chapter 9

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Kandis pov:

I saw Finn and a girl named Emma talking with each other , I walked towards them and made myself comfortable besides Finn but I got up again and got on the back seat that is besides callen , I had a plan . Finn looked up to the seat besides him and then to me in the back seat

" What ? ", Finn's asked

" How about sharing your seat with Emma than me ", I smiled teasingly.

Finn looked back at Emma and replied

" She already took her sea- ", before he could complete Emma cut him off and without leaving a second replied with " yes , sure ".

We both chuckled at her excitement and I could see her Blushing .

" Where is callen ? ", I asked Finn and his expression changed to serious.

" Don't know , Don't worry he will come ". Finn said and I just gave a nod .

Callen never even once showed up in class or near class , my eyes were searching for him in the corridor , hoping I could feel his presence soon but that never happened and I could see Finn was not focused on class either.

The class was over and Emma walked up to Finn and a smile appeared on my face . I left them both alone and searched for callen . I was sure he was in school because as a bodyguard he cannot let Finn roam around alone .

I searched in library , cafeteria thinking somewhere in cafeteria I could find a hungry callen but he wasn't there , as I was about to go in class I thought of searching him in parking lot , I know this don't make sense , why would someone go there in school hours but let's try .

And I was correct , I saw Callen leaning against his black car , his face was emotionless but still I could see something was off. I leaned on his car besides him and stared at him not to make it seem creepy but I wanted to see what emotion he was holding .

" if you stare at me one more second I will think you are flirting with me ". He said while I kept staring at him .

" As if I would care if you think that ", I replied

His face turned towards me but before he could say anything I cut him off and asked " what happened? ".

He didn't gave a reply , I thought I was getting ignored but I asked him again more politely " tell me , what happened ? ".

He looked at me , his look was confused as if he was thinking if he should really tell me about what's going on? .

" You can tell me , I promise I won't tell anyone about the problem going on in your mind ". I said .

" My brother got promoted ", he said raising his voice just enough so I could here it .

" Ohh, but isn't it a good thing ? You don't look happy about it ? ", I asked.

Irritation flashed through his face , he was silent but I need to know what happened to make him feel better , to comfort him .

" Callen , talk to me ", I said .

Something cracked in his expression and all his emotions gave crashing out .the sight of it surprised me , I have never seen Callen Keller like this .

" He got promoted and I am still stuck here ! In high school ", he said . Only thing I understood is that callen is not a high school student and I failed to observe it because he was never a open book to me .

He ran his hand through his hair as the words came out , each of them realising a big of frustration.

" I am not a high school student , I completed my high school studies at a very young age and was sent to military , my brothers are surrounded by people who can respect them For their work . I have to spend my day following a guy and handle empty headed girls ! I didn't mean you when I said empty headed ", he said and that made me chuckle a little but I came back to my senses. He crossed his arm and shook his head as if he cannot believe where he was . " For two more years I have to deal with complete lack of freedom ". His gaze met mine

" Do you understand how aggravating that is ? ".

I didn't respond for a long moment . I could never understand it .

"I am sorry ", I said.

Callen nodded , then took a deep breath.

" I know it's frustrating but this will be worth it in the long run ", I said.

He gave a mocking chuckle "Yeah, it doesn't feel that way at the moment. I just spent hours with my brother, having to listen as he tells me about how great his job is."

"You're going to get that. Callen , at the end of this you get to walk into any place and get whatever job you want. You have to remember that." I said.

He nodded but stared down at the ground, lost in his own thoughts. He looked back up at me .

"He talked to me about some of his coworkers. Halfway through I realized that some of the people I interact with are ten years younger than the people he works with." He said

I made a sympathetic face. "Yeah, that part does suck. I still find it irritating and I'm not you."

Callen let out a breath of a laugh, smiling. A moment later the look fell away, as he focused on the distance targets.

" What you are doing matters ", I said.

His gaze return to mine but he said nothing .

"Finn is able to have a normal life because of you. With all the crap he has to deal with, that's a gift. Don't forget that . It's not easy being in the same school with your half brother and when you cannot tell anyone about who your parents are , and that was you who handled him in these situations ", I said

He stared at me , absorbing my words .

"Your job isn't worthless because the people around you are. You don't get a lot of appreciation but you're doing a good thing here.

Finn is grateful for it and so am I. Try to remember it. I used to alone ", I said .

He gave a nod in appreciation, his shoulders straightening with renewed resolve. As he looked at her a small thankful smile curved the edge of his mouth. My lips echoed the look, then I nodded him out of the parking lot.

" Need to go somewhere ! I will drive ", I said .

He gave a nod and I saw him typing something on his phone .

" Huh ? ", I made a confused face .

" Your bag is in school and I cannot keep Finn alone so I messaged for bringing another bodyguard", he replied .

" Ohh , okay but Finn isn't alone now ", I said teasingly. He got what I meant and asked

" Who? ".

" Why ? You want to have her background check like me? ", I asked as he laughed

" No , but to tease someone ", he said while laughing. I saw him for the first time being so free and letting his emotions to show . I was happy to make him comfortable around me .

" Where are we going ? ", He asked

" I don't want to waste a chance to shoot something", I said .

" That same gun shop ? ", He asked

" Yeah , I cannot go anywhere else because Smith is the only person who allow me use gun as I am underage ", I said .

" Smith was my father's friend , he was in military just like you and I am not sure about his job but he is a agent besides he runs a gun shop", I told him while he gave a nod .

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