44. When will he wake up?

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Wang Yibo held Zhan close to himself as he saw Zi Yi talk to a man behind her, occasionally gazing at his mate. Haikuan, Zhuocheng and his enforcers were behind him all backing up the Alpha pair. He kissed Zhan's head again, whispering to him that everything would be fine and calmed his racing heart that was ready to jump out of his chest. His hands were clammy, he was breathing heavy and sweat was beading on his forehead due to the nervousness. Haikuan patted his shoulder offering him reassurance silently and Yibo was thankful for it. He saw Zi Yi coming their way with a bunch of people behind her and his enforcers flanked them at once, guarding them from strangers. The strangers gazed at his people warily and Yibo motioned at Rong and Xuan to stand down. The people stood close to each other, avoided everyone's eyes and Yibo slowly realised that they were afraid. There were almost thirty of them. Upon closer look, Yibo saw the bruises on the women's faces and men limping as they walked. The children held their parents' clothes in a death grip, afraid they would be taken away. Yibo had no idea what these people had endured but he could feel it was nothing good. The Wens had been too cruel. Men and women of all age groups could be seen and the women were smiling and openly crying which Yibo assumed were tears of relief. Yibo also observed how they looked at Zi Yi as if the woman was their lifeline. They trusted the woman enough to embrace an entirely new life. Yibo couldn't decide if Wen Zi Yi was a friend or a foe but all that mattered was that she was going to help his mate. Zi Yi talked to the people for a while and then walked towards Yibo, her eyes determined and bold.

"They are the members of my old pack. Six of them are healers just like me and have agreed to help." "When can you start?", Yibo asked bluntly and saw a small smile come onto Zi Yi's lips. "I need Wu Xize to feed him so that some of his internal injuries can heal. I suggest we head back to Lan territory first. It's best if Zhan wakes up in a place he is familiar with. The things he endured here...if he sees the place again it might trigger a bad memory." Yibo's jaw clenched at her words but he nodded at her suggestion before turning to Haoxuan. "Take some people with you and comb this place through. Bring the Omegas to the Jiang pack and the ones who create a problem to Lan territory." "What about Zhang Wei and He Peng?", Xuan asked carefully and Yibo breathed through the wrath that was threatening to take over him. "Take them to the Lan territory and throw them in the dungeons. I will take care of them when my Zhan wakes up." Yibo wanted nothing more than to kill the fuckers but he had to wait. Zhan was his priority and Yibo couldn't bring himself to leave his mate's side. Zhang Wei had hurt Zhan. His firecracker had to see what happens to the people that dare to hurt him.
The Lan pack members got to work and Yibo lifted Zhan up in his arms walking to his car. He gently lay Zhan on his side and got in beside him placing his firecracker's head gently on his lap. "Don't worry, Zhan-Zhan. Everything will be okay."  He spoke the words to ease Zhan and more than that to assure himself. The faint tremors of his hands had not yet subsided and the image of Zhan lying lifelessly on the ground was burned in his memory. He clutched Zhan harder to himself unconsciously. Yibo wasn't sure if he would ever recover from the events of this day. Pulling Zhan closer to him Yibo took a deep breath. Wang Rong turned to him, silently asking if they should leave and Yibo nodded. The car drove off and they left Wen territory behind.

Wu Xize was trying not to smile as he felt Yibo glaring holes into his body. He had come to the Lan territory with a few of his men and decided to feed the Omega his blood. Unfortunately, Yibo felt that Zhan and Xize were closer than necessary for the feeding. "Yibo, if you stop giving me those weird ass looks maybe I'll be able to help your mate better." "I am not giving you weird looks", came the cold, defensive response. "Come on, Yibo. This bothers you and we both know it." Yibo growled at Xize and refrained from saying anything else. Yibo's emotions were all over the place. He had almost lost Zhan today and his protective instincts were haywire, screaming at him to keep Zhan away from everyone. "If you are that bothered by my glares then you should hurry the fuck up." At Yibo's words Xize laughed softly and removed his wrist from Zhan's mouth. Yibo immediately brought a cloth to clean his mate's mouth and looked over at Zi Yi with a frown on his face. "When will he wake up?" "The blood should kick in after a few minutes. My uncle saw Zhan's condition and concluded that treating Zhan might take a few hours.The blood can help accelerate the healing process. We will handle the rest." Zi Yi was confident and the people in the room nodded their heads. "Is there anything else you will need?", Zi Yi looked over at Zhuocheng who was staring at her intensely and shook her head after clearing her throat. "We will manage. You people can leave or choose to stay. We should start now." Zi Yi nodded at her men and the six healers walked in slowly their eyes landing first on Yibo, then Xize and finally focusing of Xiao Zhan. They rounded Zhan's bed and Zi Yi asked Yibo to move. "I am not leaving him." The Alpha's voice was glacial but it didn't scare Zi Yi. "I am not asking you to go. We need to heal his vital organs first and will need to get near him. We can't do that if you are snarling and growling at us." Yibo couldn't speak for moment but was feeling torn, he didn't want to move an inch. He got up from beside Zhan unwillingly, scowled at Zi Yi but stopped when he felt an old woman grab his hand. "Stay and hold his hand. Don't worry, your Omega is a strong one. Okay?" Yibo nodded at the woman's words and moved over. He sat holding his mate's hand while the seven healers took their positions and placed their hands on Zhan's body.

