46. You shouldn't have touched him...

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Someone was screaming. The cries of pain were echoing through the long corridor and Zhan winced at an extremely loud shout of, "STOP!" The hand holding his tightened reassuringly and Zhan looked over to his Alpha who was walking forward with menace written on every inch of his face. The man wasn't even hiding the wrath he felt. It was visible in the way his jaw was clenched, in his eyes which were blazing golden with hate and anger. Zhan knew those men were going to suffer. His mate was going to kill the people who had tormented him and Zhan couldn't help but feel the sick satisfaction roar in his blood. He had promised Zhang Wei that Yibo would come for him. He had seen the man's eyes flicker with anxiety and he had laughed. Even when Zhan knew he might die, the fact that Yibo would punish the people responsible had given Zhan a sense of peace. He had told Yibo to avenge him. His mate was going to do it.Yibo was holding his hand tight and Zhan squeezed back accepting what was going to happen. A huge metal door came into vision and Zhan heard the screams coming from behind it, his own hands itching with the need to tear through flesh. His anger was spiked and he was going to draw blood tonight. He had not been able to fight those vampires before but he had Yibo with him now. He was going to pay these fuckers back for every drop of blood they took from him. These bastards messed with him, it was time for payback.

They were mere ten steps away from the door when Yibo suddenly turned to Zhan and cupped his cheeks. The sudden action had Zhan's brows furrowing and he gave Yibo a questioning look but the Alpha kissed him softly and joined their foreheads. "What happened, Yibo?", he asked softly and there was a pained look on Yibo's face. "I know they have wronged you but there's a part of me that doesn't want you inside that room. I don't want you anywhere near them. And I don't want you to see me that way. The things I will do...Zhan...you-" The Alpha looked away and Zhan realised what was bothering his mate. His features softened and he kissed the corner of Yibo's mouth, smiling softly. "You think I will see you hurt them and it will make me see you in a different light?" The Alpha didn't answer his question and Zhan saw Yibo's eyes shining with an emotion Zhan knew was fear. "I can see the things I will do to them, Zhan. It's playing through my head. I won't go easy on them. It won't be enough just to kill them. They tried to take the one thing that matters the most to me. The only good thing I have. They hurt the one person I have chosen to protect with my life. The moment I cross that door, my patience and my control will leave me." Zhan placed his hands on Yibo's and kissed his mate's palm softly. "I love you, Wang Yibo. I have chosen all of you. Nothing and no one in this world will change what I feel and definitely not the bastards behind these closed doors. I wanted to come here too. So no matter what happens inside, I can handle it if you promise me that you will come back to me and we will leave this all behind." Yibo cupped his face again and Zhan gasped when Yibo kissed him hard. "I promise you."

Xiao Zhan saw his mate open the door and the first thing that hit him was the stench of blood and suffering. The screams were definitely louder but it wasn't the screams that had goosebumps rising on his skin. The dried blood on the floor and the awful scent of death filled the air and Zhan swallowed at the sight. The hand around his loosened and Zhan found Yibo looking at him with a vacant look in his eyes. Zhan didn't know what was going through Yibo's head but Zhan still thought he should tell Yibo it was okay. "I am okay. Let's go." He walked in front of Yibo taking in the small sized cells, chains hanging from the ceiling and his brows arched. Damn. He didn't realize he had stopped walking until he felt Yibo come too close. "Uncomfortable?", came the cold voice but Zhan shook his head walking forward again. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!!!!",  came the loud shout and following the sound Zhan found Haoxuan leaning over someone as he...."Is that 'asshole' written on his chest?", Zhan blurted rather loudly and Haoxuan turned to him with a warm smile on his face. "Ah! Zhan? I wasn't expecting you here. I was just keeping our guests company. I mean come on, atleast someone needs to have a humor here." The man spoke happily and then turned to Yibo arching a brow. Yibo nodded once at his enforcer telling him it was okay before moving to the figures chained tight to the wall. The two vampires who had touched Zhan were chained to the wall, obscenities were carved into their skin and the men were suffering. Hard. Yibo liked it a lot. "I had to have something to keep me going...I didn't touch the dumb wolf and the dumber vampire. Rest were fair game." Yibo's lips curved at Xuan's explanation and he went near the vampires.

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