31. You can never leave me..

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Zhan was leaving the kitchen, a cup of coffee in his hand when he saw Haoxuan. He peeked over Xuan's shoulder and not seeing Yibo there he asked Xuan where Yibo was. "He has gone for a run. He will be back when he calms down." Zhan's brows touched his hairline at the sentence. "What do you mean calm down? Did Chuyue do something?" Zhan couldn't hide the irritation in his voice. If Chuyue had fucked with Yibo's head, Zhan was going to break the weasel's legs. Xuan looked like he wanted to say something and Zhan was gazing at him intently but suddenly Xuan changed his mind. "It's nothing, Zhan. Yibo is okay. Good night." Strange. There was a strange feeling in Zhan's gut. Something had happened. Something bad. Xuan had never looked at Zhan this way before. The look was almost of disappointment and even a bit of anger. Zhan didn't know what to make of it. Zhan wanted to go after Xuan and ask the man to tell him what had happened but he thought he could just ask Yibo. Deciding that he was going to talk to Yibo and ask him directly, Zhan knocked on Hedi's door to ask where Yibo usually went for his runs. "Well, when we go for runs together, he rests near a little brook about twenty minutes away. There is big tree which Yibo's wolf likes to sit under. Maybe you could take a look there." "Thanks a lot." Zhan rushed outside and ran towards the direction Hedi had pointed to. His ears caught a faint sound of running water confirming that Zhan was going the right way. A total of fifteen minutes and he saw the little stream....It was breathtaking. A little piece of paradise. The water was gleaming under the moonlight and the tall trees surrounding the place made the view even better. Zhan walked forward, his fingers twitching to feel the running water. Just like Hedi had said there was a big tree near the water with a big, flat stone in front of it and Zhan saw the long, deep claw marks on the tree's bark. Yibo's wolf had marked it. Running his fingers over the jagged marks, Zhan was going to feel the cool, running water when he heard the rustle of the leaves behind him. All of a sudden, Zhan knew he wasn't alone, there was this feeling of being watched. Goosebumps rose on his skin and the low, deep growl he heard had his body tensing.

The scent of cedar and spice was so rich, Zhan was sure it was Yibo's wolf behind him. Zhan felt Yibo come up behind him and he unblocked his scent hoping the wolf recognized him. The last thing Zhan wanted was to piss Yibo's wolf off because he had been standing in a place the Alpha considered his territory. He and Yibo's wolf had never met before. Zhan was curious to see what the wolf looked like but as he moved to turn around, the wolf snarled his displeasure. Zhan froze again and held still as he felt the wolf scent him. The wolf's muzzle was buried in his neck and when Zhan heard the soft growl of satisfaction leave Yibo's wolf, he let out the breath he was holding. He slowly turned around and saw a big, black wolf almost as tall as him standing before him. The black fur was darker than the night and Zhan could feel the air around Yibo's wolf hum with power. Yibo's wolf shared the man's qualities, it was intimidating and powerful with its muscular build and Zhan was completely aware of how the wolf's mouth which was rubbing against his cheek at the moment could rip out his throat if Zhan angered it. Zhan took a small step back and the wolf took one further not ready to reduce the distance between them. Taking that as a good sign, Zhan buried his hands into the soft fur and marvelled at how beautiful those golden eyes were. They were focused on Zhan with such intensity, Zhan's spine tingled under it. Scratching behind the wolf's ears, Zhan smiled at the content sounds that erupted from the wolf and he gently placed his forehead over Yibo's wolf. "Hi",he said softly and the wolf licked at his neck in greeting. "I wasn't expecting you to be this big. I am glad I finally met you." The wolf rubbed itself against Zhan and Zhan laughed at the territorial move. "Now I see where Yibo gets his possessive streak from." The wolf sat down and Zhan followed it, sitting with his back to the tree when he saw the golden eyes look up to him. Yibo's wolf nosed Zhan's hand and getting the message Zhan's hands caressed the soft fur again as Yibo's wolf buried it's head in Zhan's lap, breathing him in. The small move had Zhan's heart leaping out of his chest with happiness. Zhan was content in that precious moment. His lips settled on the wolf's head softly and he smiled brightly when the wolf settled further into him.

