16. Run away, Zhan-Zhan...

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Luo Jing Tong stared at Wang Yibo and knew that they were in a dire situation.
If they didn't find someone to replace En Jie,the consequences would be bad. She wanted to slap En Jie for her stupidity but everytime she thought of En Jie, Xiao Zhan came to her mind. That boy had been a thorn in her side for two decades. First his father had competed with her husband for this pack. Now, she knew that the latent would follow in his father's footsteps and be a problem for her son. Xiao Liu and Xiao Feng had definitely taught their son well. She wanted to throw Xiao Zhan to the vicious wolves before her but her husband had warned her. They were not to mention Xiao Zhan in front of Wang Yibo. She assumed it was because of her husband's protective instincts regarding Zhan. Her husband was more concerned for that latent than his own family and Jing Tong was furious. Jian Min treasured that child and Jing Tong knew that Xiao Liu was the reason. She had been her husband's first love. She knew that Jian Min still loved that woman more than her, his own mate. He had confessed it to her when drunk and since that night, Jing Tong hadn't had peace in her life. Jian Min saw that woman in Xiao Zhan and had gone to extreme measures to protect him. He had forced her to look at that boy's face everyday and Jing Tong had to endure it. Her own children were blind and protected that mutt. She had tried all these years to turn them against Xiao Zhan but her stubborn children refused to. She had been suffering for so long but today she was going to end it all. If they were going to die, she would make sure it was Xiao Zhan who got ripped apart first. She turned her eyes to her protector and with a nod he signalled his man in the crowd. A minute later a shaky voice came. "En Jie left because of Xiao Zhan. He should take her place."

No one knew for sure who had spoken but a single sentence set things in motion.  Zhuocheng and Jian Min growled in fury and some of the pack members backed away in fear. Jing Tong kept her face blank that gave away nothing when her husband scowled at her. "Leave him out of this", warned Zhuocheng but the idea had already reached Wang Yibo's ears. "Seems like everyone in this pack isn't stupid. Since it was him who started all of this, it's only fair that Xiao Zhan finishes it. Mr. Luo, Send for my future mate." The arrogant words had Jian Min clenching his teeth. He should have known Jing Tong would throw Xiao Zhan under the bus. He tried to hide his disappointment but failed. Jing Tong had betrayed his trust today and the look he gave her conveyed his feelings completely.  "Xiao Zhan isn't involved in this, Mr. Wang. Leaving was En Jie's decision." Jian Min had kept his tone calm despite of the anger bubbling in him but Wang Yibo saw through it. "Anger won't get you out of this problem. Handing over Xiao Zhan will. Who says he isn't involved? He was the one who reached out to me, if anything goes wrong he is to pay for it." Zhuocheng had tried to rein himself in but he couldn't anymore. "You keep your filthy paws off him. Zhan isn't going anywhere."  People thought it was Zhuocheng's tone that offended Yibo but they didn't realize that Wang Yibo's anger surged because of how Zhuocheng talked of Zhan. As if the young Alpha had rights over his Zhan. "This is the last time I will say it, Xiao Zhan will become my Omega and leave with me tonight whether you people agree or not. Don't force me to resort to violence, Luo Jian Min." Wang Yibo's eyes flashed wolf and someone from the crowd begged Jian Min,"Please, Alpha. Agree to his conditions. If the Wens attack, I will kill my daughter and myself. Think of us, Alpha." Following the woman soon everyone started to beg Jian Min to agree to Wang Yibo's wish. The fear for their own safety made them so selfish they forgot that they were subjecting Zhan to a life they themselves couldn't live with. The same Xiao Zhan who had played with their children, provided them with everything they needed, stayed awake at nights while taking care of them and did everything he could to make them happy. Jian Min closed his eyes and his voice broke when he ordered his men to bring Xiao Zhan. "Dad, no. He is innocent. Don't do this",pleaded Zhuocheng but there was nothing they could do now. What happened was what Jian Min was afraid of and he had tried to keep Zhan safe but failed. 'Xiao Liu, I am sorry'.

