20. The aftermath...

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Zhan felt Yibo's eyes boring holes into him and he finally opened his eyes to look at Yibo. "What?", he hissed and Yibo gave him a big smile. "I have realised you are pliant and docile only when I am in you. I will be spending more time in you now." Yibo palmed the globes of his ass and gave them a hard squeeze that had Zhan snarling at him. "Don't make me want to hurt you in your sleep." He grumbled but melted when Yibo pulled him closer to his chest, burying his face in Zhan's neck again. "You have scented me more times that I can count. You like it?", Zhan questioned running his hands through Yibo's hair and Yibo grunted a "yes" into his throat. Zhan smiled but soon the smile disappeared from his lips and he tensed in Yibo's arms. Yibo pulled back from him and his eyes settled on the deep frown Zhan was sporting on his forehead. "What is it?", he asked and Zhan covered his eyes with his hand. " I..I won't be able to keep my scent unblocked for long. It..it makes me uncomfortable." When Yibo didn't respond Zhan uncovered his eyes to see Yibo's mouth set in a hard line and anger simmering in his eyes. Zhan didn't want to anger Yibo which is why he thought he should explain. Yibo was his Alpha. Maybe not in an emotional sense but definitely in a physical one. No matter how twisted their situation was, this was a fact Zhan couldn't ignore.

"My Omega side wasn't so noticable before. I grew up as a latent Alpha so I didn't mask my scent. It wasn't so...potent before. Chuyue and me had been going out for months and one time we happened to hang out at his place. I don't want to tell you the details but his friends came over and drunk as they were, they tried to make a move on me. One of them was a pure bastard and had drugs on him he used on his Omega. The drugs pulled my Omega side to surface and my scent changed. Since then I realised my scent drew unwanted attention. I just feel uncomfortable when people stare. I know this was one of your conditions but.." Zhan let out a deep sigh and Yibo brushed his lips on his forehead. "Are they still alive?", Yibo suddenly growled and for a second Zhan didn't understand. "Huh?", he mumbled and the hands around his waist got tighter. "The bastards." Yibo's face was dark and something fluttered in Zhan's heart at the action. "No. They suffered", he said with satisfaction and Yibo nodded.

"Good. I understand. Mask it in front of everyone if you want to but not when you are with me."  Zhan rolled his eyes at the sentence and was about to argue but his eyes narrowed when he saw the smug expression on Yibo's face and it clicked. This sneaky skunk. "You are smug that you will be the only one who knows what I smell like." At Yibo's nonchalant shrug, Zhan's frown deepened. He had expected Yibo and himself to be possesive of each other. The mark on his neck was as real as it got and even though this charade was only for a year, Yibo's wolf thought of Zhan as his just like Zhan did. His instincts screamed at Zhan that Yibo was his. It had been just a day and Zhan knew that leaving was going to be harder than he thought. He was already attached to Yibo and this had happened after just one round of sex. A really hot round of sex but still just one round of sex. His mind clouded with dark thoughts but he hissed when Yibo pinched at his nipple hard. "What is wrong with you?", he yelled and Yibo covered his lips with his own and gave him a sharp bite. "Don't think of other things when you are with me. I don't like to share." Zhan was finding out that the Alpha before him was as spoiled as they came. "How is that my issue?", he retorted and yelped when a hand fisted into his hair and pulled hard. "It is your issue because you are mine, Xiao Zhan. That mark on your neck and my cum inside you are proof enough and in case you forget it again-" with that Yibo hiked his right leg up and buried his hard length inside Zhan making Zhan scream. "Fuck!" Zhan's hands twisted into the sheets beneath him and Yibo groaned so loud his chest vibrated with the sound. Zhan was so tight around him, Yibo's breath stuck in his throat. He hovered above Zhan needing to see that beautiful face etched with pleasure and the sight was truly breathtaking. With a deep kiss that threatened to take Zhan's soul away Yibo started pounding into Zhan and Zhan tangled his limbs around Yibo.
Zhan didn't know how many times Yibo woke him up during the night. All he knew was he came harder each and every time and his body was paying the price for it. He also conceded that Yibo was great in bed and treated Zhan well. It didn't escape his notice how Yibo got extremely gentle after their throes of passion. He kissed Zhan softly and cleaned him up because Zhan was too tired to even move a limb. If this was how it was going to be between them, Zhan thought he could live without any worries with Yibo. There was a sensible voice in his head that told him to pull back or he would suffer but Zhan had lost himself already. There was no going back now.

The next morning Zhan's eyes fluttered open when he felt a lazy lick on his neck followed by a sharp nip on his Adam's apple. "No..No more. I need to sleep", he grumbled and heard Yibo laugh. "I am waking you up because I need to go handle some pack matters. Sleep more." Zhan heard the explanation and tried to hide the smile that was gracing his lips. He dozed off again for an hour and woke up feeling hungry. It shouldn't be surprising after the intensive exercise he did last night. Zhan was sore in places he didn't know could be sore and he had himself and Wang Yibo to blame. He got off the bed and was glad Yibo had woken him up before leaving. Seeing the empty bed would have made him feel like shit and that wasn't a way Zhan wanted his day to start. He took a long shower easing his aching body and left the room after putting on a shirt and jeans. The layout of Yibo's house wasn't complex and he easily found the kitchen where he saw the pack members having breakfast. Zhan didn't want to deal with shitty comments and stupid questions so early in the morning but a woman whispered something to the people and a second later, all eyes turned to him. Zhan gave a small wave with a smile as bright as he could muster and was pleasantly surprised when some of the people actually smiled back. "Please, come on. The breakfast is almost done",came a girl's sweet voice and Haoxuan snorted at her fangirling. "If Yibo hears about you being so bright and cheery near his Omega, he is going to hurt you A-Qing." The girl blushed at Xuan's words but still tried to justify herself. "I am just inviting him. Didn't Alpha tell us to be welcoming?" Oh! Zhan didn't know this. He smiled at the cute girl and joined the table finding Yubin there as well. "Yubin, you are here too." He said the words casually but the man appeared rattled to Zhan for some reason. He was about to voice his concerns when Yubin gave him a 'later' look and Zhan nodded.

Introductions were made and Zhan found that A-Qing was actually named Zhuo Xuan, people called her A-Qing because she was found in a blue blanket by Wang Qiren, Yibo's uncle and the nickname stuck. Wang Rong was Yibo's enforcer and wasn't talkative at all while the other members Wang Hedi, Wang An were Yibo's distant cousins and liked to talk. A lot. The entire breakfast was chaotic as they grilled Zhan about his favorites, his pack and Zhan tried not to smile how excited the bunch was. These were good people Zhan could sense that. What he also found was how much they respected Yibo. Though the man in question was their age but they took his name with awe. Zhan admired Yibo for it. Pack Alphas were often feared due to their position but Yibo's name was taken with a fond smile. Like a big brother whom you admire but are afraid to talk to. Zhan was munching on sandwiches listening to the stories when came a click of high heels followed by a mocking voice. "I was threatened when I heard Yibo had chosen another Omega for himself but look at you, you aren't even a full Omega. I was worried for nothing, Yi Fei." The woman gave Zhan a withering look but Zhan couldn't bring himself to care. He kept eating slowly making the woman near him boiling in rage.

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