A lot of time passed and Zhan didn't realise when he drifted off to sleep but he slowly woke up to a soft voice singing. The beautiful, husky voice was coming from his mate and Zhan's eyes fluttered open to see Yibo, back in his human skin singing softly as he gazed at the moon. Zhan was settled on his chest and guessing from the heat coming off Yibo's body, the man was naked.  Zhan closed his eyes again listening to the song about longing and hope and when the song  ended he opened his eyes to find Yibo staring at him intently. "I didn't know you could sing", he whispered and Yibo palmed his cheek dropping a kiss to his lips. " You never asked." "Are you saying that all I need is to ask and you will tell me everything?", he teased but his smile dropped when he saw the serious look on Yibo's face. "I will."  "And what if I ask for something you can't give me?",he asked again and for a few moments, Yibo was silent. "I will give everything you want, Zhan-Zhan. All you need to do, is ask." 'What if I ask you to let me stay?', were the words on his tongue but Zhan pursed his lips instead and stayed silent. "My answer will be yes." Yibo's low voice had Zhan stiffening in his arms but he didn't get an opportunity to ask Yibo what he meant because the next moment, his lips were captured into a searing kiss. It wasn't just a kiss. Yibo owned him with his lips. Yibo plundered his mouth, dominated it with the sensual licks and nips and Zhan was helpless in his hands. Yibo pulled him onto his lap and Zhan felt Yibo's hard length dig into him. Need. The need to have Yibo was like a fever in his veins and Zhan ripped his shirt off sucking at Yibo's neck as the man groaned in ecstasy. Zhan kissed Yibo like his life depended on it and it really did. He felt that his body would explode with want if he didn't have Yibo right now.

Getting rid of his jeans and underwear Zhan positioned himself on Yibo's erection. He didn't care if he came off as desperate because he had admitted it to himself that he was. Zhan wanted Yibo more than his next breath and when his mouth settled on the juncture between Yibo's neck and shoulder, Zhan was tempted to take a bite. Tempted like he had been the first day he had a taste of Yibo.  He sucked at the exposed skin, leaving a mark and moaned when Yibo pulled his head back with a hand fisted in his hair. "Is my firecracker hungry for my cock?", came the husky voice and Zhan was too far gone to resist. "Yes, I need it. Yibo..." His words were cut off when Yibo kissed him again and Zhan moaned when Yibo slammed him down on his cock. The familiar burn had Zhan gasping like he always did when Yibo entered him. The pain and pleasure clouded his vision and Zhan moaned out loud. "More. Want more",he rasped and Yibo collared his throat his eyes bright golden. "You want more of me Xiao Zhan....then you will get more of me." The words were barely out when Xiao Zhan found himself beneath Yibo and Yibo slammed into him so hard, his back bowed off the stone slab. The pace was too fast, Yibo was too deep in him and Zhan's legs fell apart and he clung to Yibo with all his might. The animalistic growls leaving Yibo's throat made Zhan burn harder for him and Zhan didn't know if he wanted to hug Yibo closer or scramble away from the overwhelming pleasure. "Too...much, Yibo", he moaned and Yibo buried his face in his throat pounding even harder. " Take it all...Everything I give you...Take all of me, Xiao Zhan. My beautiful Omega...taking me so well." Yibo's teeth broke skin and and Zhan screamed as he exploded smearing himself and Yibo with his cum. Yibo kept riding him and two deep strokes later he came in Zhan, his head thrown back at the sensation he felt. Their bodies trembled in each other's arms and Yibo's strength left him and he landed on Zhan crushing Zhan with the delicious weight. Hands tangled in his damp hair and Yibo buried his face deeper into his mate's neck, filling his lungs with that amazing dark chocolate and vanilla scent. He fingers dug into Zhan's waist as he clutched the stunning creature in his arms. "I will never let you go, Xiao Zhan. You belong right here. In my arms. I don't care who says otherwise, You were made for me just as I was for you. You were meant to be with me."

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