The hum of energy could be felt in the air and its intensity made Yibo's skin prickle. A few seconds later, everyone removed their hands except for Zi Yi who covered one of the vampire bites with her hand. Zhan's back bowed at the contact and a deep anguished cry tore from his throat. "What are you doing?", Yibo yelled seeing his mate in pain and was going to push Zi Yi away when he felt the same woman grab him again. "Wait...The healing process cannot be stopped now. He will not be in pain for long. Hold his hand,Yibo. Stay with him." Yibo looked over to his mate writhing in pain and held the hand tighter leaning over to Zhan's ear. "It's going to be okay, Zhan-Zhan. I am here. You will be okay. Just hold on my Zhan-Zhan. Please." Tears filled Yibo's eyes as he saw his mate suffer but like the woman had said, the pain subsided after a while. Yibo wiped the sweat off Zhan's head and kissed his hand. Zi Yi was still healing Zhan when her uncle came forward. "Let go, Zi Yi. Uncle will take over now. You're getting pale." Zi Yi was indeed feeling drained. She was tired and she nodded her head to her uncle who covered another one of the vampire bites just as she let go. She had barely taken a step back when the room started to spin and she would have hit the floor if Zhuocheng had not caught her in time. "Zi Yi? Zi Yi?" Zhuocheng cupped her cheeks, calling for her and looked at the elders asking what was wrong. "She is just drained. Let her rest for a while. She will be fine after she takes rest." Zhuocheng nodded his head and walked out of the room. He had barely taken a step out when he saw Yubin coming his way. The man was looking much better now. "What's wrong with her?", Yubin asked immediately and Zhuocheng told him that she was just tired. "Let's take her to the couch", suggested A-Qing and the three moved to lay Zi Yi comfortably on the couch.

Yibo wasn't sure how long had passed. One after the other the healers treated Xiao Zhan and Yibo could see Zhan breathing easy.  His pulse had become stronger and he no longer appeared pale as he had before.  "When will he wake up?", he asked no one in particular and one of the men who was called "Third uncle" by the group patted his shoulder. "It won't take too long." Yibo let out a sigh of relief and turning to the elders respectfully bowed to them. "I can't thank you people enough for what you have done. It's not his but my life that you have saved. If there's anything....anything that I can do for you, please let me know. I will forever be in your debt." "Ah! such a sweet talker. You see this, my wife? Wasn't I the same as him back in my days?" The third uncle was pinched by his wife and the others laughed. Yibo looked over at the laughing elders and bowed again. "Thank you." "Aiyo! Stop with the bowing. You are making us feel old." The lady coughed after speaking and her companions patted her back. Yibo finally saw the exhaustion on their faces and spoke gently. "You have used a lot of your energy. Please take proper rest. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to tell me." The healers nodded at him and giving the Alpha pair a fond glance, left the room. "He looks better. I will also take my leave, Yibo. I will also leave Zhang Wei to you. There won't be any retaliation from our side over this. If anything happens, give me a call." Xize patted Yibo on the back and got up to leave. "Thanks, Xize." Yibo said the words meaningfully and the vampire shot him a sweet grin. "Are you going to bow now?" "Asshole", Yibo muttered under his breath and the vampire left the room laughing.  "Let me know when he wakes up."
Finally, it was just him and Xiao Zhan in the room. Yibo took out a fresh pair of clothes and a washcloth thinking Zhan wouldn't be comfortable in his blood stained clothes. He gently undressed his mate, his fingers lingering on the faint bite marks and Yibo felt ashamed. "I should have protected you better, Zhan. Zhang Wei was right when he said that I was responsible for you being this way. I promise you this won't happen ever again. I am so sorry, Xiao Zhan. Please...just wake up soon, baby. I miss you." Yibo kissed his mate's forehead and lay beside him. Curling up to his Zhan, Yibo breathed in the sweet scent of his mate and thanked the heavens for saving his life. Yibo kissed the soft hands of his mate apologizing softly and soon his eyes closed. He was so tired from the events of the day, he didn't even realise when he drifted off to sleep. A sense of peace came over him surrounded by his mate's scent and he dreamed of fingers running through his hair and a soft voice saying, "I missed you too."

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