anything to do with my uncle. He felt betrayed and the matters of love became a bitter pill to swallow." Yibo took a deep breath and kissed Zhan's hand again and Zhan waited patiently for his Alpha's next words. "Haikuan-ge was the most unlucky one of us. Shuang-Jie broke him completely. You must have heard there was a traitor in our pack and my pack suffered great losses because of that person." Zhan nodded at his words and Yibo let out a deep sigh. "It was La Shuang. My brother's true mate. She was working for one my brother's enemies and gave the man all our secrets betraying my brother in the worst way possible. An Yu, my nephew was only three back then." "Haikuan-ge has a son?", Zhan asked wide eyed and Yibo smiled at the comical expression. "Ge is utterly protective of him. An Yu was there when his mother was punished and executed for her crimes. He didn't drive his father away but for him the people who were supposed to protect his mother were the ones who killed her. He doesn't like to come here. I will take you to meet him someday. So you see, The Wangs are cursed. None of the people around me ever found their happily ever after with the one made for them. What happened with my father and uncle made me wary of my true mate. The day I found about Xinyue....I will sound like an asshole but I was angry. I kept my distance from her and somewhere in my mind I had made assumptions that she would turn her back on me one day. She died because of a lung infection. Contrary to what people believe, I was upset that day. Just for a different reason that the others. I was angry that I wasn't bothered much by her death. I hadn't let her come close to me so when people asked me if her death hurt me, I said no. I know that I would not have been a good mate to her because I would have never trusted her. I became closed off after what happened and nothing moved me until this bubbly, beautiful firecracker came crashing into my life, hammering down my defences with a fucking laugh." Zhan's eyes were filled with tears and he hugged Yibo close to himself, rubbing the man's back. "I am sorry all of this happened, Yibo. No one should go through what you and your family did. I know you think otherwise but you would have been a good mate to Xinyue. You are a good person and I have seen it myself how kind and warm you are." Yibo pulled away and kissed Zhan robbing his lungs of air. He brushed his fingers over Zhan's neck, touched his claiming bite saying, "I wondered why it wasn't you who was my mate. I am glad that I am not though. I would have been a moron and turned you away just because you were my true mate. Fate gave me a second chance, Zhan-Zhan. A beautiful chance. But I am not as good as you say. I won't let you go if your true mate comes along. I am a selfish man, Xiao Zhan. You are stuck with me till I take my last breath. I know how much you looked forward to meeting your fated one. Will you ever regret being with me?" Wang Yibo was always arrogant and sure of himself so the hint of insecurity in his tone felt foreign. Zhan smoothed his hands over his Alpha's face, brushing their noses together. "Never. It's you and me forever, Wang Yibo." "I love you, Zhan-Zhan", Yibo whispered against his lips and Zhan smiled wide, happy beyond measure. Their bubble didn't last long though. Zhan heard glass breaking outside his room followed by Jiyang screaming, "I am not your fucking kitten!!!"

Wang Yibo's face turned sour and Zhan huffed out a laugh at his face. He got up from the bed and shuddered when he felt Yibo's cum leak out his red, swollen hole. Shooting Yibo a mock glare, Zhan got up pulling a shirt on while Yibo gazed at him lazily with a smug smile on his face. "I am going to punch you. Stop being so smug", he grumbled and Yibo pulled him back on the bed wrapping him in his arms. "One day, I am going to come in this beautiful mouth", said Yibo caressing his lips and Zhan shivered again at his words but painted a bored look on his face, hiding how much the idea turned him on. "Keep dreaming. If you think I am getting on my knees just to please you, You are delusional." Zhan tried to move Yibo's arms from his waist but the man just kept hugging him acting like a fucking octopus. Zhan let out an agitated sigh and pinched Yibo and Yibo retaliated with a sharp bite on his mouth. "You said Haoxuan is clingy, you liar. You are the one that's clingy. Let me go." Zhan kept trying to free himself but his mate didn't budge. Hooking his thumbs under Yibo's hands, Zhan twisted and turned and Yibo groaned but finally let him go. "I am clingy because my mate doesn't give me attention." "Did you just pout?", Zhan laughed at Yibo but the man appeared offended, glaring at his firecracker. "I don't pout." "You just did", teased Zhan and Yibo pulled Zhan to himself and gave him a gentle kiss. "Let's get you something to eat. You have started seeing things due to lack of food." Zhan only smiled and as they pulled on their clothes, the chaos continued outside.
Opening the door to his room, Zhan saw that Haoxuan was sprawled on the floor with a panting Jiyang over him and when Xuan's eyes landed on him and Yibo, the guy immediately called out for them. "Zhan..Yibo. Help me. Zhan tell him it was you who let me in. I didn't break into your house." Haoxuan's eyes were pleading but Zhan wasn't going to show that guy any mercy. He put on a surprised look on his face and turned to Jiyang. "Oh my god! I told you he is psychopath, Jiyang. He has started breaking into people's house now. I would never let you in this house after what you did to my friend, you jerk." Haoxuan's eyes widened as slaps and punches rained down on him while Jiyang called him names.

"You liar...Bastard...still lying to me." Yibo and Zhan casually walked to the kitchen and Zhan offered Yibo a coffee while he took out a pan to fix everyone something to eat. Jiyang got tired eventually and Zhan gave him a glass of water and threw Xuan an evil smile. "You must have learned your lesson, Wang Haoxuan", he taunted and the man glared daggers into him while rubbing Jiyang's back. "Come home with me, kitten", he pleaded to Jiyang but the man only sniffled and turned away. "How will I know if what you said is true? You have been lying for so long. I don't wanna go with you." Zhan saw his friend sulking and the fear on Haoxuan's face which was real. The Alpha was actually afraid that Jiyang would not come home. "Kitten, don't do this to me. You know I love you. I told you I was stupid and I said those things to get Bowen off my back. I swear on my life, kitten. I love you." Jiyang looked at Haoxuan and even though the love on the man's face was as real as it got, he didn't give in. "I am going to stay with Zhan. You can go home. I will come back when I feel like it." Xuan's face hardened at his words and he uttered through clenched teeth. "I will stay here as well, then. I am not leaving till you come with me." The stubborn Haoxuan was back and Zhan intervened. "Sorry boys but you will have to take your foreplay to your own house. You have already broken one of my Shijie's vases, you can't stay here anymore." "Traitor", spat Jiyang and Xuan smiled lifting Jiyang over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, ignoring the man's cries and punches. "We will be out of your hair then. Let's see you tomorrow for Yibo's birthday party. Bye bye." With that Xuan was out of the house with a screaming Jiyang on his shoulders and Zhan laughed before the words from Xuan registered.

"What? Your birthday? Tomorrow?", he turned panicking to Wang Yibo but the man only shrugged unaware of the mini heart-attack Zhan was having. "Why the hell didn't you tell me? I need to get you a present." Zhan left the kitchen immediately looking around for his wallet and phone but Yibo stopped him. "There's no need to. I already got my present. No need for anything else." Zhan melted under Yibo's words but still punched Yibo's shoulder. "I need to know such things about you. Everything you like and dislike. Your birthday. Embarrassing stories of your childhood." Yibo kissed his nose and addressed Zhan's issues one by one. "I like you. Dislike being away from you. My birthday is tomorrow and there are no embarrassing stories of my childhood. I was a good boy and had my dad's shoes to fill in. I was either training or studying." Zhan could not help the look of pity from creeping onto his face. His Yibo had never time to play around. "I promise you, Wang Yibo. We will have lots of fun from now on. You didn't have someone before. Now you have me."

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