Zhan was pacing in his uncle's study, too restless to sit down. Yubin was with him and had said countless reassuring words to him but Zhan couldn't rest. He suspected something big was happening in his uncle's house. He thought his uncle had him stay behind because he feared that Wang Yibo would hold Zhan accountable for what happened. He just hoped no one got hurt and Wang Yibo agreed to give them a few more days. Jiyang had called him too and told him that if Yibo tried to hurt Zhan, Haoxuan would step in but Zhan was not afraid for himself, it was his pack he was worried about. He had asked Yubin to go and check things out but Yubin had ignored his words. Zhan had already expected the answer but he had to try. Thirty minutes had passed and Zhan was going crazy, his imagination running wild. "Yubin, call someone to find out what's happening. I will go insane if I am left with my thoughts." His protector immediately got to work and some time later, Zhan heard footsteps coming their way. He pulled the door open and it was a pack member standing before him. "Sheng, is everything ok?",he inquired at once and the man told him that his uncle had called him. Zhan ran to the house with Yubin hot on his heels and when he entered the meeting room he found everyone staring at him. "Alpha?", he called out softly to his uncle but it was someone else who responded. "You should start addressing me as your 'Alpha' now." Zhan stared at Wang Yibo with a frown on his face and was surprised when Yibo smiled at him. "I told your pack they had to find me another Omega. Guess what? They chose you."

"What?", Zhan raised his voice and looked over to his uncle for an answer. "Why me? What's happening, Uncle?" When he got no answer he turned to Zhuocheng, "A-Cheng,What is he talking about?", he tried again but Zhuocheng stood silent not even looking his way. Realising they will not answer Zhan turned to Wang Yibo. "I am sure we can come up with another solution. Yibo, we just need a little time", he said cautiously but Yibo stood up from his seat looking at his uncle. "You have five minutes. Talk some sense into your nephew or you know what will happen." With those words Yibo walked out and Zhan saw his uncle dismiss everyone. It was only him,Yubin, his Uncle and Zhuocheng  in the room and Zhan walked over to his uncle, standing before him. "What did he do,Uncle? Please be honest with me. I need to know what happened", he begged and only then his uncle told him what had transpired in the last half an hour. "Run away, Zhan-Zhan. Uncle will take care of everything." The emotions on his uncle's face was a kick to Zhan's guts. There was fear on that face along with defeat. "Zhuocheng," his uncle beckoned Zhuocheng who came with a duffel bag in his hands. "This is all you will need. Go and hide well. When things settle down, I will bring you back myself. I will never let Wang Yibo hurt you." Zhan hands shook as his uncle handed the bag to him and Zhan saw tears fill his uncle's eyes. Zhan knew his uncle loved him. He also knew that a big part of the reason was his mother. It had never made Zhan feel strange because he knew his uncle's heart was pure. He had always prioritised Zhan. Stood by him and shielded Zhan against everyone including his own wife. Even now, he was ready to sacrifice everything he had worked for, all for him. Zhan felt his uncle wipe at his face and he realised he was crying. How could Zhan let the man who had done nothing but care for him suffer like this? How could Zhan risk his Uncle, Zhuocheng and the little Omegas he cared about by being selfish. He didn't want to do this, the mere idea of being used like this was nauseating but did he really have a choice? What if he ran and Wang Yibo came for his pack? What if the Wens took this as an opportunity and annihilated everything Zhan cherished more that his life? Zhan had never thought this would happen but he prepared himself. "Don't worry, Uncle. I will be fine. It won't be that bad. I can handle him. Just-", his words were cut off by Zhuocheng who grabbed his shoulders harshly. 

"No. You are leaving. Zhan, I know you don't want this. If I wasn't ready to force a stranger into this, do you think I will let my own brother do it? Dad is right, Zhan. I will protect you. Leave and gege will bring you back ok?" To someone else this would have appeared to be an order but Zhan knew Zhuocheng all too well. Zhuocheng was begging him to not do this. He was trying to shield Zhan, again. This was what his Uncle and Zhuocheng had done all his life. Shielded Zhan. Protected him. This time it was Zhan's turn to return that favor. "I can talk to him and convince him, Zhuocheng. Running away will only make him angrier and staying away from my pack will kill me. I know what I am doing, A-Cheng. I have always trusted you. Trust me just this once." His words were soft as he wiped the lone tear that escaped Zhuocheng's eye. The thing was, they didn't have an option. They couldn't escape Wang Yibo and Zhan realised how much of a mess their lives were going to become. Wang Yibo could finish them all off without batting an eye but Zhan wasn't going to let that happen. If he was what it took to keep them all safe then Zhan would give himself to Wang Yibo without any questions. He would do whatever it took to keep his family safe but he would do it on his own terms. Wang Yibo could ask him to be his Omega but Zhan would never belittle himself by letting the Alpha stamp all over his dignity. "Yubin, go out and tell Wang Yibo I want to talk to him. Alone. I have a few conditions."

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